No new Delve this week. I’m afraid the Dracomage has come down with a nasty case of Tomb Rot. I’ll see you again once I’ve finished wizard-gluing all my pieces back together.
It just me or does anyone else hear the line from Altered Beast … “power … UP …”, followed by the cool sound riff as the hero makes the full transformation to power-beast?
ah now that takes me back! Thought it was just me that was thinking the same. Mind you, from the original coin op version in the arcades and not the crappy one on the Amiga 500 or consoles.
Agreed, coin op was much better, but that was only because the tech just wasn’t there yet. I would really like to see someone port it to the consoles again, this time doing a complete literal port with no changes, just a transition to console with 100% fidelity to the coin op original.
Meantime, my shipment form Amazon arrived a few days ago and I have two new compilations for the PS3 to play, will keep me buys for MONTHS – the Sonic Collection (not just the Sonic games, though it does have ALL of those, it’s a grand collection of Sega classics) and the Ultimate Midway Collection (same as the 2-disc version they made for the PS2, dropped a few games and made it one disc for the PS3).
So I’ll be busy playing Altered Beast – Joust – Joust 2 – Total Carnage – Smash TV – Defender – Defender 2 – and oh god … the game that kept me strapped to the arcade for WEEKS … Cyberball!
Ugh! Tomb Rot – that’s the worst. Must be severe, too, it’s already making you type in a giant bold font. You definitely don’t want to be art-ing while you’ve got that.
Son of a…this is why I hate reading web comics…I always catch up…and when I do I can’t help but hate the artist for having a life outside of making these things…
Not to worry, Mindwarper – once my plans for Global Domination (Bwah ha ha ha!) are completed, I will have all the talented artists rounded up and forced to draw awesome webcomics featuring sexy elf babes (and shirtless spectral wererats) 24/7/365 instead of wasting time on silly things like personal lives. I know it may sound a bit unfair, but it’s for the Greater Good.
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.”
Don’t threaten Teal either!
Also..Don’t slap Beddigan either.
Ten gold on Beddigan, but with a last minute save by Phawkes followed by a witty one liner.
Hee hee, awesome
didn’t see that coming
Is Beddigan a RoUS now? Or rather a GRoUS – a ghost rodent …
I don’t think they exist.
Heh heh 8)
wut O_O
This was unexpected!
Go Beddigan, go! \\o \o/ o//
Lol, this looks like the beginnings of an epic slap off battle! xD
Ooh, damn…um, is it weird that I find shirtless/naked spirit Beddigan to be sorta really sexy? O.O
You dirty raaaat!!
His body is the classical adonis, so no.
Its the epitome of human masculine beauty with its head swapped for that of an animal.
And everyone knows that rats are the sexiest of all animals!
How very egyptian.
Yay! Someone likes Shirtless Beddigan!
It just me or does anyone else hear the line from Altered Beast … “power … UP …”, followed by the cool sound riff as the hero makes the full transformation to power-beast?
ah now that takes me back! Thought it was just me that was thinking the same. Mind you, from the original coin op version in the arcades and not the crappy one on the Amiga 500 or consoles.
Agreed, coin op was much better, but that was only because the tech just wasn’t there yet. I would really like to see someone port it to the consoles again, this time doing a complete literal port with no changes, just a transition to console with 100% fidelity to the coin op original.
Meantime, my shipment form Amazon arrived a few days ago and I have two new compilations for the PS3 to play, will keep me buys for MONTHS – the Sonic Collection (not just the Sonic games, though it does have ALL of those, it’s a grand collection of Sega classics) and the Ultimate Midway Collection (same as the 2-disc version they made for the PS2, dropped a few games and made it one disc for the PS3).
So I’ll be busy playing Altered Beast – Joust – Joust 2 – Total Carnage – Smash TV – Defender – Defender 2 – and oh god … the game that kept me strapped to the arcade for WEEKS … Cyberball!
Ahh… Cyberball… 8)
Ugh! Tomb Rot – that’s the worst. Must be severe, too, it’s already making you type in a giant bold font. You definitely don’t want to be art-ing while you’ve got that.
Son of a…this is why I hate reading web comics…I always catch up…and when I do I can’t help but hate the artist for having a life outside of making these things…
Sorry about that. I hope things go a bit smoother now.
You better be sorry!
Good comic btw, keep it up.
Not to worry, Mindwarper – once my plans for Global Domination (Bwah ha ha ha!) are completed, I will have all the talented artists rounded up and forced to draw awesome webcomics featuring sexy elf babes (and shirtless spectral wererats) 24/7/365 instead of wasting time on silly things like personal lives. I know it may sound a bit unfair, but it’s for the Greater Good.
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.”