You ARE pretty good at giving clues and hints to understand where you want to guide this story to. like the fact that Mala probably didn’t came by RPG but … by listening/reading stories about fantasy with wood elves well it’s my guess.
I’m reminded of the old wrestling stable “Mega Powers”. Look up the promo on YouTube! “We all know that Hulkamania is the most powerful force in this universe..when Macho Madness met the Mania, we discovered a whole ‘nother universe out there, a whole new frontier, and it blew my 21 inch guns out!”
And silently, quietly, quickly – Mala got the hell out of Dodge…
And yes, I agree- Mala is most probably from our or similar world. Also, her ears are between human and elven in form – another hint to her being the result of such merge?
The moment I think Mala was once as Jen was…
You mean, from the ‘Real World’?
The fact she knows ‘Buffalo’ as a place rather than a thing is a big clue
I missed the clue in the open…
Thanks for noticing!
Have a couple friends in Buffalo, last heard from them in the early ’00s when stopped using email account and stopped going on mIRC
You ARE pretty good at giving clues and hints to understand where you want to guide this story to. like the fact that Mala probably didn’t came by RPG but … by listening/reading stories about fantasy with wood elves
well it’s my guess.
Mind/Body merger incoming.
“With this crown, I thee wed.”
“Ah! Mawage!”
But, how’s the green boyfriend going to think? Consort to two queens? OK, maybe he’d be pretty good with it.
Oh my, they are… They are hand holding!
How lewd.
Heh heh 8)
That’s the resolution we wanted to see.
Now… kiss!
And now, they merge as one…
I’m reminded of the old wrestling stable “Mega Powers”. Look up the promo on YouTube! “We all know that Hulkamania is the most powerful force in this universe..when Macho Madness met the Mania, we discovered a whole ‘nother universe out there, a whole new frontier, and it blew my 21 inch guns out!”
And silently, quietly, quickly – Mala got the hell out of Dodge…
And yes, I agree- Mala is most probably from our or similar world. Also, her ears are between human and elven in form – another hint to her being the result of such merge?
I mean, the gem in the forehead looks awfully similar to the one in the crown. Coincidence? Unlikely.
It’s supposed to be Mala’s crown…
Isn’t them merging supposed to result in Bad Things?
no, if they merge, it’s to become ONE demigod/godess but if one take over the other one THEN it brings a Greater Abomination to (Un-?)life …
Two shall become one…