I’d bet it’s pronounced “ty-rah”, with proper “I Graeca”, also known as “French Y” or “German Ü”
Romans didn’t borrow a whole separate letter from the Greek alphabet just because they thought having a second copy of “I” would be nice. Admittedly, they kinda screwed their alphabet by keeping “K” as the second “C” instead of getting rid of it completely — seriously, the only word in Latin that is spelled with “K” is “kalendae”, other examples are legalistic abbreviations.
> I’d bet it’s pronounced “ty-rah”, with proper “I Graeca”, also known as “French Y” or “German Ü”
Yeah. It took a long time for me to figure out ύ, upsilon/ypsilon, but I think modern German Ü is as close as you’ll get. An additional wrinkle is that in classical Greek, it usually carries a mark called “rough breathing” that comes across as an initial “h”: hyper- and hypo- both start with upsilon with the mark.
“Тюра”/”Тъюра”. The transition between “j” or a palatized consonant and “u” is pronounced pretty much as “y”: there is a moment when lips are still rounded as for pronouncing “u”, but the vocal cords are already producing the “i” tone, and this combination is basically the “y” sound.
Oh, does the YoYodyne Corporation have a facility in Delveworld? I mean, if the Black Lectroids could cut across the eighth dimension from planet 10 to earth, seems entirely possible that they could find their way to Delveworld. Just sayin’.
Kindall: “Brother! Help me!”
Bro: “Listen, you’re the one who paid for a shadow elf dominatrix. I shouldn’t have to tell you the risks.”
Looks like shadow elves aren’t very good with bondage.
The scout looks nice. How is her name pronounced? More like Tee-rah or more like Tie-rah?
I’d bet it’s pronounced “ty-rah”, with proper “I Graeca”, also known as “French Y” or “German Ü”
Romans didn’t borrow a whole separate letter from the Greek alphabet just because they thought having a second copy of “I” would be nice. Admittedly, they kinda screwed their alphabet by keeping “K” as the second “C” instead of getting rid of it completely — seriously, the only word in Latin that is spelled with “K” is “kalendae”, other examples are legalistic abbreviations.
> I’d bet it’s pronounced “ty-rah”, with proper “I Graeca”, also known as “French Y” or “German Ü”
Yeah. It took a long time for me to figure out ύ, upsilon/ypsilon, but I think modern German Ü is as close as you’ll get. An additional wrinkle is that in classical Greek, it usually carries a mark called “rough breathing” that comes across as an initial “h”: hyper- and hypo- both start with upsilon with the mark.
That’s very funny but doesn’t help me transliterate it into Cyrillic at all.
“Тюра”/”Тъюра”. The transition between “j” or a palatized consonant and “u” is pronounced pretty much as “y”: there is a moment when lips are still rounded as for pronouncing “u”, but the vocal cords are already producing the “i” tone, and this combination is basically the “y” sound.
I usually leave pronunciation to the mind of the reader, but, in this case, I always imagine it as “TIE-rah”.
Like that Banks slut?
Can anyone remind me what chapter Kendall was last spotted at?
Also, is that nipple armor?
I believe it was 329, which did indicate that Kendall had a hard time ahead of him.
Also, does the scout know Shadow Elves even exist? She seems to be quite surprised by the name.
Don’t know about the armor, though some extra protection would seem to be a good idea.
I sent as a separate comment accidentally as well.
Alive and in dark elf… “custody”
Not ‘nipple armour’, just cold in that hall
I’m unsure how much time has passed but if he called for those troops it must have been just before he went down for the Devourer’s ceremony.
Ahh, I had completely forgotten who Tyra was and her interactions with Capris, the Dark Elf who took Kindall Prisoner.
If she still has her ear then presumably Capria is hearing everything Tyra is hearing right now.
A healing spell was cast which regrew Tyra’s ear (and thus removed it from Capria’s control)
Oh, does the YoYodyne Corporation have a facility in Delveworld? I mean, if the Black Lectroids could cut across the eighth dimension from planet 10 to earth, seems entirely possible that they could find their way to Delveworld. Just sayin’.
Hooray! Someone understood Jen’s contribution to the conversation!
He beat me to it. (Not bad for a monkey-boy.)
Back to a pages full of broken images
At least the invotive image works
And… just after posting that, the images are working again
Back to not working again
D’awww! Look at Warmy, sitting at the table, in a chair just like everyone else
Not very subtle with that ear touch.
Heh heh 8)
Woman in pants? Take it o… away!