Date with the Dracomage
I am without computer at the moment, so Delve will have to wait a bit, I’m afraid. I’m trying to borrow another one, so, hopefully, I will be back online soon.
Sorry about the delay.
What a silly misunderstanding. No harm done… I mean to anyone important.
i hope the naga will be ok ;w;
Moonblade is a warrior, she’s finally got her preferred weapon of choice, and she’s fighting a secretary.
Woohoo, go Moonie, kick her scaly butt! We’ve already got plenty of Nagas in this strip anyways, one less will hardly be noticed. I hear that pink snakeskin boots are “in” this year.
Have you forgotten that (presumably) our two previous nagas are both dead now? We seem to be a little short on nagas at the moment. Would be kind of a shame to lose our only current representative of the species. Besides, if Pinky here dies then the next naga that comes along justmight tuen out to be male. *shudder*
Paraxyss can’t be permanently dead, she’s still at the top of the page header! Contractual immunity!;)
(and that very last thing you said – Don’t even say that! Don’t even think it! The horror! The horror!)
So … Bree wasn’t supposed to be tied up in the first place. Reading back a few chapters, yes, she did deliver, so should be in good graces with the DM, which explains the change in treatment. She didn’t even need the shock tooth, except maybe to escape the zealousness of the minions. I wonder whose idea the light entertainment was – the moon blade certainly had it coming …
… P.S.: see episodes 54 to 56 – so I imagine the interval between this episode here and the last as kind of a repeat, without Bree needing to become physical with the DM this time.
Wonder if she’s asking about her deal with the sword…
I thought the chain was supposed to be on the leg for a monkey knifefight?
Well, when it comes to naga, you do what you can.
I see that DM has found Bree some new attire: An enchanted +2 Dress of Bust Enhancement.
(I bet he could make a fortune selling those.)
Yet another huge jump in the story with no explanation. A page ago Bree was about to jab an electric fang into the Dracomage’s neck, now they’re sitting together. Why are Moonblade and the naga being forced to fight? How is Bree OK with watching Moonblade in a fight to the death when she was so insistent on helping her find a suitable owner earlier?
Well, as much as people complained about the Beddigan/Phawkes storyline being too slow and boring, I thought I’d kick the comic into turbo mode to move the story along a little faster. I had originally planned a much more drawn out intro to the Dracomage’s lair, but I realize now that such in-depth storytelling may not be suitable for a weekly comic. Thus, in order to move things along, I’ve decided to rely more on the readers’ imaginations to fill in the blanks as to why something that might not seem to make sense at first would turn out the way it did in the next comic.
And to answer your last question, Bree took out the receptionist, unarmed with two hands wyrmed behind her back. She’s probably not too worried about the Moonblade’s chances in the arena.
people complained? what kind of stupid weirdos.
that being said, this is jump is fine since its leading into an obvious reveal. (as long as there is a reveal)
I’m not sure this webcomic can get much more revealing than it already is.
“…. such in-depth storytelling may not be suitable for a weekly comic….”
Easily fixed: Draw twice as many comics! Now everybody’s happy!
Fantastic idea!!
Beddigan has been like my favorite character from the first time we saw him…how dare anyone complain… Though I admit I prefer him alive rather than ghostly…
Fah! Don’t let those whiney readers push you around. It’s your story, you tell it at the rate that you want to, that’s the way it should be told. If they knew anything about writing, they would have an awesome webcomic with legions of adoring fans like Delve, but they don’t, do they? Don’t let nobody tell you what to do!
Well, except me, just now, when I told you what to do.
You see, you can’t please everyone, so you’ve got to please yourself.
Personally, I think this jump makes perfect sense, but the previous strip might have used a few more panels showing just what Bree did, because it must’ve been awesome. The one thing it leaves me wondering is whether her breasts are supposed to be bigger because of something that happened off-panel. (I personally would not mind.)
It’s because the DM has generously provided her with an enchanted dress of bust enhancement. In d&d terms, it provides a Charisma modifier: +2
more a +6. I mean Daaaamn!
This jump makes no sense
Look at the posture of the two combatants….
sword lady is assuming a dominant posture..grabbing the chain to pull snake lady closer..Guess who wins.
Just looking at the expressions – poor naga …
Definitely liking Bree’s enhanced bust. It can keep getting bigger!
In my opinion, this kind of storytelling makes it more interesting to follow a comic. Filling in the “missing” story is nothing worse than reading a book.
Also: Everything on this most sexy and awesome webpage is given to us for free! How cool is that!
What?! Reading a book? Using my imagination to fill in details? That’s barbaric! What is this, the 1900s?!
This is about as close to a good ending this story could get to, although there is a caveat, right? And nevermind that Teal is stoned dead, Beddigan is an armless ghost and there is some unfinished background story re. Capria, Princess Saphni and some other rather shady elves. So definitely we are far away from the end.
As for “complaining” – heh, you get us to vote and I’m pretty sure most are here for Bree’s adventures and not so directly interested in cats and wererats. So you get results related to that. However if I can give a modicum of advice to an artist that would be: do what you feel is right. There are definitely many wonderful comics with very convoluted multi-branched stories.
In any case I do believe that this Dracomage dungeon story is missing a couple of pages or so. And that nobody would have complained if they would have been there.
If the choice is between boobs and rats, which way will most readers vote? I am fine with jumps and me filling in the blanks – I don’t expect perfection in a free webcomic. Looking at the various comics I read I expect complains though, whatever the flow and pacing of the story, jumps or not. I try to be positive and not complain, because I observe that it tends to negatively affect some artists/writers – for some it works as encouragement … mind you, I would have probably entered a page between this one and the last, if it was my story, but it isn’t. This is one of these fine lines, and something difficult – how to make suggestions without being patronising or disrespectful. Looking at what I just wrote, I feel a bit like a troll already …
Just on a side note, an observation: The reflections on the Moonblades posterior look a bit like eyes … maybe I should take my medicine more regularly …
“Boobs or rats” is part of how I see it but only part. I’m also addict to Bree as adventurer, as character, with her charming mix of naivety and dare. The other characters are secondary and rather serve to enrich Bree’s quest than being worth too much time of their own, with the partial exception of Teal surely.
As for what’s going on between the furries other than archetypal cat&mouse rivalry, I don’t understand nor I’m really too interested. The fact that the cats particularly stand out of the fantasy theme and rather appear as Victorian doesn’t help.
But it any case my very individual opinion.
And yes the reflections make the butt’s halves appear as old-style cartoon eyes. Worry not.
You got a good point there – Bree and Teal are special characters, each in their own right, and Delve is best, when it focusses on them. That said, I think I get some of the sources for Beddigan and Phawkes – from some of the old adventure stories, to Jumanji and Tom and Jerry. So I can find entertainment in those as well – this is more a reflection on me – oh, piece of string, how fascinating. Although, I don’t get the furry bit at all and have stopped reading other comics because they were too furry for me. By the way, the longer I look at the jump/having to fill in the blanks the better it works for me.
As for the butt-eyes: Now I am worried I have infected someone else with my crazy.
could stare at her “eyes” all day. ;P
Yes about that MOST CLICHE LINE EVER!!!!!!!!