Band Meeting Mar31 by Wormius on March 31, 2020 at 11:59 pm Chapter: 13Characters: Acryss, Carmen, Tasche, Yeena The band prepares for new, more family-friendly adventures! Related Related Comics ¬ Headhunting Uninspired Cry For Help Intermission New Playlist
The arch-devil lives in a lawful dimension?? See, this is why I’ll never but a house with an HOA ever again XP
Lawful Evil, sure. Where do you think HOAs come from if not hell?
Yeena? Put on a shirt? What is this world coming to? Think of the children forced to see Yeena wearing a shirt!
That’s why they are devils, son. :))
You’re not shining us on, are you? Yeena with a shirt? April Fool!
What is the second fucking thing? Stop swearing?
I swear, if this turns into an early aughties sitcom…
I don’t like that dimention anymore
Yeena has a PENIS as well. lol.
Wait, the Arch-Devil is in a Lawful Prude realm? o_O
I bet she just gets a fishnet shirt. Or pasties.