I’m sorry folks. That was bad patch for me. I was struggling with a particularly heavy dose of the sads, when a nasty cold jumped the ropes and hit me with a folding chair. Things got a little metaphysical there for a while. I think I saw a few Nazgul in the crowd, and they were cheering for the other guys.
Anyway… We’ll see who’s laughing at SMACKDOWN 2016 when I take back the title in a no-rules casket match! ONLY ON PAY-PER-VIEW!!!
Feh, Nazgul! They’re just shadows of their former selves. We’re still cheering for you!
Failing that I think Sara and Balthazar were about to embark on a Delve of their own
That’s a lot worse to say about those guys than you think if you see the earlier pages.
Thanks! I’m doing a little better now. Not really looking forward to holiday travel, but it’s that time of year I suppose.
Speaking of, is that still a thing? I do have the bare bones of a Delve hashed out if there is any interest still.
Less talking and more action, Bree!
Didn’t know that Bree’s powers also included level drain
Hmm… So the first two panels were a flashback? Back to before Delve? Looks like a can of alcohol (or pop, I suppose). Could it be well get to see when they first teamed up? Or is this something else? I suppose I should just wait until next post for the answers, actually.
Anyway, I’m glad you’re back. Looking forward to what happens next (especially since I think we might see the Valryn again).
No worries, mate. I truly love you for your art, as gay as that sounds.
And as to what BREE is gonna do… Ten Seconds can be a long time.
Jesus, she doesn’t mess around now does she?
I’m surprised no one mentioned Jen yet, because the facial structure of the girl looks black and white like that.
I did think Jen when the page loaded up, was slightly confused. I wonder if this is some sort of spell/incantation that Jen is casting to either watch or be Bree.
I got the impression of the player going, WTF, you jerks again??? and then needing to progress her player and just letting the dweebs have it.
I agree, I get the impression that Jen is the player and Bree is her character.
It’s just the kinda shit a DM would toss at you just as your about to produce a coupe de grace.
Yeah, I vote for Jen too.
Sads, it’s that time of the year. It’s the reason we have so many holidays, to keep the unbalanced deeps away. L-Dopa, over the counter health food store stuff works fast for me, but I have to stay away from the stuff if I’m going in the dungeon, I might miss out on covering the walls with people who’ve pissed me off. If I take that when in the dungeon? I’m like, lets talk to the gargoyles, they’ve gotta have something to say we’ve not heard before! Gum em to death, as one of my counter parts told me.
I took your advice and looked into the L Dopa supplement. Just got a bottle from Amazon and took a couple to see what will happen. Hopefully I’m in the “it makes you happy” group and not in the “crazy OCD angry” group. My wife is really hoping I don’t flip out at Grandma’s house tomorrow, but I’ve already done all my baking, so all that’s left is the icing for the Tres Leche cake to do in the morning. Why am I making tres leche for Thanksgiving? I just really like tres leche cake.
Somewhere we have common relatives. My family has done both bar B Que, Shish ka bob and Milk baked Salmon as well as all the seafood you can get off the shore since no one has money for a turkey, Thanksgiving Day.
Dopa Bean was the first one I tried, they work interchangeably for me, it takes the nasty edge off my unwelcome attitude, lets me be back ion control and go south fast if that’s where the hell I really want to go, instead of dragging me there unwillingly.
If you have a lack of sunlight problem too, see if you can find yerba buena mint for tea, only takes a few leaves, if nothing else is available Peppermint tea helps some too. kept my wife alive for years on that stuff, the older she got, the more, even spring and fall in Central Coastal Ca, didn’t have enough sunlight for her.
So did Grandma survive Wormius?
Hope you all had a day full of gratitude.
Grandma is fine. As for me, well, I guess the supplements are doing something, ’cause I’m not horribly depressed right now. Not really particularly happy either, just kinda “Whatever”. During the Thanksgiving traveling I occasionally got upset when something went wrong, but as soon as I’d dealt with the problem, the stress just melted away, so that was pretty cool. It really feels like it did when I was taking Zoloft, just without the really annoying side effects, so thanks again for the tip.
Yeah, neat bit is that this is only supplying the ingredients our body needs to make the chemical that keeps our head out of the levels of the dungeon you’ve nicely not introduced us to.
Shit just got Meta.
Don’t stop not dying! Don’t stop not dying!
Oddly enough, I’ve always been pretty good at not dying. It’s seemed like a bit of a disadvantage at certain points of my life, but given all the cool stuff I’ve gotten to do and all the amazing people I’ve gotten to talk to by not dying, I guess I’m all right with it. 8)
Yeah, giving up isn’t as easy for some of us as the writers make it appear. fortunately my life too has been expanded, as well as what I’ve been able to give others since I’m ‘just to dumb to know when to die’. there isn’t an operators manual, but they tell me afterwards I coulda gone away?
Riddle of the The Dracomage
No fair. Not at all.
Turkey Gravy wasn’t listed.
None of that stuff is fit to eat unless drenched in real juices Turkey Gravy…. then pancakes the next morning with turkey gravy, then more dressing with turkey gravy. maybe a few bits of meat to give it additional flavor, but it’s not really necessary….none of that plop out of the can stuff at all!
Canned Gravy is nasty.
Just like canned Music and Politicians. Geez, the only thing slightly better then canned gravy on Gratefulness Day, is canned red jellowish stuff we also don’t talk about at the table.
I guess I never think of it, because my mom always put the leftover bird parts in the gravy when we were kids, and we eventually ganged up on her and convinced her that no one wanted to eat turkey neck soup, so she stopped making it. If she hadn’t told us what was in it, we might have liked the stuff, but, who knows?
OK, we do have a division of ‘Relativity’. Turkey necks, Ox Tail soup and a mess of other horrendously expensive items at the butchers today, was the cheap highly nutritious food I grew up on in the 50’s and 60’s. No organ meat, but the turkey necks, I buy extra and use that juice and meat for the gravy…. yumm!
But yeah, my kids won’t eat anything with Ginger or garlic/Onions in it, cause they were told it was nutritious and kept them well during flue season…. for some reason as a kid I never had that affliction of resistance to good for me stuff.
You had leftover parts when you were kids? My brother, my sister, and me could reduce a turkey to gnawed-on bones in less than a day. We never really had a problem with “leftovers”. Having three teenagers in da house must have taxed my parents terribly.
It’s not fair either there isn’t a vote for us who doesn’t have Thanksgiving. Shall I just go with pie? But what kind of pie is it!
“Peter Percival Patterson’s Pet Pig Porky” PIE!
“Peter Percival Patterson’s Pet Pig Porky”
Peter Percival Patterson had a pet pig named Porky
This Pet Pig named Porky loved pie
He loved pizza pie, pumpkin pie, pineapple pie, pizza pie, mince tarts
and Peter Percival Patterson’s pet pig Porky loved
Pie for breakefast, pie for lunch, pie in the afternoon and pie before he
went to bed.
Peter Percival Patterson’s pet pig Porky ate soo much pie,
Do you know what he did?
He popped.
Good point, Thanksgiving gives me the creeps: makes me think about the Native American genocide. Also too exotic, like 4th of July, Mt. Rushmore or peanut butter. I didn’t vote.
Assuming that Bree is Jen’s character, I wonder which other members of the cast are also PCs. I kind of hope Paraxyss is one.
Maybe Teal as well due to those three being the ones on the comic banner.
Hope you feel better, Andrew. Miss your funny and satirical works. Be Blessed…
Thank you. I appreciate the support. 8)
Seems like a good time to delurk and say: I love your comic, I know how you feel, and I hope things get better.
Thank you. Things are still kinda weird for me right now… really weird, I guess, but I think it’s getting better. I’ve got a couple of things I need to finish up… a project I shouldn’t have taken on that I really need to put to rest, and a lot of other “Gotta get this done now” kinda things that I am really, really looking forward to being done with. I don’t know how things are gonna be for me once I’ve got those things taken care of, but it’s gotta be better than this.
Ask for a new sword sharpener for the holidays, and maybe a ‘wand of graveyards’ to lay things to rest in?
Yay! The site’s back up. I’m really looking forward to what happens next, so I was a bit worried when it was down for a few days (I’ve seen it happen before where a site went down a few days and came back broken and missing comics). In the end, however, I knew the awesomeness that is this comic would prevail.
Also, to those who mentioned Jen, thanks, I’d forgotten about her.
Sorry about that, everyone. It was one of those times where the universe was doing its best to ruin my day, and suddenly realizing that I hadn’t renewed my web hosting for the year was one of the many things that blew up in my face when I worked up the nerve to check my email on Monday.
“Happy Birthday… all your sites are down, and the cake gave you food poisoning.”
Today went much better though. 8)
Really? …Ouch. Glad to hear your feeling better, food poisoning really sucks (which brings up the question of why I keep eating expired food). Hopefully it at least wasn’t too bad. Maybe things will balance out with some good now (sounds like you could use it). Rest well, friend.
Interesting…I’ve checked in every morning since Dec. 1st and never noticed anything down..
Coincidence: the site was down about 24 hrs. I checked twice and was a bit worried admittedly.
“Anyway… We’ll see who’s laughing at SMACKDOWN 2016 when I take back the title in a no-rules casket match! ONLY ON PAY-PER-VIEW!!!”
Yeah! Let’s see Bree introduce these guys to Hell in a Cell!