Part of me is feeling like Jen has gone grayside right now due to the Kel breakup emotions, which are channeling her own breakup angst from pre-accident.
Kicking the arteries next to the privates deal more damage anyhow. Though still no bulge even when his privates are kicked in, so the graphics are still telling me trans-villainy is afoot. I wonder if he will live long enough to have a redemption arc like our favorite gay cat couple have had?
Hmmm… he’s playing the villain. Why else would he be still monologuing with his alt-self right after facing mortal danger? Only villains are so stupid as to do that.
This does not fit well with the theory of the Mindripper being sent by the DM/Brian to save Bree/Jen. But, on the other hand, “it’s always someone you know”, who?
However it may be someone else with other intentions (someone she knows but we don’t). I’m not certain I’m understanding everything here, Teal’s “battle plan” seems a bit different to be honest, but I don’t know if it was adjusted by the “two great magicians” by her side.
Well, we’ve met people she knows (and who really don’t like her) in the past who may have contracted an assassin to go after her, such as the former king (do contracts survive the death of the hiring party?), or survivors of any of the other kingdoms she was captured in and escaped from in the delve (okay, there aren’t many of those either), and we also know that apparently Bree is also royalty, since her sister is currently trying to bring the crown to her, so there may be interested/nefarious parties who want to capture the new queen of the wood elves before she can be crowned.
It’s really unlikely to be DM/Brian though, since their plan was designed by Teal, and she’s not going to approve of sending someone like the Mindripper after her friend.
Teal and the DM can clearly transit between both worlds, Bree’s sister is also crossing the “color wall”, it does not seem a serious objection to me at all.
“Why?” you ask?
Because you were a part of him. A part that he didn’t want, that he saw as weakness, the part of him that CARED.
He abandoned you because he didn’t want to care, and he doesn’t care because he abandoned you.
His loss.
His mistake.
His funeral.
Rogues usually want to end a fight with the fewest moves necessary. Pommel Strike to the head (stun) followed by a cut through the neck would have finished it quickly.
My reasoning is that in the last two panels, they have identical wounds from the pommel strike. It could be depicting the results of them ‘headbutting’, but I think it’s more likely showing damage being mirrored between them.
It may be that the mirrored damage only happens when they’re in contact – meaning that if Bree uses the sword to kill Zak, it’ll hurt Kel, but if she can manage to put the sword away and just beat him to a pulp, Kel should be fine when she kicks him off the cliff.
Of course, good luck doing that while Kel’s in the driver’s seat and going berserk.
It may also be that when she was banished to where Brie found her, she was too far away from him to sync damage, but since being brought back from the brink, she now will take mirrored damage.
Absolutely, and it may apply to advanced intelligent weapons (or even tools) in general. Beware because we live in a time of great magic being unleashed…
But there’s some poetic justice to that anyhow: imprisioning a soul in an object just doesn’t sound ethically right, so whatever…
picking up a minor detail…The injuries of one seem to be sustained by the other. If this is the case… That spells game over for Bree’s little sword dagger.
Still trying to make sense of this series, but first off I kinda wish this guy had been around sooner as a long-term villain because he has panache that I can appreciate. Secondly, random theory, is this guy a roleplayer and Kel was his character? Does the “Delve world” connect to multiple other realities? I dunno, the whole “I was part of you” thing leads me to believe this is not a simple lovers quarrel or something.
Also, this man has no dick, right? I mean…I don’t know how else to take that line, he definitely has no dick.
Kel is part of Kelathuzak’s soul, a portion he put aside, invested in a magical blade, & eventually lost possession of. “I was part of you” is literal, in this case. I suspect Zak kept Kel blind to whatever he was doing while he wielded her, but she’s grown a great deal from her association with Moonblade & Lassa.
Beautiful on many levels man, kudos.
Part of me is feeling like Jen has gone grayside right now due to the Kel breakup emotions, which are channeling her own breakup angst from pre-accident.
Thank you very much!
Also fortunate that the Mindripper always remembers to wear his boxers of displacement, so Bree’s kick to the junk was a few inches off to one side.
well to be honest “he” is most likely a “she” who has cut all away that could wear or slow “her” down, including “her” emotional side aka Kel.
I suspect he doesn’t have the junk.
It’s painful, junk or not.
Kicking the arteries next to the privates deal more damage anyhow. Though still no bulge even when his privates are kicked in, so the graphics are still telling me trans-villainy is afoot. I wonder if he will live long enough to have a redemption arc like our favorite gay cat couple have had?
Hmmm… he’s playing the villain. Why else would he be still monologuing with his alt-self right after facing mortal danger? Only villains are so stupid as to do that.
This does not fit well with the theory of the Mindripper being sent by the DM/Brian to save Bree/Jen. But, on the other hand, “it’s always someone you know”, who?
…why do you think he was sent to *save* here/them?
Because of this:
And because of this: (“my contract specifies…”) and this: (“it’s always someone you know”).
However it may be someone else with other intentions (someone she knows but we don’t). I’m not certain I’m understanding everything here, Teal’s “battle plan” seems a bit different to be honest, but I don’t know if it was adjusted by the “two great magicians” by her side.
Well, we’ve met people she knows (and who really don’t like her) in the past who may have contracted an assassin to go after her, such as the former king (do contracts survive the death of the hiring party?), or survivors of any of the other kingdoms she was captured in and escaped from in the delve (okay, there aren’t many of those either), and we also know that apparently Bree is also royalty, since her sister is currently trying to bring the crown to her, so there may be interested/nefarious parties who want to capture the new queen of the wood elves before she can be crowned.
It’s really unlikely to be DM/Brian though, since their plan was designed by Teal, and she’s not going to approve of sending someone like the Mindripper after her friend.
Not to forget, they are all in the Grey Zone, so little chance of them contacting anyone in Delve
Teal and the DM can clearly transit between both worlds, Bree’s sister is also crossing the “color wall”, it does not seem a serious objection to me at all.
Doesn’t mean they can do it ‘at will’, or easily
And it’s more like Paige entered a pocket world rather than actually crossing over
“Why?” you ask?
Because you were a part of him. A part that he didn’t want, that he saw as weakness, the part of him that CARED.
He abandoned you because he didn’t want to care, and he doesn’t care because he abandoned you.
His loss.
His mistake.
His funeral.
Rogues usually want to end a fight with the fewest moves necessary. Pommel Strike to the head (stun) followed by a cut through the neck would have finished it quickly.
Bree, no! Kill Zak and Kel dies!
I do kind of also worry about Kel, since she’s suffering the same pain/damage he is. If Bree kills him, what happens to Kel?
She may be only affected because she hit him (Kel lives at the pommel). I think she’ll be OK, she’ll be liberated of someone she doesn’t need anymore.
My reasoning is that in the last two panels, they have identical wounds from the pommel strike. It could be depicting the results of them ‘headbutting’, but I think it’s more likely showing damage being mirrored between them.
What about scars? Why does Zak have scars that Kel doesn’t have?
It may be that the mirrored damage only happens when they’re in contact – meaning that if Bree uses the sword to kill Zak, it’ll hurt Kel, but if she can manage to put the sword away and just beat him to a pulp, Kel should be fine when she kicks him off the cliff.
Of course, good luck doing that while Kel’s in the driver’s seat and going berserk.
It may also be that when she was banished to where Brie found her, she was too far away from him to sync damage, but since being brought back from the brink, she now will take mirrored damage.
The ongoing issue with intelligent swords: some times you wield the sword, some times the sword wields you.
Absolutely, and it may apply to advanced intelligent weapons (or even tools) in general. Beware because we live in a time of great magic being unleashed…
But there’s some poetic justice to that anyhow: imprisioning a soul in an object just doesn’t sound ethically right, so whatever…
Label on an actual brand of hot sauce, “Scorned Woman – and she’s HOT!”
Knew there was something missing when we first saw him…
Wait, how was that no-nut able to use the DimDoor? :thinking:
Bree’s fingers on her left hand are very weird. They look like the fingers of a waitress cat from the Lausten’s Found.
Thanks for noticing!
HELL hath NO fury, like a good woman scorned by an idiot!
picking up a minor detail…The injuries of one seem to be sustained by the other. If this is the case… That spells game over for Bree’s little sword dagger.
Still trying to make sense of this series, but first off I kinda wish this guy had been around sooner as a long-term villain because he has panache that I can appreciate. Secondly, random theory, is this guy a roleplayer and Kel was his character? Does the “Delve world” connect to multiple other realities? I dunno, the whole “I was part of you” thing leads me to believe this is not a simple lovers quarrel or something.
Also, this man has no dick, right? I mean…I don’t know how else to take that line, he definitely has no dick.
He may not have a dick, but he most certainly is a dick
Kel is part of Kelathuzak’s soul, a portion he put aside, invested in a magical blade, & eventually lost possession of. “I was part of you” is literal, in this case. I suspect Zak kept Kel blind to whatever he was doing while he wielded her, but she’s grown a great deal from her association with Moonblade & Lassa.
Maybe he should lose his head then.
Well, he already lost one ‘head’