Having seen my fair share of those, I can tell you that the main difference betwen a sockted arrow head, a socketed javelin head and a socketed spear head is the size of the hand they would fit when used as an impromptu hollow-hilted dagger.
You know, dagger-sized arrowheads have been a thing since Paleolithic times (I’ve seen one or two of those myself), and steel ones are also not uncommon. These were used to fire at cavalry, hunt large animals, and the like. And yes, a strong bow CAN fire them (ask me how I know).
But talking is cheap. Let’s just give some proofs.
I could tell you to go and check “European Arrowheads and Crossbow Bolts” (C. Rau, 2017) but sadly, only 20 preview pages are available online (file:///C:/Users/a/AppData/Local/Temp/Look%20inside%20Arrowhead%20and%20Crossbow%20Bolts.pdf) so time to do some google images search instead
Basically, Ree’s arrowhead is a wee bit longer but much slender than the one of the example, and soketed instead of tanged (meaning yes, this fantasy design is different from historical ones -oh surprise- but the length and the weight would be well within what a bow has proved to be able to handle).
Dang, that’s a hella big arrow head. More like a spearhead. Definitely take an English type war bow with about about 140 lb. pull or better to launch that bad boy. Then again, there’s always magik.
Wherein Finch accidentally invents the Plague of Undeath and creates the Scourge. Well, could’ve happened to anyone!
Multipurpose tool… sounds fine to me, especially as it looks rather a spear point than an arrow one.
Unless you need to hit the heart or brain, because you kinda need something longer to get to those.
Hit first and start digging
Stab the lower parts, grab the axe while the orc pains and slash that melon in two.
Anyhow it’s a magic artifact… so any scratch will be deadly.
Having seen my fair share of those, I can tell you that the main difference betwen a sockted arrow head, a socketed javelin head and a socketed spear head is the size of the hand they would fit when used as an impromptu hollow-hilted dagger.
Spearhead. The way it fits in her hand there’s no doubt. Oh, wait, fantasy comic. Could be anything. Arrowhead looks large? Wait till you see the bow!
That can only be an arrowhead of very large size, such as the ones used to hunt boars in the Middle Ages (but those had a different V-shaped form).
There are many variants but, broadly speaking, arrow heads are quite smaller and that looks totally like a spear or javelin head instead.
You know, dagger-sized arrowheads have been a thing since Paleolithic times (I’ve seen one or two of those myself), and steel ones are also not uncommon. These were used to fire at cavalry, hunt large animals, and the like. And yes, a strong bow CAN fire them (ask me how I know).
But talking is cheap. Let’s just give some proofs.
I could tell you to go and check “European Arrowheads and Crossbow Bolts” (C. Rau, 2017) but sadly, only 20 preview pages are available online (file:///C:/Users/a/AppData/Local/Temp/Look%20inside%20Arrowhead%20and%20Crossbow%20Bolts.pdf) so time to do some google images search instead
link below is to a Byzantine socketed arrowhead of some 12 cm length
Link below is to another Byzantine arrowhead, this one tanged, 17.1 cm length
(Longest tanged arrowheads are in the vicinity of 20 cm, and some are… let’s say considerably top-heavier than that.)
Basically, Ree’s arrowhead is a wee bit longer but much slender than the one of the example, and soketed instead of tanged (meaning yes, this fantasy design is different from historical ones -oh surprise- but the length and the weight would be well within what a bow has proved to be able to handle).
Oooops. wrong PDF link
Bree is just dealing with the dragon as if it was a cyberdemon: stab at it until it dies.
It’s a Zork!
Make sure to keep a light source handy!
Dumb Zomborc … needs someone to show him how to hold an ax by the handle.
Not that dumb, in case of close combat, you hold the ase closer to the iron.
Hey, it’s that orc that was sent to keep looking for Buns and the Cook
Well, Breen has been responsible for two dead dragons (plus Warmheart… technically?)
Look, I- I’m not the only one that sees a great incentive idea here right? Two gorgeous elves alone with a monstrous orc?
Wait, who said Breen was the one to loose the arrow? What about Paige’s boyfriend?
Dang, that’s a hella big arrow head. More like a spearhead. Definitely take an English type war bow with about about 140 lb. pull or better to launch that bad boy. Then again, there’s always magik.
Time for Breen to demonstrate the ol’ “stabby-stabby”