Yay, Bree’s back! Everything should be fine now.
And, speaking of Bree…
She has her own mini now, courtesy of Dragon Bait Miniatures!
Yay, Bree’s back! Everything should be fine now.
And, speaking of Bree…
She has her own mini now, courtesy of Dragon Bait Miniatures!
i hope he meets a very brutal, very gorey and very painful end…. don’t know if there is any character in the comic so far i despise quite as much… and hurting baby dragon like that … can we get 20 pages of him getting mutilated? pretty please?
Might be your most memorable villain so far! The fans definitely picked up on the hints you dropped.
Remember that the baby dragon was not a real baby but a grown up (and extremely resented one) who magically got trapped in the form of a baby dragon…
But I also find him very annoying, somebody should throw him a mirror when his eyes go blue.
i remember, but i found her cute and cuddlesome even before her phoenix act
(i might or might not have a soft spot for reptiles :p)
I started to like her when she started to listen to Bree. And was totally shipping her with that orc. Unfortunately, she’s too young for him now.
She was too old before (plus, she wanted to roast the little green piggy)
Maybe we can lend him the collar for some time after all …
Him dying wouldn’t be satisfying for me. Even painfully.
Him having his own trick turned against him, watching him squirm when being made to face his own fears and self-doubts, that’s where it’s at.
c’mon kel let bree chop his head off
It seems Kel is going to screw it up.
Why would she do that? After what he did to her?
Moonie is going to be smacking her around for awhile after this, and not in a fun way
It seems she already did.
@Guesticus: “he needs me” (re-read Kel’s part).
Thought Moonie and her wife talked her out of that shit?
I’m getting a “battered wife syndrome” vibe from her.
So, this is the master assassin.
Ohhh, can barely wait for fuck-ears to try his shit on Breen
What is Dr. Wallace Breen from City 17 supposed to do in this story?
Maybe that’s what Teal and the “great wizards” wanted to do?
@someone : he means Bree-Jen (he used the term before).
Shouldn’t it be spelled “Bren”, then? Or “Breeen” (read as “Bree-en”)?
Also #365 and #438. To open Bree to what she actually is might not be the cleverest move.
For him? or for her?
You had one job, Kel, one job – to keep your goddamn mouth shut, and you failed it!
Our pain makes us who we are. Our scars are lines on the canvas of our lives. We may wish we did not have them, but without them we are blank. Those who know pain for what it is, and have embraced the lessons it has taught them, have nothing to fear from the mindripper.
Not a big fan of that film as a whole, but I always loved that scene. Thanks!
I like the Bree figure, but (as with all the figures available from Dragon Bait), no size is indicated. How tall is this?
Just re-reading, and Mindfucker’s arrogance is seeing a ‘simple-mind’ where it is, in fact, a ‘strong-will’
The reason why it was ‘just a puddle’ within Tuul is because he is stronger than he believed even himself to be, remember how buff he appeared when he finally stood up, not just for himself, for Miko as well
Even now, he is thinking of others first