How evil is the DM? Do you remember his dungeons? His colisseum? How Lassa barely survived both for a mere mishap? He might fear unleashed rainbows for a good reason, methinks.
That would be a pretty fun side series- a boarding house or fraternity house where all sorts of fantasy creatures and people keep showing up, leading to both struggles with the sheer impracticality of some fantasy creatures existing in a normal house and the struggle to find out where they go back to.
I’d imagine some would just decide to love there after popping in, too. Perhaps finding modern amenities and digital entertainment to be much better than swords and sorcery.
Maybe it could start with someone accidentally playing DnD on a Ouija board or sommat lol
It could have been caring magic…
But I assume it is somewhere between finding a new friend/a sympathetic ear, which would be exactly what Brian said, to falling in love with Teal.
I’m sure company in the form of a beautiful girl helped too…
In case that was not obvious – “caring magic” is literally the name the the magic Teal uses (strip 121, 129, 159,…). As far as I know it was never established what that (divine?) magic actually is capable of besides healing fatal chest wounds or turning devourer avatars into cute things and so on.
Besides I don’t think depression is a status effect that exists in the D&D system. However clerics definitely can cure mental afflictions like exhaustion, charmed, frightened, ability drain, … so it would be plausible Teal actually removed the “depressed” condition on Brian / turned him into a chipper version of Brian. (But I doubt it)
For a boobs comic, you’re being extremely prudish (and nerdy).
But whatever rocks your boat, really. I can think of other ways to remove stress (which rather than depression seems to me what Brian was feeling) but whatever.
Yes the dracomage’s cloak is purple with blue stripes and his eyes and mouth is light green for example episode 228.
I assume the dracomage is grey because he is connected to the greyside through Brian. Teal as an NPC is not connected to a greysider and as such is in color even when she invaded the greyside?
Another explanation could be that Teal is almost an avatar of chipperness and as such is in a good mood – hence the color?
Dracomage: Brian how could you! You, you MANSLUT! AND….AND……with…with WITH A FEMALE! I thought we had a connection Brian and here you are under my nose, talking with another figment of your imagination!
How rude! Teal’s not that scary!!
Unless you’re a sparklecap… or a svirknebln.
How evil is the DM? Do you remember his dungeons? His colisseum? How Lassa barely survived both for a mere mishap? He might fear unleashed rainbows for a good reason, methinks.
That moment when even characters don’t understand wtf is going on
Heh heh 8)
This is some top notch sitcom material, and I am loving it.
That would be a pretty fun side series- a boarding house or fraternity house where all sorts of fantasy creatures and people keep showing up, leading to both struggles with the sheer impracticality of some fantasy creatures existing in a normal house and the struggle to find out where they go back to.
I’d imagine some would just decide to love there after popping in, too. Perhaps finding modern amenities and digital entertainment to be much better than swords and sorcery.
Maybe it could start with someone accidentally playing DnD on a Ouija board or sommat lol
Props on the old school AD&D monster manual!
Was wondering what that was
Thanks for noticing!
DM is bothered because he could not bang Bree but Brian banged Teal? *smirk*
I wouldn’t say that, considering Teal might not have shown up with any clothes, and Brian may have just offered her a shirt.
Then why is he so “chipper”?
It could have been caring magic…
But I assume it is somewhere between finding a new friend/a sympathetic ear, which would be exactly what Brian said, to falling in love with Teal.
I’m sure company in the form of a beautiful girl helped too…
Teal definitely didn’t had any clothes considering how she arrived.
And even if they banged, Brian definitely needed talking more.
Ah, “caring magic”, that’s how they call it now?
In case that was not obvious – “caring magic” is literally the name the the magic Teal uses (strip 121, 129, 159,…). As far as I know it was never established what that (divine?) magic actually is capable of besides healing fatal chest wounds or turning devourer avatars into cute things and so on.
Besides I don’t think depression is a status effect that exists in the D&D system. However clerics definitely can cure mental afflictions like exhaustion, charmed, frightened, ability drain, … so it would be plausible Teal actually removed the “depressed” condition on Brian / turned him into a chipper version of Brian. (But I doubt it)
For a boobs comic, you’re being extremely prudish (and nerdy).
But whatever rocks your boat, really. I can think of other ways to remove stress (which rather than depression seems to me what Brian was feeling) but whatever.
Go on Teal, give him a hug, you know you want to
Brian got LUCKY!!

Yeah, he was lucky it was Teal and not one of those Devourer creatures
Teal it’s been so long! And I missed you so! Can we see Teal without the man’s shirt? Or at least with the shirt opened up?
Normally I’d say yes to this as well… But this is the rare case I feel the shirt says more…
Dracomage knows he’s a part of Brian’s consciousness (mostly)
So he knows that if Teal is PHYSICALLY there then things are going very, VERY bad.
Teal seems to be physically here and REACTING TO HIM.
*raises hand*
Why is Teal in color but the DM isn’t?
Can you imagine a grey Teal?
Artistic license or “a wizard did it”.
Alternatively the DM is Brian’s alter ego, he’s native of the Grayzone, sorta.
Was DM ever in colour? :thinking:
I thought his cloak was purple? Or red. Or something…
Yes the dracomage’s cloak is purple with blue stripes and his eyes and mouth is light green for example episode 228.
I assume the dracomage is grey because he is connected to the greyside through Brian. Teal as an NPC is not connected to a greysider and as such is in color even when she invaded the greyside?
Another explanation could be that Teal is almost an avatar of chipperness and as such is in a good mood – hence the color?
On Grayside he is never in color, but his cloak is purple on Delve-side
Dracomage: Brian how could you! You, you MANSLUT! AND….AND……with…with WITH A FEMALE! I thought we had a connection Brian and here you are under my nose, talking with another figment of your imagination!
Dragomage storms off in tears
Best comment. XD