We hope! I think Bree/Jen should have suggested getting flat on the ground first, before the little ‘Jack Burton’ speech. FOOOOOM!!!!
Of course, that’s not what comic book heroines/heroes do.
Why? He’s not the main character, Bree is. Sark took down the dragon’s office-boy. It was always Bree vs. bad dragon guy. That was her promise (of sorts) to the Orc shaman.
Extra points for you for writting the defeat of an assholish, narcisistic villain not as an epic, dramatic battle, but as a slapstick moment. Cathartic.
Well, that’s curtains for the Big Bad, funny how subdued he looked in panel one compared to a few minutes (in Bree time) earlier. You got yours, buddy! And the final panel, another artistic masterpiece, love Paige’s expression, and, alas, the sandwich. Hopefully the magic ‘found’ bag can produce another. The next question is: did Mala’s pixie pants survive that blast? I hope Bree had clean knickers on underneath.
You just need to get down. Don’t be afraid, it will not be strong explosion.
We hope! I think Bree/Jen should have suggested getting flat on the ground first, before the little ‘Jack Burton’ speech. FOOOOOM!!!!
Of course, that’s not what comic book heroines/heroes do.
And here I thought Sark was going to get a cameo role in taking down the dragon edgelord…..
Why? He’s not the main character, Bree is. Sark took down the dragon’s office-boy. It was always Bree vs. bad dragon guy. That was her promise (of sorts) to the Orc shaman.
Sometimes you just want some nuclear-level yield, but plutonium enrichment has not yet been discovered in your world, so what do you do?
You do this.
P.S. they ded
rule of funny clamors for blackface naked elves with a black afro
That looks like it’s evoking a painful memory from Warmy. She needs a hug.
Well there goes those outfits…
Also Paige can’t finish her sandwich…
…My mind just thought of something else now…
All the outfits
That poor sandwich. It didn’t deserve that.
The most innocent of bystander casualties…
Extra points for you for writting the defeat of an assholish, narcisistic villain not as an epic, dramatic battle, but as a slapstick moment. Cathartic.
I wonder if their orc cook knows a good recipe for dragon ribs? It’s what’s for dinner.
That furry cook wanted some dragon-balls, shame she went somewhere else and missed out… again
Apestick looks like he ate something that didn’t agree with him
Well, that’s curtains for the Big Bad, funny how subdued he looked in panel one compared to a few minutes (in Bree time) earlier. You got yours, buddy! And the final panel, another artistic masterpiece, love Paige’s expression, and, alas, the sandwich. Hopefully the magic ‘found’ bag can produce another. The next question is: did Mala’s pixie pants survive that blast? I hope Bree had clean knickers on underneath.
we can still get to see the maid’s heroic efforts to prevent nudity utterly thwarted, don’t we?
Pants were already ripped, and as for Breen’s panties? she doesn’t believe in them
Yeah, heat exhaust port.
Incidentally, we’re having assholish dragons who created a cult around them getting killed at the same time at Delve and at OOTS. Wonderful.
And in a slapstick manner in both comics. A thing of beauty. (Replying to own post ‘cos can’t edit it)
Gonna need a hell of a lot of Aloe Vera
I think Brie’s greatest adversary is the concept of subtlety
It was at this point he knew…..HE fooked up.
Nah, he FOOOM!ed up
well played
That dragon did a straight up Stackpole.
Sometimes you just gotta hit the right spot to make all the difference, that explosion afterwards was quite nice.