*Backs away slowly from the over-caffeinated Teal.*
So what you’re telling me is that my plan to build a yert out of an old trampoline, get my ultralight aircraft pilots license, and live the semi-carefree life of a Sky Nomad is untenable?
I really want to slice the top row and the bottom row off and post this in my online classroom. But I can’t send my students to this site. I know it’s rude to ask, but would it be OK if I did so?
I needed to hear that
We appreciate you, Wormius! <3
*Backs away slowly from the over-caffeinated Teal.*
So what you’re telling me is that my plan to build a yert out of an old trampoline, get my ultralight aircraft pilots license, and live the semi-carefree life of a Sky Nomad is untenable?
Sounds workable to me.
If you make the yurt from an old parachute, you’ll get double usage.
Good girl. *sniff* I’m so proud!
The Prince of All Coffee approves.
How many pots did you finish teal?
What happens when an intelligent humanoid slime gets overcaffeinated?
Yes, I want an answer, dammit.
> What happens when an intelligent humanoid slime gets overcaffeinated?
That’s a good question. Much as we all love Teal, I think backing off a bit until she comes down would be prudent. She might get hungry while high.
She may not sleep until May.
Who is May? And is she also a slime?
Not sure, ask April.
<3 Thank you for today's strip.
I really want to slice the top row and the bottom row off and post this in my online classroom. But I can’t send my students to this site. I know it’s rude to ask, but would it be OK if I did so?
Fine by me. I hope it helps someone.
Someone’s going to do a backwards image search and find out where you got the comic from anyway.
Oh fooey you’re right. I didn’t even think about that.
Should you really CARE? It’s one thing not pointing children to comics like this, it’s another if they find it by image search.
Thanks a lot for this counsel!!! We need things like that
Last panel, needs to be cupasized