My apologies to anyone who has had comments pending for a while now. I’ve been struggling mentally a bit lately, and WordPress hasn’t been notifying me of pending posts. I only just now thought to check the backlog, and holy crap, there were a lot of missed comments.
I’m sorry about that.
Quick, Pen, ring the bell!
Oh no, he has AirPods in! He can’t hear us!
Pink wings? Really? Your Conan-like manliness has collapsed, orc.
It’s violet! … (or at least that’s why he would be saying)
It’s lightish red!
Ha, ha, which I believe some might call pink!
It’s not pink, it’s salmon (just ask King Candy)
Not that I don’t mind the nudity but I do have questions on how the Orcs plan on winning a battle in loincloths. Are we doing Rule of Sexy? Cause I’m fine with rule of Sexy, I’d just like to know if that was 100% the case.
Are you saying that maybe the Blood Claw orcs aren’t really prepared for what they’re attempting to do?
Guess why so many of them have bandages and missing limbs…
So glad they rescued Cass, take that you green lying bastard!
She has lived surprisingly long for an untagged character.
When did he ever lie?
Okay, implied
He’s still a bastard who does not deserve a redemption like that other orc did (he also doesn’t deserve to be a recurring villain, but that’s just an idiots POO and will continue reading whatever happens… probably)
I’m waiting for the Orcs to realize that they’ve become the very thing that they seek vengeance upon. That’s going to be a really great fucked up moment.
Believe One-Arm will be the first to realise, specially if he sees what Stoney is doing
Agreed. He seems more self-aware then most of his compatriots.
Him and the yellowish lady orc, hope they both get to live after this gets sorted
…they’ve become elves? *confused*
They’ve become genocidal maniacs
Same difference
420… Smoke we every day.
It’s interesting that YAFGC is just now recounting a war between orcs and elves too.
There have been many already told in YAFGC
Remember that little scuffle called “Coup De’Drow” (or whatever it was called)?