Kinda wanna see him fuck Lyca’s big, firm, naked, wet booty against her will. So I hope the valryn either lose or just leave her behind. This is also the first time we’ve seen her bare ass with her thong removed, so I hope she gets punished for so foolishly leaving herself vulnerable.
Just raped, but she’d probably end up becoming food too. Not that I mind, there’s enough of her rump to get some good cuts of meat from once it’s been humped into submission.
I know that this probably isn’t the case, but wouldn’t it be just dandy if those slimy fellas were just coming down from having their own emotional reaffirmation of purpose, and everybody just sits down and trades notes? Preferably while remaining undressed?
Cool male and female slime creatures.
Slime?.. i dont think they look like slime people are they?
Thank you!
Epic Random Encounter? Wonder if they’re any relation to Teal?
Kinda wanna see him fuck Lyca’s big, firm, naked, wet booty against her will. So I hope the valryn either lose or just leave her behind. This is also the first time we’ve seen her bare ass with her thong removed, so I hope she gets punished for so foolishly leaving herself vulnerable.
Cereally? You want to see her raped and killed? o_O
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Just raped, but she’d probably end up becoming food too. Not that I mind, there’s enough of her rump to get some good cuts of meat from once it’s been humped into submission.
If you’ve followed the comic, you may have noticed that rape was never a theme here. Also, since when has nudity been a new thing?
Can the female slime creatures expand their tits or asses?
Seeing how they are slime, there is nothing really stopping them from changing their form in any way they like
Okay Dam, channel that frustration and splat those things!
Damina beefy… She can only hope the slime folk aren’t thinking beefy in another context…
Hmm, are these poor victims of the re-spawn Devourer? Is that why they are male and female shaped?
I know that this probably isn’t the case, but wouldn’t it be just dandy if those slimy fellas were just coming down from having their own emotional reaffirmation of purpose, and everybody just sits down and trades notes? Preferably while remaining undressed?
Heh heh 8)
Glad they into normal mood now
(on last panel) : WOow, lol what kind of human creatures are those ? thats new
(i kinda like how their bodies looks )
heh maan, how many more half creatures half human we seen so far?
Lamia,Lizard,Goat like, Rat, Greenslime one( forgot the character name) ,and other different skin humans.
And normally : Orces and Elves…
‘Greenslime one’? You mean Teal’s radical sister?
Don’t believe these are human, simply humanoid shaped
Guess *some* experiences affected appearance of these creatures… just a theory.