Honestly, I thought Bree was going to make her savings throw when she saw the Nogrog. Having failed it, unfortunately, her storyline has become decidedly less interesting. This unforeseen turn of events does, however, give me an opportunity to more fully explore some of the other characters and stories in the Delve expanded universe. So, even as we say Goodbye to Bree, this week launches the first in a 37 episode story-arc revolving around the challenges that Mister Prancy must face when he discovers that his beloved sister Jane has become engaged to a young nobleman of questionable character. Phawkes as well must confront the ghosts of his past when he learns that his great uncle Count Butterbum is gravely ill, and, unless the count’s wayward son can be found in time, the duties of State will fall squarely on the huntsman’s uneasy shoulders.
Prepare yourselves for Pride, Prejudice, and Prancy in Delve’s grandest adventure yet…
*Grabs for safety bar as story makes an abrupt illegal left turn across oncoming traffic.
This is *exactly* what I thought would happen next. So predictable….
*checks date* Hmmmmmm.
Methinks you’re right. We’ve been had!
… Goodbye Bree :,-(
Damn, you fooled me… Congratulations, only a few have been able to do that!
Hehe, long time reader first time poster. I have to say this one is mostly excellent
Perma-fan because of this. High hilarity. Nicely done…just don’t do it again.
The emperor is dead. Long live his stuffed fur.
I’m quite sure Bree’s story hasn’t reached its end, but I would like to see that arc too. Although I’d probably miss the nsfw content…
Anyone even bother to note the date?
Sure, even the title ist “April Showers”, but if the comments point out, that it most likely is an april fools entry, how would other still fall for it?
Besides Kheda mentiones that (slightly obfuscated): “*checks date* Hmmmmmm.”
BUT this is a remarkably canon april fools entry. As far as I can tell, everything *besides* Wormius’ comment, declaring the end of the Bree storyline *is* canon.
Declaring a backstory/sidestory the new main story (including an extra update) is a remarkaby tame and constructive april fools entry in my book.
Yes! This is the turn I have been waiting for; Mr. Prancy for the win!
damn and double damn! I read Wormius’s comments (completely skipping the title and date of the comic) and I actually believed him just long enough to miss my favorite (and only) NSFW comic heroine. Then of course, reading the comments reinforced that I truly had been had. Damn you, good sir!
Bree is your only NSFW comic heroine? You need to check out some of Delve’s friends, notably “ByTheBook”, “Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic” and “Spying With Lana” (have not read the others… yet
Nice April fools piece.
the expressions of the bystanders was hilarious
Even though this is April Fool’s, I admit I’d be rather interested in such a story line.
Phawkes & Prancy is best storyline.
Jeez is that an old joke.
I love the looks on the last panel.
Yeah, is it just me, or does the woman look more intrigued than shocked
[Monocle drops]