Well I only wanted to know an approximate number!
you could check it on the website where you purchased your domain and service… and tell us of course.
Well, I have no idea if I am reading the stats correctly, but, according to my host, I’ve had over 28,000 unique visitors so far this year, but only like 2 new uniques this month so far. Apparently, most of you are reading on android devices.
well since you show a lot of nudity in your work i guess you won’t be able to use social websites to your advantage and attract more people… You could spam on other websites though
If I’m a figment of your imagination, you are in deep trouble and should consult a doctor … wait, I am a doctor, uh oh …
P.S.: Face in panel 2, three thumbs up.
Now that I think of it: why does a demon say “oh heaven!”, is “heaven” a curse word in Hell or something?
Also it just dawned to me what the option to the poll question “the viewing audience” might mean in Wormius’ mind: those flying guys with the fiery rods are “the viewing audience”, right? Alright they might “somehow” represent all us but that’s a bit philosophical… they were scripted (erm… “destinied”) to win no matter who won the fight as such, that was just the hilarious fight option.
Whatever the case: the face of The Stupid Talking Machete girl in panel 6 is priceless (all the rest too, of course).
Why yes, Maju, the lovely and charming Ms. Moonblade does look particularly fetching as she enjoys a relaxing ectoplasmic-slime bath in panel 6. I’m glad to see that you are warming up to her.
Andrew! Are you expecting me to see Bree the same way… after seeing her face in panel 2?
Heh heh 8)
Panel 2?
Don’t you mean panel 3? Or is it 5?
I apparently fail at keeping panel counts. I mean panel 6 with the screaming elf leap.
No not the leap one, the one with “SNARL!” in it
Called it.
Wandering monster#2 is wise. To stop the fight now would risk the fury of millions of angry readers!
(I’m assuming there are millions of readers -why wouldn’t there be?)
Since i am planning to become a web-comic-er, I don’t mind finding out how many readers Delve has!
I actually don’t know, now that you mention it. I’m still not entirely convinced that you all aren’t just a figment of my imagination.
Well I only wanted to know an approximate number!
you could check it on the website where you purchased your domain and service… and tell us of course.
Well, I have no idea if I am reading the stats correctly, but, according to my host, I’ve had over 28,000 unique visitors so far this year, but only like 2 new uniques this month so far. Apparently, most of you are reading on android devices.
well since you show a lot of nudity in your work i guess you won’t be able to use social websites to your advantage and attract more people… You could spam on other websites though
I am the fragmentation of everyone’s imagination. You all think, therefore I am.
If I’m a figment of your imagination, you are in deep trouble and should consult a doctor … wait, I am a doctor, uh oh …
P.S.: Face in panel 2, three thumbs up.
LordCrimson is planning to become a webcomicer? Hmmmm, I wonder…will it have vore in it?
Less fourth-wall-breakingly, to stop the fight now would call down the wrath of an angry elf chick and her little sword, too!
Weak point? More like Angry Button. That face in panel #2 is awesome.
8) thanks!
It’s gonna take a while to get the happy button working over that mad.
You have to pass the age-verification check to get to see the scene with the “happy button” being pressed.
I know I’m looking at the wrong thing here, but those weapons are actually pretty cool looking.
Equal opportunities perving, Jack. If you want to stare at the guys’ huge staffs, no one’s going to stop you
(And they are kind of cool, I agree:)
Thanks! I had fun with those.
Run Forrest! Run!
Heh heh 8)
that moon is awesome
Now that I think of it: why does a demon say “oh heaven!”, is “heaven” a curse word in Hell or something?
Also it just dawned to me what the option to the poll question “the viewing audience” might mean in Wormius’ mind: those flying guys with the fiery rods are “the viewing audience”, right? Alright they might “somehow” represent all us but that’s a bit philosophical… they were scripted (erm… “destinied”) to win no matter who won the fight as such, that was just the hilarious fight option.
Whatever the case: the face of The Stupid Talking Machete girl in panel 6 is priceless (all the rest too, of course).
Why yes, Maju, the lovely and charming Ms. Moonblade does look particularly fetching as she enjoys a relaxing ectoplasmic-slime bath in panel 6. I’m glad to see that you are warming up to her.
Stop the show? Hells no, I wanna jump in too!