According to the late, dearly missed Sir Terry Pratchett, the essence of every coronation speech is, paraphrased: “Verily, the crown is ours, and we shall murder every bugger who tries to take it away.”
This particular ritual is rather more free-form. And succinct. =p
When the player meets their character and merges? Is that what’s about to happen …
PS, I’ve run a D&D campaign like that once a long time ago … all player knowledge is allowed, including straight up looking at the monster manual, merged with what their characters are able to do, but what the players think they know might not be true in the world their characters are now in, and every monster has a few tricks up their sleeves that’s not written down … let’s just say, the meta got a little crazy.
Nah, she’s probably Tinkerbell herself long after Hook won and she was forced to grow up, lose her wings and dye her hair. Hook is almost certainly an ally of Daxxorel, he also ate the croc… raw!
Actually, she had gone back to search Bree’s campsite and make sure they hadn’t left anything important behind, but I didn’t feel it was important to show that. Likewise, Thess had another task, but we’ll get to her eventually.
Oooo, just spotted the continuity error: last panel, Bree’s hair is fixed, the side-bang on the left had had been cut off (check the other four panels to see)
Maia? As in, “the illusion that the physical world is real”?
Just so long as it isn’t the demon Mara from Buddhist teachings.
Or Mara, hindu deity of death.
Mara of Latvian mythology might be good, though.
As in Mala, with an L, not an I.
Like Buddhist prayer beads.
Mala in Spanish means ‘bad’ (fem). Such as in a bad girl (chica mala) or bad storyline (narración mala).
According to the late, dearly missed Sir Terry Pratchett, the essence of every coronation speech is, paraphrased: “Verily, the crown is ours, and we shall murder every bugger who tries to take it away.”
This particular ritual is rather more free-form. And succinct. =p
When the player meets their character and merges? Is that what’s about to happen …
PS, I’ve run a D&D campaign like that once a long time ago … all player knowledge is allowed, including straight up looking at the monster manual, merged with what their characters are able to do, but what the players think they know might not be true in the world their characters are now in, and every monster has a few tricks up their sleeves that’s not written down … let’s just say, the meta got a little crazy.
Rather the reverse, in this case.
Shouldn’t Tinkerbell be blond?
Just kidding, no idea who this woman is and why there are no chairs around the tea table…
… no tea even? C’mon!
Heh heh, thanks for noticing the dress!
It’s a virtue of being old enough, I guess. Also I always loved Peter Pan, probably second childhood idol after Pippi Longstockings.
Yes, there should totally be tea. See here for example: … background is optional. Tea is mandatory.
And pastries? What about pastries?
Damnit, Maju! You beat me to that joke!
It’s Tinkerbell’s evil twin!
Nah, she’s probably Tinkerbell herself long after Hook won and she was forced to grow up, lose her wings and dye her hair. Hook is almost certainly an ally of Daxxorel, he also ate the croc… raw!
“You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming?” -Tinkebell, from ‘Hook’
That quote should be from the original book. Long since I read it but sounds something like Barrie would write.
Look, Jen’s watch is back.
Hey, Jen is no longer gray. Now we know what color she is.
Why is everyone acting like Dam only just arrived? She was the one who caught Breen!
That’s the first Bree has seen of her since she woke up.
Yes, but even Dam is acting like she only just got there
… She wasn’t out hunting Seph, was she?
Actually, she had gone back to search Bree’s campsite and make sure they hadn’t left anything important behind, but I didn’t feel it was important to show that. Likewise, Thess had another task, but we’ll get to her eventually.
Leave. Seph. ALONE!
And don’t hurt Warmie, she’s been hurt enough!!
Thought that that was Breen’s campsite? Or did they move the coronation?
Mala Greenfoot was the greatest tracker ever. Her crown still holds some of her power.
So I believe this lady is a remnant of an elven queen.
Nicely spotted, Clif08!
Oh, OK. Nice finding.
“In Time” is a highly dramatic concept, as it “out of time”.
I’m always the sort of guy to throw a wrench in the wheel. And if you don’t have control of time, as you obviously don’t, you CAN control the drama.
Now, what could that control ENTAIL, one wonders
Oooo, just spotted the continuity error: last panel, Bree’s hair is fixed, the side-bang on the left had had been cut off (check the other four panels to see)
I think the fixed hair is intentional. It shows this is either a dream or headspace and not the “real” world