Supposedly not: Greyzone is (per Jen’s description) Boring World (Curvy reference if anyone knows): all is sooo (allegedly) stable and controlled that it seems pointless and worthless, nothing ever happens (or rather everything that happens is “more of the same”, more or less). Fantasyland or The Delve is a place where that relative security does not existe and extreme danger is always around the corner, “lively” I guess but also quite stressing.
Hopefully the right balance can be achieved somehow.
Considering how little she knows about Grayside, that’s unlikely to happen. Do you realize how dangerous are cars to people who are not used to them and don’t know the traffic rules?
The Department of Motor Vehicles, where all citizens of the United States dread to go. One spends a great deal of time, standing in line, waiting for drivers license renewals and the like.
Heh, got it. Considering Bree’s lack of patience and posession of undetectable weapons, I expect heavy casualty at DMV staff….
I’s the the same in Europe, btw. Thanks for clarification.
…Aren’t they describing pretty much the same world?
Supposedly not: Greyzone is (per Jen’s description) Boring World (Curvy reference if anyone knows): all is sooo (allegedly) stable and controlled that it seems pointless and worthless, nothing ever happens (or rather everything that happens is “more of the same”, more or less). Fantasyland or The Delve is a place where that relative security does not existe and extreme danger is always around the corner, “lively” I guess but also quite stressing.
Hopefully the right balance can be achieved somehow.
I feel kinda sorry for Mala, for about one millionth of a millisecond ?
Two worlds are basically the same, except that Delve has magic
Something ‘they’ didn’t count on
Well if there was a body to trade to…
Jokes aside, I’d love to see Bree having a perfectly normal, boring day in the Grayside, without any adventures.
Considering how little she knows about Grayside, that’s unlikely to happen. Do you realize how dangerous are cars to people who are not used to them and don’t know the traffic rules?
About as dangerous as they are to people who do?
… well, not in Europe. Here, for example, knowing which color of traffic light means “safe” helps.
i would love to see human bree in the delve in a elf bree adventure
ahhhh…. they just have to sort out theirs differences and fuse into the NEW QUEEN ^^
Jen knows the rules for Delve World, (She’s read the players manual) and so knows that knowing the rules is no help at all.
The idea is so spectacularly bad it’s excellent! Hey, maybe Mala as she is is a result of a previous attempt?
Hate to sound stupid and uneducated, however, what the heck stands DMV for?
The Department of Motor Vehicles, where all citizens of the United States dread to go. One spends a great deal of time, standing in line, waiting for drivers license renewals and the like.
Heh, got it. Considering Bree’s lack of patience and posession of undetectable weapons, I expect heavy casualty at DMV staff….
I’s the the same in Europe, btw. Thanks for clarification.
Anybody notice they both have the SAME problem, but are viewing it from different perspectives?