Ahh, it’s good to be back!
I’m rockin’ my animated GIF and dragging this site into the 2oth century!
What? …Oh… How am I supposed to keep track of your stupid centuries anyway?
I don’t care. I’m keeping the GIF.
Anyway, it seems that poor Rosa scored a 278 on the old Death Poll, and you know what they say!
“Don’t stop believin’, unless they score Even!”
I kill myself… well, not actually myself, but other people.
Ah, well, I’m sure she’s in a better place now. Next week it looks like we’ll be back to Bree’s storyline again, since that seems to be what most of you are interested in seeing. Mr. Hunter keeps whining about giving the supporting characters fair time or something. I don’t really care. I just want to see what garnish Bree chose to go with her outfit.
I hope it’s not cilantro. That stuff tastes awful.
No seriously! I can totally taste it. It tastes like soap!
There was this waiter once that swore to me there was no cilantro in my rice, but I could actually taste it! I had him boiled in a light soy ginger sauce… well, I would have, but I was in a hurry to get to a meeting, so I just left him a less than generous tip… 15 percent… 16, maybe, I’m not good with math.
Oh, and one more thing!
Uh-oh. Poor Teal. First losing her cousin Teddy, now her sister.
Ooh. Teal will not be happy about that. Not one little bit.
In other news: Called it. Sort of.
And I’m with you on the cilantro thing. Can’t stand the stuff.
Hah hah 8)
Yeah, you did call it. And I totally doubted you, so I owe you a beer or something, I guess.
Hey, Dracomage. I thought you might like this site given your feelings about cilantro. http://www.ihatecilantro.com/
As for the garnish, try laurel, it’s not just good for all kind of savory cuisine, but it has the double meaning of “victory” for those who carry it (laurel wreath). And we all know who is an “expert at winning” in this reality (Phobia the Aimless is from a different space-time, so she doesn’t count).
As for the DM’s new animated gif avatar. I think he totally misses Bree. Wait, that bouncing chick has green hair, are you cheating Bree with someone else? And for a moment I thought you were serious…
> Mr. Hunter keeps whining about giving the supporting characters fair time or something.
Fair is not the same thing as equitable, nor vice versa. That said, it’s Mr. Hunter’s story to tell.
Also, DM: they only way you could make that avatar better, is switching to a green palette. Just a suggestion.
Never mind the garnish, I want to know what kind of dip you’re gonna put Bree in.
. . . there’s going to be dip, right? o_o
Boo. No pages left.
Heh heh, I always hated hitting that wall of “no more content” in other people’s comics, but, at least now I have a lot more sympathy for them. 8)