So, let’s see – Foot fetish – check! Tentacle fetish – check! ….just checking off the list of fetishes not covered by Delve yet. I think that’s a first for those two, but I could be wrong. Not to worry, there’s still plenty left on the list.
I don’t see how that’s honorless if *you’re* the one that incapacitated them in the fight. If you’re in a fight, and it’s a fight to the death, and you incapacitate your opponent, that means they die – that’s how a fight to the death is supposed to work. Now, in this case, Moonblade’s reason for fighting in the first place was rather dickish and unreasonable, so I can certainly fault her for that.
Except it wasn’t a fight to the death. Or, at least Bree wasn’t out to kill her, and said as much. Moonblade’s belief might matter, but still, not entirely cricket, even before the whole “I’m going to drown you in a cesspit of demonic ichor with my foot” instead of just snapping her neck.
Well, yes, the trying to kill her in the first place, really for no good reason, is a really bad thing, and drowning her in ecto-spew is even worse – but in as much as you are already trying to kill someone (which she said she was going to do), I don’t see that doing it after you’ve disabled them makes it any worse – the disabling is is just the first part of the killing process. The whole you-have-to-stop-fighting-once-they’re-down is more Disney (ie stereotypical Western animation for kids) fighting rules than anything one might have ever seen in an actual battle.
The problem here is that the only thing that Moon Moon has against Bree is that she’s a thief. There is no other reason for it- no “you murdered my master,” just that Bree’s a thief. That is what makes this unbearable, as Bree really hasn’t done anything worthy of this type of treatment. She even was willing to keep her word, which goes to show that she has more honor than Moon Moon.
Moonblade is (i think) a Lawful Neutral. The more common name for LN is “Rules Nazi”. To her thinking, being a thief is more than enough justification – it’s Chaotic (ie “illegal”). When you’re a LN, a rule, or a regulation, or a law or a code is pretty much it’s own justification, needs no moral backing, and thus justifies any action you take to punish the transgressor. I’ve met plenty of them in real life. Sure, they didn’t try to drown me in demon snot, but I suspect they would have, had it been available.
After making all the honor less back stabbing thief insults and demanding a Honor able master Moon blade is a whole truck load of hypocrite. Killing someone in a fight is Honorable killing a defenseless (incapacitated) opponent is not. A Canadian soldier was court marshaled for mercy killing a enemy combatant that was bleeding out from 20mm wounds if he could have fought back it would have been ok. Bree could not fight back so it would be murder in this case.
I don’t think modern military rules apply here. This is more akin to medieval combat scenarios. If she had been incapacitated by someone else, or by an accident, or she had come upon her already incapacitated, then certainly I would call that dishonorable because then she would be taking advantage, but in many historical cultures it would be far more dishonorable not to finish off an enemy that you have disabled, having defeated them, as you are humiliating them by leaving them alive but in defeat. The more relevant point is, it’s not dishonorable nor hypocritical because it does not follow *your* code, or *my* code, it is the code of *her* culture (moon elves?) that would decide whether the action was dishonorable.
Moonie called Bree ‘honourless’ for the Mexican Jumping Bean Shot, and then pulls an honourless move by boning Bree while Bree was saying she would honour her promise to find a worthy wielder
Actually, there are only two levels of “seen hentai-” not enough, and too much. Some hentai, though, can stick with you. Two come to mind for me, for two different reasons- “Midnight Milk Party” actually goes into the mind of a blackmailed rape victim, and ends with her best friend about to be raped. “One: True Stories” stands out as a truly wonderful, if tragic tale of a young man coming to terms with being forgotten and disappearing. The sex is well done in that one and adds to the story, rather than detracts.
They are on a spirit plane or in one of the hells. Cast out of her body when it turned to stone. I am wondering if they got dragged here with the Naga’s? Maybe the will come to Bree’s rescue.
Yup, the Moonblade has officially crossed the line. Standard paladin holier than thou bullshit. Monster people with cool weapons? Please kill her brains out. Thanks.
I don’t see her as a paladin weapon at all – she has never given any indication of being Lawful Good. She’s concerned only with rules and code an propriety, never right/wrong or good/evil – thus Lawful Neutral would make the most sense for her alignment. While one might legitimately maintain that killing Bree would be evil, a LN character is not forbidden from committing an evil act if it serves their self interest and is in keeping with whatever personal code they follow (*their law, not necessarily ours). In this case, her excessively Lawful nature (and her personal arrogance) tell her she is within her rights, and in fact obligated, to destroy anyone who is Non-Lawful / Chaotic. Presumably Bree is Chaotic Good. Basically, by her code Rogue=Thief=must kill.
In an only somewhat related question, what doe we think is everyone’s alignment? My guess is:
Bree: Chaotic Neutral
Paraxyss: Chaotic Evil
Nefice: Lawful Evil
Nogrog: True Neutral? (She hasn’t really given much indication of alignment)
Beddigan: Neutral Good
Phawkes: Lawful Evil maybe? He’s got to be evil, since the caring magic was painful to him.
Dracomage: Neutral Good ?
Kindall: Lawful Evil
Teal: Adorable Good!
Not sure if those categories truly apply. I have some serious qualms with the D&D alignment “theory”. On one side every order is nothing but a subset of Chaos, so order (law) and chaos are not really opposite: but more like nestled dolls. On the other side good and evil are always relative to subjective processing. For example for an omnivore killing cows for meat is not evil, just “natural”, but for a vegetarian or a Hindu or an ancient Egyptian it is, so it’s largely code-dependent.
Naturally I have my own code about what is good and evil, something like truth, solidarity, justice, freedom are good, while lies, selfishness, injustice and oppression are bad. But not everybody shares it (even if I believe it’s quite close to universally human), so it’s code-relative.
In the end rather than evil vs good, chaos vs law, it’s all about the various “laws” (ethical codes) we spouse.
As for Teal she’s clearly chaotic good, as is Bree. The Nogrog seems good hearted to me, so whatever good too. Most of the rest, including the Moonblade but not Beddigan (of course), are evil scum to my eyes.
Never said she was a paladin weapon. But she’s acting like a stereotypical paladin. Which, Ed8, falls RIGHT into your “must kill anyone of opposing alignment.” Thus, she can get fucked by a rake.
Tentacles with mouths on them! This is going well
The thing originating the dark tendrils looks like balls. It’s Testicles with Tentacles! (with mouths on them, even)
I thought more butt or breasts. You could do tits with tentacles?
it’s from those weapons that those demons have, lets call them “Ball-sack Tentacle Staves” for now.
oh please let there be vore
So, let’s see – Foot fetish – check! Tentacle fetish – check! ….just checking off the list of fetishes not covered by Delve yet. I think that’s a first for those two, but I could be wrong. Not to worry, there’s still plenty left on the list.
Not often I can do two in one comic!
Go for three! Come on, you can do it, we believe in you!
Noooo! Don’t hurt Moonblade! Dear, sweet, misunderstood, delightfully quirky Moonblade must not be harmed!
Of course, maybe it’s just being friendly? It probably just wants to play. That’s OK then.
Moon Blade needs some bad Kama pay back. Killing a incapacitated opponent is is as honor less as it gets. She needs a world class beat down.
I don’t see how that’s honorless if *you’re* the one that incapacitated them in the fight. If you’re in a fight, and it’s a fight to the death, and you incapacitate your opponent, that means they die – that’s how a fight to the death is supposed to work. Now, in this case, Moonblade’s reason for fighting in the first place was rather dickish and unreasonable, so I can certainly fault her for that.
Except it wasn’t a fight to the death. Or, at least Bree wasn’t out to kill her, and said as much. Moonblade’s belief might matter, but still, not entirely cricket, even before the whole “I’m going to drown you in a cesspit of demonic ichor with my foot” instead of just snapping her neck.
Well, yes, the trying to kill her in the first place, really for no good reason, is a really bad thing, and drowning her in ecto-spew is even worse – but in as much as you are already trying to kill someone (which she said she was going to do), I don’t see that doing it after you’ve disabled them makes it any worse – the disabling is is just the first part of the killing process. The whole you-have-to-stop-fighting-once-they’re-down is more Disney (ie stereotypical Western animation for kids) fighting rules than anything one might have ever seen in an actual battle.
Okay, I will give you that, though I still hold the method to be rather beyond the pale, especially as a conscious decision.
The problem here is that the only thing that Moon Moon has against Bree is that she’s a thief. There is no other reason for it- no “you murdered my master,” just that Bree’s a thief. That is what makes this unbearable, as Bree really hasn’t done anything worthy of this type of treatment. She even was willing to keep her word, which goes to show that she has more honor than Moon Moon.
Moonblade is (i think) a Lawful Neutral. The more common name for LN is “Rules Nazi”. To her thinking, being a thief is more than enough justification – it’s Chaotic (ie “illegal”). When you’re a LN, a rule, or a regulation, or a law or a code is pretty much it’s own justification, needs no moral backing, and thus justifies any action you take to punish the transgressor. I’ve met plenty of them in real life. Sure, they didn’t try to drown me in demon snot, but I suspect they would have, had it been available.
After making all the honor less back stabbing thief insults and demanding a Honor able master Moon blade is a whole truck load of hypocrite. Killing someone in a fight is Honorable killing a defenseless (incapacitated) opponent is not. A Canadian soldier was court marshaled for mercy killing a enemy combatant that was bleeding out from 20mm wounds if he could have fought back it would have been ok. Bree could not fight back so it would be murder in this case.
I don’t think modern military rules apply here. This is more akin to medieval combat scenarios. If she had been incapacitated by someone else, or by an accident, or she had come upon her already incapacitated, then certainly I would call that dishonorable because then she would be taking advantage, but in many historical cultures it would be far more dishonorable not to finish off an enemy that you have disabled, having defeated them, as you are humiliating them by leaving them alive but in defeat. The more relevant point is, it’s not dishonorable nor hypocritical because it does not follow *your* code, or *my* code, it is the code of *her* culture (moon elves?) that would decide whether the action was dishonorable.
I agree with Bad Taiming here. See above post as to the whole spiel.
Moonie called Bree ‘honourless’ for the Mexican Jumping Bean Shot, and then pulls an honourless move by boning Bree while Bree was saying she would honour her promise to find a worthy wielder
inb4 “I’ve seen enough hentai…” comments
Has anyone “seen enough hentai”?
Hmmm, we should do an experiment and test that
Actually, there are only two levels of “seen hentai-” not enough, and too much. Some hentai, though, can stick with you. Two come to mind for me, for two different reasons- “Midnight Milk Party” actually goes into the mind of a blackmailed rape victim, and ends with her best friend about to be raped. “One: True Stories” stands out as a truly wonderful, if tragic tale of a young man coming to terms with being forgotten and disappearing. The sex is well done in that one and adds to the story, rather than detracts.
We were where Bree nearly died…Something called her back…What is all this?
They are on a spirit plane or in one of the hells. Cast out of her body when it turned to stone. I am wondering if they got dragged here with the Naga’s? Maybe the will come to Bree’s rescue.
Yup, the Moonblade has officially crossed the line. Standard paladin holier than thou bullshit. Monster people with cool weapons? Please kill her brains out. Thanks.
I don’t see her as a paladin weapon at all – she has never given any indication of being Lawful Good. She’s concerned only with rules and code an propriety, never right/wrong or good/evil – thus Lawful Neutral would make the most sense for her alignment. While one might legitimately maintain that killing Bree would be evil, a LN character is not forbidden from committing an evil act if it serves their self interest and is in keeping with whatever personal code they follow (*their law, not necessarily ours). In this case, her excessively Lawful nature (and her personal arrogance) tell her she is within her rights, and in fact obligated, to destroy anyone who is Non-Lawful / Chaotic. Presumably Bree is Chaotic Good. Basically, by her code Rogue=Thief=must kill.
In an only somewhat related question, what doe we think is everyone’s alignment? My guess is:
Bree: Chaotic Neutral
Paraxyss: Chaotic Evil
Nefice: Lawful Evil
Nogrog: True Neutral? (She hasn’t really given much indication of alignment)
Beddigan: Neutral Good
Phawkes: Lawful Evil maybe? He’s got to be evil, since the caring magic was painful to him.
Dracomage: Neutral Good ?
Kindall: Lawful Evil
Teal: Adorable Good!
Not sure if those categories truly apply. I have some serious qualms with the D&D alignment “theory”. On one side every order is nothing but a subset of Chaos, so order (law) and chaos are not really opposite: but more like nestled dolls. On the other side good and evil are always relative to subjective processing. For example for an omnivore killing cows for meat is not evil, just “natural”, but for a vegetarian or a Hindu or an ancient Egyptian it is, so it’s largely code-dependent.
Naturally I have my own code about what is good and evil, something like truth, solidarity, justice, freedom are good, while lies, selfishness, injustice and oppression are bad. But not everybody shares it (even if I believe it’s quite close to universally human), so it’s code-relative.
In the end rather than evil vs good, chaos vs law, it’s all about the various “laws” (ethical codes) we spouse.
As for Teal she’s clearly chaotic good, as is Bree. The Nogrog seems good hearted to me, so whatever good too. Most of the rest, including the Moonblade but not Beddigan (of course), are evil scum to my eyes.
Never said she was a paladin weapon. But she’s acting like a stereotypical paladin. Which, Ed8, falls RIGHT into your “must kill anyone of opposing alignment.” Thus, she can get fucked by a rake.
If a sword gets fucked by a rake, doe she give birth to a hoe?
“Standard paladin holier than thou bullshit.”
We see the foot fetish and the tenticle fettish but I think that’s poop water so 3 fetiches