My thought is: (1) they are hunting a dragon indeed, (2) one is a cook and thus her motivation is what you say, (3) the other one is some sort of dragon hunter monk/nun/paladin, so her motivation is different, plausibly the glory of her first dragon kill.
Given how humans in real lift have and still have hunt for rare, exotic and almost extinct animals and plants on the planet for aphrodisiacs, exotic dishes, their skin to wear or to show how “manly” they are by shooting a Giraffe or Lion you are surprised by fantasy emulating real life?
Don’t believe that that is primary motivation, believe they are simply hunters who have cum across a legendary dragon, Miko (a chef) is simply not passing up the opportunity to try out a recipe she found, Chasts is simply wanting to prove that she can do this (after all, she did partake in the “Dance of the Naked Dragons Layer” several times)
People do all kinds of stupid shit for exotic foods. You may not understand some ones kinks but for the people that have them you are blind to the glory/ecstasy/raison d’être. Food is one of the more common, almost all humans, all sentient beings, all living things are driven to seek food that satisfies them. Some just more driven than others. Be the food….
Don’t think I’ve completely forgotten that Bree wanted to go Dragon hunting!
Of course, whether she’ll remain a Main Character or not… not a clue here.
Anyway, aren’t you supposed to use honey to catch flies? Didn’t she remove the wrong clothes?
Thanks for pointing that out. I just went back a couple pages to review… the jewel seems to turn yellow/gold/amber/whatever both times she blocks the lightning attack, then returns to purple. The jewel in her spear seems to change colour too, as it matches the colour of the one in her crown in each scene.
Perhaps it’s a sign of magical/divine protection, or activation of an enchantment… or perhaps it’s just a sign of how much magic she’s channelling through them? Knowing our lovely author, it’ll be a logical/sensible mix of things that make sense in retrospect.
No Miko dear, you don’t want to become the food, you don’t want to find out what the digestive tract of a dragon looks (or smells) like, and you don’t have a Big Gun to blast out of the stomach
Don’t laugh, this worked in the Rudolph cartoon.
When did she stripped?
Surprise twist: the legends were actually referring to their *sexual* appetites, and Miko is now half naked.
Well, it worked in Shrek…
…are they seriously hunting a dragon to use as a cooking ingredient? After the original story this feels a lil too comedic.
My thought is: (1) they are hunting a dragon indeed, (2) one is a cook and thus her motivation is what you say, (3) the other one is some sort of dragon hunter monk/nun/paladin, so her motivation is different, plausibly the glory of her first dragon kill.
Given how humans in real lift have and still have hunt for rare, exotic and almost extinct animals and plants on the planet for aphrodisiacs, exotic dishes, their skin to wear or to show how “manly” they are by shooting a Giraffe or Lion you are surprised by fantasy emulating real life?
Don’t believe that that is primary motivation, believe they are simply hunters who have cum across a legendary dragon, Miko (a chef) is simply not passing up the opportunity to try out a recipe she found, Chasts is simply wanting to prove that she can do this (after all, she did partake in the “Dance of the Naked Dragons Layer” several times)
People do all kinds of stupid shit for exotic foods. You may not understand some ones kinks but for the people that have them you are blind to the glory/ecstasy/raison d’être. Food is one of the more common, almost all humans, all sentient beings, all living things are driven to seek food that satisfies them. Some just more driven than others. Be the food….
Surprise twist, Dragon becomes the third party member.
Oh, Miko is friggin’ adorable! Can I keep her? ;P
Looks edible. I’d prefer the warrior babe if I was the dragon though.
“Be Brave!” *winky face* I love this.
Don’t think I’ve completely forgotten that Bree wanted to go Dragon hunting!
Of course, whether she’ll remain a Main Character or not… not a clue here.
Anyway, aren’t you supposed to use honey to catch flies? Didn’t she remove the wrong clothes?
Miko looks like she hypnotized herself. Looks sexy, but her mind worries me! *anime sweatdrop!*
Hypnotizing herself would ensure she doesn’t do the sensible thing and flee at the wrong moment…
Just realized I may have been distracted by sexy, just barely noting the changing color of the jewel in Chasta’s crown!
Thanks for pointing that out. I just went back a couple pages to review… the jewel seems to turn yellow/gold/amber/whatever both times she blocks the lightning attack, then returns to purple. The jewel in her spear seems to change colour too, as it matches the colour of the one in her crown in each scene.
Perhaps it’s a sign of magical/divine protection, or activation of an enchantment… or perhaps it’s just a sign of how much magic she’s channelling through them? Knowing our lovely author, it’ll be a logical/sensible mix of things that make sense in retrospect.
No Miko dear, you don’t want to become the food, you don’t want to find out what the digestive tract of a dragon looks (or smells) like, and you don’t have a Big Gun to blast out of the stomach
Regardings the Riddle of the Dragon: really depends on the type of Harem
Regardings the invotive: which one is Beddi? o_O
I’d guess Beddi is the one in the door with the bloody club. The outfit and body build seem very similar to