If anyone played Guild Wars…Then they know that fighting Elder Dragons is supposed to be hard, but deep down it’s secretly hard wired to be an easy win scenario.
So, how can I actually choose “No” as an answer if the plugin doesn’t work?
Besides, in my case it doesn’t work only sometimes – or, rather, does not work properly. Sometimes it asks me for a vote when I already cast one – recognizing that I already did so after I repeat the vote, other times it shews me new question with results without an option to vote – but after some time it actually allows me to do so.
So far, there were no questions I couldn’t answer, only the questions with some delay in accepting the vote.
I have a very outdated system, though, so the problem may be on my side of things.
That’s interesting. She was not explicit about which magician was it but sounds like it was indeed the DM.
What an evil wizard he is, depriving the World of its most magnificent creatures, and probably even conspiring to create orcs by means of setient-yet-scaly omelette!
He’d better go to the gym and get a decent body build (and penis amplification magic), that way maybe Bree would like him. Those antlers are not even remotely as sexy!
“Genocide” refers to our real world, to humans. When we kill other species to extinction we don’t call it “genocide”. Fantasy realities breach our percecption of what is human and what is not: they are full of alien “races” (species?) which are in most cases human-like but not quite. Would exterminating orangutans be genocide? It’s certainly a disgrace but even if orang = man (in Malay), we do not consider them humans (albeit related) and thus we don’t talk of “genocide”.
How human-like is a species that lays eggs?, really.
I haven’t been able to vote on the past few questions either. It always shows I’ve already voted. (Right now it’s on “Of course it does”, it might be getting self conscious.)
hmm honestly that move just turned me off from the comic and bree…. (might be because i am a dragon rights activist, don’t know)
however, her casual murder just there means i don’t care the slightest for the main character of this comic anymore, sad really
Thank you for noticing that! Bree has definitely been behaving oddly and rather un-Bree-like since the incident. So far, the only in-comic people who seem to have noticed are either insane or are magic weapons who are more concerned with her tactics than with her morality or lack thereof.
Actually I was not paying attention to anything about the poll until now, because yesterday I could not even see it at all, and I thought it had been removed or something.
Wow, that’s truly devious on the side of the poll! You tamper the results afterwards, not when asking the kind person who bothers to issue her opinion.
Sociologists of the World, unite! This is too outrageous even for our devious manipulations, if people realize their opinion doesn’t count, they won’t answer to polls anymore and we will lose our jobs. Manipulate, yes, but discreetly!
Bree certainly is starting to “think like portals.” At this rate, she’ll be using the portalling ability as effitiently as Minmax uses his sword Oblivion in battle. Granted, only Oblivion itself can be grabbed through a portal while Bree can use the portalling to her advantage, so I would expect Bree to be capable of outdoing Minmax in due time.
Ooops! I sort of misnamed Minmax’s sword without realizing it. He named it Oblivious, not Oblivion. The name suits Minmax as much as it does the sword.
The dragonnette is quite rational, she could have continued fighting Breen, butt instead is explaining that the orc’s are not as great and wonderful as they appear (Breen is forgetting that they were captured to be either raped until mind-broken and become compliant breeding stock, or to be raped and eaten)
Bree wanted to be captured. Do you really think the orcs had any option to actually subdue her? It’s consensual on her part, not sure how consensual it is on the side of the orcs though.
Bree has realized all the rest are just NPCs… except the hot orc.
NPCs are always expendable.
Also there was no immediate threat to anybody’s safety (except by the dragon, who apparently just murdered everyone who did not manage to escape by this or that magic method) and Bree had challenged to orc chieftain for the leadership of the clan. All was fine…
Breen needs to stop thinking with her uterus and get her head in the game
Let the momma dragon have her revenge, and keep Snark as a fuck toy (disgusting as that idea is)
Haha! I love Bree’s quips!
So, the orcs were born from goblins that ate red dragon egg yolk? Must be very good for the health! Where can I get some?
You know, I do happen to wonder about the backstory a character we haven’t seen in a while: Bediggan.
How did he become a were-rat? Was it random chance? Was he deliberately chosen by another were-rat for showing better qualities than the other rats? Were were-rats a slave race to the cats’ emperor? And was the jackalope-looking god of rats killed for real or is he still around somewhere?
Can I just say that I love that Bree’s clothing status has pretty much been full frontal nudity 24/7? Naked elves are what I love most about this comic other than the humor and the vore.
Oh no! Bree(n) has the gamer ‘must roll for initiative now, I’m bored’ syndrome!
If anyone played Guild Wars…Then they know that fighting Elder Dragons is supposed to be hard, but deep down it’s secretly hard wired to be an easy win scenario.
Sure would be convenient if you could do that when you’re stuck in cutscene world.
Benefits to being a “lucid dreamer”, I suppose.
Always a benefit!
More interrupts Mass Effect style!
Best Rogue weapon, it always backstabs.
I have not been able to vote for the last two “riddles”
Ah, I was afraid of that. It may be the beginning of the end for the old Riddle.
I have the same problem. I love the riddle, but the plugin may be a little broken at the moment. It shows me as having already voted.
Same here, last Riddle(s) was able to vote for was the Wallpapers
How about the Orcs of Tamriel?
…And no the voting lies. I didn’t say it was working! …It’s trying to take over… Probably with the help of Dracomage body pillows.
What about D&D orcs?
Warcraft orcs?
Space fungus
Sorry about the poll. Guess it might be time to put it out to pasture.
*Takes a moment of silence for the Riddle of the Dracomage*
Hand it over to the cookie gnomes, that’ll learn it.
There’s no need to fight, really. They just need to enslave Sark for Bree’s pleasure and slaughter everybody else, that way everyone would be happy.
So… the dragon girl thinks Orcs looks like Goblin and thinks they did in past as shown on 5th panel. ?
And Hope Bree not really meant to kill her quickly should she? After what dragon girl saying?
That looks just like Snark and Bark
Far too many authors joining that Martin twit and wholesale-slaughtering characters ‘just for the shock and giggles’
So, how can I actually choose “No” as an answer if the plugin doesn’t work?
Besides, in my case it doesn’t work only sometimes – or, rather, does not work properly. Sometimes it asks me for a vote when I already cast one – recognizing that I already did so after I repeat the vote, other times it shews me new question with results without an option to vote – but after some time it actually allows me to do so.
So far, there were no questions I couldn’t answer, only the questions with some delay in accepting the vote.
I have a very outdated system, though, so the problem may be on my side of things.
I think it’s definitely the plugin. Sorry about that.
Also – yay, worldbuilding!
I’m torn, I don’t know if to side with goblins eating eggs or with the ancient motherly dragon.
Anyway, why not to just lay more eggs and outcompete the goblin hunger? Vengeance? If it’s not even born, it’s not yet properly alive, get over it…
By the way, how were orcs born in this universe?
Well, the dragon seems to think that they used to be goblins until they committed the crime for which she hates them.
TY. I thought that as well, but it was not clear enough because of Bree’s impatient standing against the “textbox”.
Doesn’t that mean that they are her children, sorta? You are what you eat, right?
She says she had been imprisoned (by the Dracomage).
That’s interesting. She was not explicit about which magician was it but sounds like it was indeed the DM.
What an evil wizard he is, depriving the World of its most magnificent creatures, and probably even conspiring to create orcs by means of setient-yet-scaly omelette!
He’d better go to the gym and get a decent body build (and penis amplification magic), that way maybe Bree would like him. Those antlers are not even remotely as sexy!
It’s a bit late to create new eggs, if there are no males left to fertilize them
Isn’t it genocide?
“Genocide” refers to our real world, to humans. When we kill other species to extinction we don’t call it “genocide”. Fantasy realities breach our percecption of what is human and what is not: they are full of alien “races” (species?) which are in most cases human-like but not quite. Would exterminating orangutans be genocide? It’s certainly a disgrace but even if orang = man (in Malay), we do not consider them humans (albeit related) and thus we don’t talk of “genocide”.
How human-like is a species that lays eggs?, really.
I haven’t been able to vote on the past few questions either. It always shows I’ve already voted. (Right now it’s on “Of course it does”, it might be getting self conscious.)
Thanks for letting me know.
hmm honestly that move just turned me off from the comic and bree…. (might be because i am a dragon rights activist, don’t know)
however, her casual murder just there means i don’t care the slightest for the main character of this comic anymore, sad really
Thank you for noticing that! Bree has definitely been behaving oddly and rather un-Bree-like since the incident. So far, the only in-comic people who seem to have noticed are either insane or are magic weapons who are more concerned with her tactics than with her morality or lack thereof.
What can I say – since dragons have only one intrinsic inalienable right – to be tasty – I find your position silly.
Made me cry a bit too. She’s being very odd
Is the discoloration of the dragon’s wing on the last panel intended or not?
May be a flare from shining energy-blade.
To the poll: “No, I can’t click on anything”.
Actually I was not paying attention to anything about the poll until now, because yesterday I could not even see it at all, and I thought it had been removed or something.
My first visit here and it voted on itself. I didn’t click on it and it made a choice for me.
Wow, that’s truly devious on the side of the poll! You tamper the results afterwards, not when asking the kind person who bothers to issue her opinion.
Sociologists of the World, unite! This is too outrageous even for our devious manipulations, if people realize their opinion doesn’t count, they won’t answer to polls anymore and we will lose our jobs. Manipulate, yes, but discreetly!
Bree certainly is starting to “think like portals.” At this rate, she’ll be using the portalling ability as effitiently as Minmax uses his sword Oblivion in battle. Granted, only Oblivion itself can be grabbed through a portal while Bree can use the portalling to her advantage, so I would expect Bree to be capable of outdoing Minmax in due time.
Yeah, that’s very Minmax style. I wonder where she learned it. Or is it inspired by Kel, the mindripper’s less evil soul aspect?
Ooops! I sort of misnamed Minmax’s sword without realizing it. He named it Oblivious, not Oblivion. The name suits Minmax as much as it does the sword.
And Bree is still capable of rhyming on purpose!
…I really don’t wanna see this dragon die
Starting to feel like Bree has become a bad guy that needs to lose :/
The most dangerous bad guys are the ones that think they are the heroes.
I don’t think Bree thinks herself as “hero” anymore: she’s clearly just “playing the game” for her own reasons.
Also that dragon seems quite violent.
The dragonnette is quite rational, she could have continued fighting Breen, butt instead is explaining that the orc’s are not as great and wonderful as they appear (Breen is forgetting that they were captured to be either raped until mind-broken and become compliant breeding stock, or to be raped and eaten)
Bree wanted to be captured. Do you really think the orcs had any option to actually subdue her? It’s consensual on her part, not sure how consensual it is on the side of the orcs though.
That was that before she found out those not selected to be raped into submission were going to become food
Did you forget that she was not alone?
Breen believes this is nothing more than a wet dream for her
Bree has realized all the rest are just NPCs… except the hot orc.
NPCs are always expendable.
Also there was no immediate threat to anybody’s safety (except by the dragon, who apparently just murdered everyone who did not manage to escape by this or that magic method) and Bree had challenged to orc chieftain for the leadership of the clan. All was fine…
5th panel
Laughed so hard I nearly spewed soda over the keyboard.
Thanks! 8)
Nah, Bree’s not insane.
She’s gone into Meta-Gaming Mode…Thinking “outside the box(ed text),” so to speak.
I would click on the “No, I can’t click on anything” but I cannot click on anything.
Breen needs to stop thinking with her uterus and get her head in the game
Let the momma dragon have her revenge, and keep Snark as a fuck toy (disgusting as that idea is)
I think the dragoness is here to kill ALL the orcs, though.
Haha! I love Bree’s quips!
So, the orcs were born from goblins that ate red dragon egg yolk? Must be very good for the health! Where can I get some?
You know, I do happen to wonder about the backstory a character we haven’t seen in a while: Bediggan.
How did he become a were-rat? Was it random chance? Was he deliberately chosen by another were-rat for showing better qualities than the other rats? Were were-rats a slave race to the cats’ emperor? And was the jackalope-looking god of rats killed for real or is he still around somewhere?
Can I just say that I love that Bree’s clothing status has pretty much been full frontal nudity 24/7? Naked elves are what I love most about this comic other than the humor and the vore.
Now you’re thinking with portals!