It’s not if you are sure of your win anyway. Actually, read history of duelling – there were lots of “crazy” notions there, including handicap s when one of the opponents was clearly a better fighter…
She does lose points from me for stupidly getting rid of an advantage (Though I do respect that, despite her unfathomable rage, she made that choice.), but overall, it feels like she… “deserves” the win, even if this Orc in particular doesn’t “deserve” death for the sin to which she ascribes his people.
Ideally they’d both live, more likely however, is that he’ll make use of her advantage to best her, but I’m still rooting for her.
Thing is, he still enslaves, rapes, and eats people. Sure Bree’s up for some ‘ravishing’ but I don’t think everyone else is. Of course maybe we aren’t supposed to think about it that way, but here we are. Even if the ‘dragon-eating’ crime was generations ago and even if you wanna let that slide, this clan is a pack of monsters *right now*.
Are you seriously going to judge an alien species from an alien world more harshly than you would probably judge ancient Romans or recent American colonists from two centuries ago? Slavery and rape sadly enough is a key part of Human history for at least the last 5000 years, maybe more. Not saying they are forgivable among humans IRL, not at all, but judging fantasy non-humans on just that at first glance seems a bit overzealous.
Please write an essay on Caesar and George Washington’s slavery and rape before you jump with your zealous self-righteousness to judge other species in a fantasy setting. Are hyenas horribly evil? Is Augustus, who (they say) nailed Jesus to a plank, a great Emperor?
As for cannibalism… it’s not such if they are from other species, right. Japanese eat setient dolphins, Pygmies traditionally hunt setient elephants for meat.
What do dragons eat? Last time I checked a dragon wanted to eat Miko…
On the subject of judging the situation vs your examples, Maju:
While I am not a history buff (bad teachers until my last), and I cannot attest to the character of your examples, or to their actions… Yes, I would judge them for said actions (save for hyenas). I also would not begrudge the dragon judging goblins/orcs harshly, as I would too in its situation.
To my knowledge, goblins/orcs, and dragons are intelligent, society- and speech-capable creatures in this setting (Hyena aren’t, so they are exempt, though if their socially capable counterpart, Gnolls acted the same way…), so I would judge them as I would humans. Things get a bit muddy because they seem to mutually judge each other as food, as, say, a human and a lion, or more appropriately, a catfish or heron and an alligator would. I hold that against both parties. Yes, it isn’t cannibalism, but no, I don’t believe that if you reproduce with it and/or talk with it, that you should enslave it or eat it.
In this area I believe the dragon has higher ground (could be wrong, don’t necessarily have the full story), because it just eats its prey (or kills them, as a threat and as revenge), talking or no. Goblins/Orcs socialise with, rape, enslave, and eat other social beings, and to my knowledge are not doing the latter merely for survival (I’m not going to go into the whole is it okay to eat someone if you’ll die otherwise bit).
I also believe the dragon has more right to be angry because, as with the catfish-alligator and heron- alligator examples above, the dragon’s defenceless children were eaten. Meanwhile, the dragon fights creatures capable of defending themselves, who can kill it, and seemingly encourages them to defend themselves.
If these were two human cannibal tribes, and one ate people and killed to expand or in self-defence, and the other did the same, with rape, slavery and baby eating on top, I would judge the latter more harshly.
That’s a fair enough answer, and I thank you for it.
My only point is: eating sometimes their captives are what orcs are supposed to do per canon, that can be interpreted as “evil” or as “a cultural thing”. Same for dragons eating other species (quite apparently also canon, at least in this story, Chasta knows).
I’m generally pro-dragons, because they belong to a banished and mistreated deep layer of mythology that I tend to prefer, actually my nickname is also a nickname of the Basque snake-god Sugaar, arguably part of a binary monotheism of ancient Neolithic or Megalithism or whatever (too long to explain here, just to say that Maju probably comes from Arabic madju = pagan, in turn from Persian mayu = magus or mage or Zoroastrian priest). However in this story, I’m taking side with the orcs because I don’t feel compelled to side with the dragons and I rather feel a bit like Bree playful and ethically uninterested. It’s a capricious choice admittedly, also I’ve been for so long on Bree’s side that I wouldn’t be able to take any other side, unless she goes truly evil, what won’t happen, I’m sure.
Otherwise, my fascination with orcs and goblins it’s probably because they are human-like yet also very animalistic (but not furry, I feel no interest in furry-ism), to the point of brutality. In other circumstances I’d use “orc” to insult fascists, because they are sometimes very similar, especially in the Tolkian fantasy, but here they are a very small tribe fighting for survival, sure they do so “the orc way”, which is quite questionable (to say the least) but one thing about fantasy is that you can safely take the wrong side for a change, unlike in real life, experiment… play.
In any case it’s hard to judge: both options are arguably evil, unless you consider the rest of species as potentially food, regardless of their quality as “setient” or not. That’s why I mentioned the examples of species I do consider setient or almost so like dolphins or elephants; IRL I strongly dislike such kind of killings, in fantasy… it’s a different story, you can be morally elastic if that is fun (of course not for the lawful good types, I would never play such alignment: too rigid, but IRL I’m probably “neutral good” to “chaotic good” if that’s necessary to state, in fantasy however almost anything that is not too lawful=dogmatic or not too good=saintly, sounds horribly boring!)
She should go back to full dragon so not to drag this fight any longer.
Question; why is Bree’s blood black now?
More importantly, why is Bree becoming greyscale?
She’s drifting away to the Land of Grey.
I wonder what her elf eyes see?
Based on that hit she just took, I’d be surprised if it was anything other then stars.
Interesting metaphor by Sephni(?) there, though.
Was wondering that as well, at first, thought it was simply the mark made by the ‘un-named’ dragon’s tail, until saw the drips down her neck
Just how many HP of damage can a spiked human-formed dragon’s tail inflict? Our girl can definitely use some of that regeneration ju-ju about now!
Yeah, definitely Sark is a firefighter. He even has an axe now.
I think one more hit on a head should do it. Whatever “it” is.
Okay – that’s too unbelievable. I can handle all the fantasy but giving your enemy a weapon is crazy.
It’s not if you are sure of your win anyway. Actually, read history of duelling – there were lots of “crazy” notions there, including handicap s when one of the opponents was clearly a better fighter…
Sephi just can’t let Bree die…
That’s not Bree saying “Wake up”…
Yes it is, she’s telling herself to wake up so that this will all be a dream and she didn’t just get tail-slapped by a hot dragoness
Gonna be honest, I’m backing the dragon.
Same here: she has merely been avenging the murder of her un-hatched children
Anyone who callously goes after children loses all rights to life
Same here really.
She does lose points from me for stupidly getting rid of an advantage (Though I do respect that, despite her unfathomable rage, she made that choice.), but overall, it feels like she… “deserves” the win, even if this Orc in particular doesn’t “deserve” death for the sin to which she ascribes his people.
Ideally they’d both live, more likely however, is that he’ll make use of her advantage to best her, but I’m still rooting for her.
Thing is, he still enslaves, rapes, and eats people. Sure Bree’s up for some ‘ravishing’ but I don’t think everyone else is. Of course maybe we aren’t supposed to think about it that way, but here we are. Even if the ‘dragon-eating’ crime was generations ago and even if you wanna let that slide, this clan is a pack of monsters *right now*.
Also dragon-tits are best tits.
Are you seriously going to judge an alien species from an alien world more harshly than you would probably judge ancient Romans or recent American colonists from two centuries ago? Slavery and rape sadly enough is a key part of Human history for at least the last 5000 years, maybe more. Not saying they are forgivable among humans IRL, not at all, but judging fantasy non-humans on just that at first glance seems a bit overzealous.
Please write an essay on Caesar and George Washington’s slavery and rape before you jump with your zealous self-righteousness to judge other species in a fantasy setting. Are hyenas horribly evil? Is Augustus, who (they say) nailed Jesus to a plank, a great Emperor?
As for cannibalism… it’s not such if they are from other species, right. Japanese eat setient dolphins, Pygmies traditionally hunt setient elephants for meat.
What do dragons eat? Last time I checked a dragon wanted to eat Miko…
Lulz, the inanity of your comment and self-contradiction are hilarious. You should resign from the internet in shame.
Sadly, you don’t even get your own fail, too slow; too self-involved.
I resign from being interested on what you say, Dorcus. Falling into personal attacks is the argument of those who lack arguments.
You don’t get to demand essays from others to prove your own point, Maju.
Says the fool making personal attacks. and STILL contradicting himself.
On the subject of judging the situation vs your examples, Maju:
While I am not a history buff (bad teachers until my last), and I cannot attest to the character of your examples, or to their actions… Yes, I would judge them for said actions (save for hyenas). I also would not begrudge the dragon judging goblins/orcs harshly, as I would too in its situation.
To my knowledge, goblins/orcs, and dragons are intelligent, society- and speech-capable creatures in this setting (Hyena aren’t, so they are exempt, though if their socially capable counterpart, Gnolls acted the same way…), so I would judge them as I would humans. Things get a bit muddy because they seem to mutually judge each other as food, as, say, a human and a lion, or more appropriately, a catfish or heron and an alligator would. I hold that against both parties. Yes, it isn’t cannibalism, but no, I don’t believe that if you reproduce with it and/or talk with it, that you should enslave it or eat it.
In this area I believe the dragon has higher ground (could be wrong, don’t necessarily have the full story), because it just eats its prey (or kills them, as a threat and as revenge), talking or no. Goblins/Orcs socialise with, rape, enslave, and eat other social beings, and to my knowledge are not doing the latter merely for survival (I’m not going to go into the whole is it okay to eat someone if you’ll die otherwise bit).
I also believe the dragon has more right to be angry because, as with the catfish-alligator and heron- alligator examples above, the dragon’s defenceless children were eaten. Meanwhile, the dragon fights creatures capable of defending themselves, who can kill it, and seemingly encourages them to defend themselves.
If these were two human cannibal tribes, and one ate people and killed to expand or in self-defence, and the other did the same, with rape, slavery and baby eating on top, I would judge the latter more harshly.
That’s a fair enough answer, and I thank you for it.
My only point is: eating sometimes their captives are what orcs are supposed to do per canon, that can be interpreted as “evil” or as “a cultural thing”. Same for dragons eating other species (quite apparently also canon, at least in this story, Chasta knows).
I’m generally pro-dragons, because they belong to a banished and mistreated deep layer of mythology that I tend to prefer, actually my nickname is also a nickname of the Basque snake-god Sugaar, arguably part of a binary monotheism of ancient Neolithic or Megalithism or whatever (too long to explain here, just to say that Maju probably comes from Arabic madju = pagan, in turn from Persian mayu = magus or mage or Zoroastrian priest). However in this story, I’m taking side with the orcs because I don’t feel compelled to side with the dragons and I rather feel a bit like Bree playful and ethically uninterested. It’s a capricious choice admittedly, also I’ve been for so long on Bree’s side that I wouldn’t be able to take any other side, unless she goes truly evil, what won’t happen, I’m sure.
Otherwise, my fascination with orcs and goblins it’s probably because they are human-like yet also very animalistic (but not furry, I feel no interest in furry-ism), to the point of brutality. In other circumstances I’d use “orc” to insult fascists, because they are sometimes very similar, especially in the Tolkian fantasy, but here they are a very small tribe fighting for survival, sure they do so “the orc way”, which is quite questionable (to say the least) but one thing about fantasy is that you can safely take the wrong side for a change, unlike in real life, experiment… play.
In any case it’s hard to judge: both options are arguably evil, unless you consider the rest of species as potentially food, regardless of their quality as “setient” or not. That’s why I mentioned the examples of species I do consider setient or almost so like dolphins or elephants; IRL I strongly dislike such kind of killings, in fantasy… it’s a different story, you can be morally elastic if that is fun (of course not for the lawful good types, I would never play such alignment: too rigid, but IRL I’m probably “neutral good” to “chaotic good” if that’s necessary to state, in fantasy however almost anything that is not too lawful=dogmatic or not too good=saintly, sounds horribly boring!)
I see… Thanks for sharing your opinion on the subject
I don’t feel the same about everything, but it helped me understand your views a bit better.
I hope the doe is still alive , spared by the dragoness : she’s a grass-eater , having nothing to do with the eating of the eggs
According to a previous vote incentive, she made it out slightly worse for wear, but otherwise just fine.
I hope the anthro-doe will survive : she has nothing to see with the eggs drama
I wish for the victory of the dragoness , too
She… armed her opponent? What?