Well, this summer tried to kill me in more ways than one, but I’m still here. It feels like the devil’s hoof finally slipped off my throat, and now I’m comin’ up swinging. I can’t promise I’ll stay on my feet long, but I promise to land a few good blows while I’m up.
Thanks for watching the show, and I hope you all enjoy what I know everyone’s been waiting to see, Tuul the drakon cultist with no pants.
Oh dear…Lets hope ‘living embodiment’ is really true for old Moonblade or she is in a world of trouble.
I feel a host of things right now. First: welcome back, Wormy! And I’m glad to hear things are looking up finally. Second, I feel really bad for Bree; she can never seem to get any decent gear – as soon as she gets some, either she gets captured and stripped or dies and reincarnates naked… Point is, she finally got some kick-ass gear and it’s gone again. Third, I feel elated that her gear is gone, as it greatly increases her chances of getting captured yet again, and I’m always hoping the next episode of Delve will feature Bree tied up
Heh heh, thanks!
I notice moon’s glasses are gone, so I suspect someone got at least slightly disenchanted. And all that kickass stuff Bree got from DM literally less than an hour ago in comic time, is now worthless junk. There’s irony for you.
Glad you’re back on your feet, wormy ol’ chap! The place wasn’t the same without you.
Thank you!
Wait wait wait. If anything magical is disenchanted, what will happen to our beloved sword? She will be sealed into her “human” form forever? Or she will just disappear because she is an enchantment? Anyway, that can’t be good… Her eyes say it all…
So no cool Mindripper’s dagger either I guess… unless being magically in limbo does not count.
As for our not-so-beloved former talking machete blue girl, I suspect that she lost more than just her glasses in the trip: her being a magic sword (in a pre-rezz-glitch life) and seems that some of her glamour too. Her ass seems fine though, or so Pinkie seems to think.
I hope it wouldn’t count and that the blue girl is ok. Keeping her naked is one thing, but keeping her unarmed gets boring …
I… actually feel sorry for Bree on this one. Just once it’d be nice if she kept decent gear.
Glad to have you back Mr. Hunter. Glad to hear you’re taking the lead in your dance with the Devil.
I personaly have always believed in relying on skills and knowlege over gear for just this reason. I mean, it’s nice to have and all, but don’t bet on it always being there.
Phawkes should have a field day though.
Thanks, it’s good to be back!
yay. i am glad the receptionist made it ^w^
I’m very glad to hear you’re feeling better. And I love your work. Although I do wonder: can the Demon Lord of Hunger ever get enough breast meat? Does he plump those up?
Thanks! 8)
Well, we haven’t seen yet whether Moonblade’s crescent is still there, but her glasses might just have fallen off. If Moonblade were in serious trouble, she’d be in it already, because the Vortal instantly disenchants and already affected Bree. So she shouldn’t worry about turning inanimate. (Besides, at this point, it wouldn’t help.)
Also, Tuul, I call BS. Yes, Bree should have listened to you, but you don’t start explaining a warning as straightforward as that with, “Something about non-organic material in these tube things. You can’t just ….”
You just can’t trust minions for reliable information.
I very much disagree. You cannot trust minions for the truth in an fashion, but… information? We’ve gamed enough to know that information comes in many forms. Minions get you good information especially when they think they’re telling lies.
Voidrage armor collapse in 5, 4, 3, 2…
Actually.. There isn’t a piece of armor that she has on that wouldn’t hold its place. Even that piece that fell off is known as a ‘c-string’ and doesn’t need magic to stay on.
This one did?
Or it just got shaken slightly loose en route.
I stand by my statement that I fully expected it to fall off in the Voretal.
So… The enchantment that keeps the armour on is also gone.
I missed you, and your comic! I can’t wait for next strip!
Thanks! It’s good to be drawing again. 8)
Pinky POV: Moon’s moons!
Love that facial expression when her crotch piece falls off.. xD
She never even got to use it in a fight and now it is instantly rendered useless…
Okay… okay…
Magic sword became girl permanently
Glad that bree’s blue bush has made another appearance. And oh my what a lovely pink vulva!