I mean, the rulebook had weird rules regarding monsters like purple worms who were big enough to swallow a man whole; the victim takes damage as they are digested, but can try to cut themselves out. However, “muscular action” closes the hole afterward, meaning that multiple swallowed adventurers each have to cut their own hole. Utterly ridiculous, yes, as far as biology is concerned, but it stops players from deliberately getting swallowed and then insta-killing the monster.
AKA That intro scene from Guardians of the Galaxy where Drax the Destroyer intentionally jumps into the maw of an inter-dimensional monster while laughing maniacally.
When someone rushes at you that devoid of fear. Even if theu are half your size it can still be scary. In a dragon’s case surely enough to give one pause.
And if these dragons are of the non-intelligent variety as they seem. Remember that in africa one of the ways they reccomend you deal with a lion is to run at it. Not away. Predators get unsettled when prey doesnt act like prey should
Remembers me of an old D&D game (nope, not AD&D. Old-school D&D) whre a drgon ate a rather hated *very* high level PC (of a well-loved player who always played humorously card-carrying backstabbing villains). Every single other PC started hacking at the belly with gusto “to avenge him”. Of course, they didn’t knew the PC took 1/4 of all the damage… or did they?
“I take a running spear lunge at the belly”
Yep. That sounds innocent enough.
And soon enough, the dragon succumbed to the onslaught, and the PC rose, covered in blod and viscous fluids, from its belly…
“She’s giving birth! It’s her offspring!!” (whack, whack, whack)
The PC survived with a couple HPs left, and groggily walked away mumbling “my revenge shall be horrible, HORRIBLE!”
Good times…
Hey, just because she missed the great devouring and seemed eager to witness it/join in with it, doesn’t mean anything is amiss. Nope, nothing to see here, move along.
Who knows. Maybe Bree can beat the dragon into submission and into spitting Chasta out and then Sephni can have the dragon. Or the dragon can have Sephni? Both? Yes, I’m terrible and am rather rooting for the dragon to live. XD
Well a rescue might be tried…
Assuming this IS based on D&D, it’s possible
I mean, the rulebook had weird rules regarding monsters like purple worms who were big enough to swallow a man whole; the victim takes damage as they are digested, but can try to cut themselves out. However, “muscular action” closes the hole afterward, meaning that multiple swallowed adventurers each have to cut their own hole. Utterly ridiculous, yes, as far as biology is concerned, but it stops players from deliberately getting swallowed and then insta-killing the monster.
AKA That intro scene from Guardians of the Galaxy where Drax the Destroyer intentionally jumps into the maw of an inter-dimensional monster while laughing maniacally.
“The skin is just as thick from the inside!”
Well, Drax ain’t too smart…
When someone rushes at you that devoid of fear. Even if theu are half your size it can still be scary. In a dragon’s case surely enough to give one pause.
And if these dragons are of the non-intelligent variety as they seem. Remember that in africa one of the ways they reccomend you deal with a lion is to run at it. Not away. Predators get unsettled when prey doesnt act like prey should
Just because it doesn’t talk doesn’t mean it’s not intelligent. I mean, think about it, how often do YOU talk to something you intend to eat?
Who the hell DOESN’T talk to their food?
Breen doesn’t have a top-knot though… at least, not yet
The old Bree might have let him get away…But this Bree is more fun.
Remembers me of an old D&D game (nope, not AD&D. Old-school D&D) whre a drgon ate a rather hated *very* high level PC (of a well-loved player who always played humorously card-carrying backstabbing villains). Every single other PC started hacking at the belly with gusto “to avenge him”. Of course, they didn’t knew the PC took 1/4 of all the damage… or did they?
“I take a running spear lunge at the belly”
Yep. That sounds innocent enough.
And soon enough, the dragon succumbed to the onslaught, and the PC rose, covered in blod and viscous fluids, from its belly…
“She’s giving birth! It’s her offspring!!” (whack, whack, whack)
The PC survived with a couple HPs left, and groggily walked away mumbling “my revenge shall be horrible, HORRIBLE!”
Good times…
Heh heh 8)
Yeah, the other players knew exactly what they were doing: dragon’s don’t give birth to live babies, and certainly not male dragons
I’m beginning to worry a bit about Sephni.
Hey, just because she missed the great devouring and seemed eager to witness it/join in with it, doesn’t mean anything is amiss. Nope, nothing to see here, move along.
She may have acquired a bit of a vore fetish in her time being tortured.
Who knows. Maybe Bree can beat the dragon into submission and into spitting Chasta out and then Sephni can have the dragon. Or the dragon can have Sephni? Both? Yes, I’m terrible and am rather rooting for the dragon to live. XD
I love this new carefree Bree.
So now that we are officially in the “second part” of Delve/Bree’s story are we going to see a book/s for the “first part”?
You mean like Volume One?
Actually I mean the entire first 10 chapters not just the first 70 or so comics. I do actually have that one already
I’ll have to think about it. That might make the most sense when I reissue the comic.
Poor dragon. Can’t even have a dinner in his own home. I hope they will become friends eventually.
Congrats on making it to number one! I’m hoping to break into the top 100 someday.
Thank you! It took me a while to get here, but my best advice is to just keep at it.
Haha, we got into the top 100 once, for about an hour right at the start of the month before all the regular votes/voters overwhelmed us
Grants man
Thank you!
Grats on the #1 spot, well deserved
Is Puff the magic dragon going to get killed by the sea shore?
Regarding the Riddle: what Americans call a ‘float’, we call a ‘spider’ (ice cream and fizzy drinks)
Have zero idea why we call it that though…
That’s pretty strange. Not sure how I’d feel about drinking a spider.
Heh, at first, thought the Sword was telling Breen to let the dragon go, and Breen wasn’t having any of that
No, I think that was Moonblade reproaching Bree for letting the dragon go. The reproach was a bit too hasty, it seems.
BTW, it appears that Moonblade still has a bunch of agency and attitude. Good for her.
Like said: “at first”