Oh shite, queue mentally destabilized and obssessive “villain”, well, thats what this route says to me anyways. Just the face the draco mage had while playing Dress-up with Bree and his desire for her to stay beside him in the biggest indicator.
He’s a Dark Mage who has spent the past centuries living at the bottom of a dugeon-pit in a castle shaped like his own initials and playing with his….minions. Stability and Sanity have probably not been his friends for quite a while now.
I dunno, I think something like this is negotiable. Instead of an eternity of servitude in exchange for all his minions and all his powers, how about three years in exchange for a decent set of gear, a group teleport scroll, and a couple dozen kobolds as a distraction?
I think at this point negotiations are over and she’s already won. It looks like she could pretty much just bat her eyes seductively, smile sweetly at him, and ask “pleeeeeeease” and he’d hand over whatever she needs. He may be an ultrapowerful Dark Mage, wielder of the Forbiddenest magics, who rules with an iron fist over a vast subterranean kingdom of his own creation, but he’s still just a guy. He’s helpless now.
Hehe, I think DM has a cruuuush… I actually feel sorry for him tho. *Theory – Maybe DM is actually a high level player who, say, works with Jen/Bree RL and has a crush on her RL, and is trying to get her to see his feelings through the Delve, being a typically Asbergery computer gamer? (Nothing wrong with Aspergery gamers, I have a crush on one and am one myself, so. :D) Just hypothesizing.
Great! Now I feel sorry for the Dracomage.
Whoa.. this whole thing got hella meta for me.
It may get a lot more meta. We have yet to find out who “Jen” is and how she fits into all this.
Awwww…poor DM
Sounds like he had a particular position in mind for her.
Awww, is he hiding a tear in the last panel?
No! I just told you, it’s just a headache or something! Go away!
Oh shite, queue mentally destabilized and obssessive “villain”, well, thats what this route says to me anyways. Just the face the draco mage had while playing Dress-up with Bree and his desire for her to stay beside him in the biggest indicator.
He’s a Dark Mage who has spent the past centuries living at the bottom of a dugeon-pit in a castle shaped like his own initials and playing with his….minions. Stability and Sanity have probably not been his friends for quite a while now.
Bad Bree! We don’t make the Dracomage cry. Seriously look at him. He’s got the dry cries.
The curse of power.
I dunno, I think something like this is negotiable. Instead of an eternity of servitude in exchange for all his minions and all his powers, how about three years in exchange for a decent set of gear, a group teleport scroll, and a couple dozen kobolds as a distraction?
Sounds fair to me. XD
I think at this point negotiations are over and she’s already won. It looks like she could pretty much just bat her eyes seductively, smile sweetly at him, and ask “pleeeeeeease” and he’d hand over whatever she needs. He may be an ultrapowerful Dark Mage, wielder of the Forbiddenest magics, who rules with an iron fist over a vast subterranean kingdom of his own creation, but he’s still just a guy. He’s helpless now.
awww he’s sweet on her.
BTW, the answer to the Riddle is Tina Turner, right?
Nope, its 42.
What prize do I win?
A book of Vogon poetry.
I guess that’s better than Chinese Throat Singing presents Discos greatest hits.
Or even the Moonblade telling off Bree through interpretive dance. Though that might be a fun argument to watch.
Naked Gyrating Moonbladebabe? I can’t think of anything bad about that at all. Can we get the animated .gif version please?
Oohh… He really wanted her!
I actually feel sorry for the bastid.
I love this comic, incidentally.
Heh heh, thanks!
Been a long time since we’ve seen some nice action. i had to get back a few pages just to remember what it was like and get my fix…
So, by “action”, do you mean fighting, or boobs?
heh imagine finding out DM is Sephni
DM: N-Never coming back? Never ever? T_T
Bree: Well yeah, I only came to this disgusting dump in the first place to save her.
DM: D-disgusting dump you say?
Bree: Ugh, don’t even get me started on the garish decor. I’ve never seen so much black and purple in my life!
DM: …
Bree: Oh… uh… not that your robe is garish or anything… or your dungeon you probably spent… centuries… making…
DM: You’re just TRYING to make me cry aren’t you?
Bree: Er… well… if it makes you feel better, you’ve got really pretty eyes!
DM: … R-Really?!
Hehe, I think DM has a cruuuush…
I actually feel sorry for him tho. *Theory – Maybe DM is actually a high level player who, say, works with Jen/Bree RL and has a crush on her RL, and is trying to get her to see his feelings through the Delve, being a typically Asbergery computer gamer? (Nothing wrong with Aspergery gamers, I have a crush on one and am one myself, so. :D) Just hypothesizing.
that’s it I say let DM get the girl I mean he does care and I think he should finally tell her I mean hell he did save her
D’awwwww… bree x DM forever!
just went back and reread some of the comics, boy, bree sure has changed alot since #1,
Indeed. I got hooked with the old Bree. Missing her a bit, I reckon.