Found Wanting Apr02 by Wormius on April 2, 2014 at 12:02 pm Chapter: 7Characters: Sephni Related Related Comics ¬ Get Up Wedding Crashers Faith of the Fallen Return of the Queen Apparitions
Whaaaa? Grrrr…cliffhangers and teases! Nice page otherwise
Thanks 8)
BREE LIVES?!?!? YEEEEEAHHH!! (or is this the “REVENGE OF BREE”; as in someone will ALWAYS be Bree?)
Isn’t there a little Bree in all of us?
The Dread Pirate Bree?
Quite understandable – I was tempted to react the same way myself when news of Bree’s possible demise was presented, but unfortunately there were no lizardmen handy for me to vent my frustrations upon.
auggg April 1st should be band or at lest April fools grrrrrr
*points at the time* This was specifically posted two minutes after midnight on april 2nd.
I know that I was talking about bre being dead and all aging hate April fools day
So, is this Tyra or Sephni? They’re the only two blonde elves I can recall.
What about Nog?
This _is_ the Princess we’re looking for?
(and not an italian plumber in sight)
I could almost hear “Battle Without Honor or Humanity” playing when I saw this.
Hah! 8)
One door leads to the center of the labyrinth …
One door leads to certain death….
Now we know what happens at the death door…
anyone else notice that the next page will be number #200?
And apparently she’s gone blonde…
I think Sephni’s free too….