Adult Education
The Bloodhound Gang is on the case!
And with that, I believe we have reached a good stopping point for this particular story arc.
I think I’m gonna take a week off to rest and try to get my head screwed on straight again, so expect the next episode to drop at the end of the month.
Thank you all for sticking with Delve over the years and being such a great source of support and encouragement. I truly appreciate you all!
I’ll be back in a couple of weeks to catch up on some characters we haven’t seen in a while. ‘Till then, you should check out some new webcomics! There’s plenty to choose from in the “Friends of Delve” section, especially Spying With Lana that features a Delve-themed Vote incentive this week!
And here’s a few you might not have seen yet that I enjoyed:
I have this inexplicable urge to yell, ‘But what about the Flux Capacitor?!’
That orb of education definitely has some implications…
But now we get what meta-Bree is now…
I get the feeling that the person Bree is merging with might also be an avatar, and not the guy who can master all the elements to defeat the Fire Lord or be a big blue sleep-walker.
Uh?. Wait .. u saying “Bree” is not elf( since she has elf ear) and possible become an avatar according to what she said ?
You saying she’s not merging with Jen? o_O
As long as the Fire Nation doesn’t attack, we should be good.
Oh great, this kinda confirms my headcanon) Bree is real and Jen is real, and they are connected somehow.
I think Bree felt powerless when Jen abandoned the game, but then something happened – probably a car crash and Jen’s coma – that made their bond stronger and allowed Jen to override Bree’s personality.
Ayy, we get to see them again , nice ..
Btw, was wondering … : would we get to see BreeXSark scene later ?
Nope. The only part of it we will see was on last weeks vote incentive. This comic isnt going to show that sort of content. As has been stated before. Repeatedly by our wormy lord and savior.
In previous page last panel , we seen Bree kissed Sark . So I’m hoping we could get to see scene like that but not in explict way . ( u know what I mean ) like “Witcher “(game) styles romance scenes .
We probably won’t see too much in the main narrative of the comic, unless it somehow advances the plot. I prefer to keep the “sexy for the sake of sexy” scenes off to the side. I mean Moonblade seems to be capable of multitasking that sort of thing, but Bree prefers to give it her all, plot be damned. 8)
Yeah its fine
, just thought it could fit in right context ( if wasnt/ not in very explict way u know what i mean) but this is also ok too.
Love your comic man
,cant wait to see next page.
If they are using the OTHER end… then she will surely become an abomination, no doubt. ;D
Take care of yourself: I look forward to your future work!
…where did she get the book from again?
Kel has access to a vast storehouse of knowledge, ripped from the minds of the finest sages in the known world. There are certain advantages to being an artifact weapon after all. 8)
Wait, was Moonie actually showing concern for Bree in panel five? o_O
I think she’s starting to grow a bit fond of this honorless thief.
Mr Orc has sex with many different species females, “high risk of Sexually transmitted diseases”. Bree has sex with “other end”, much higher risk of catching STDs.
I never expected to see this!
…Good thing spell like remove disease exist here!
Bree is another children of Bhaal.. Hehehe, Baldurs Gate reference
Heck no, that end’s got teeth!
I was hoping we’d see the sexy scene OwO