I once had a rogue character that passed as a fighter-type. “Yeah, I’m a fighter. I just happen to do my best fighting from behind.” Considering that pretty much everybody gets some kind of bonus from behind, saying that still makes sense.
As random monsters go, I wouldn’t mind seeing a spider-like creature and see someone get webbed again. Doesn’t even have to be an Arachnodemon. Endercaps, Chitins, or a swarm would work good too.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit more of the Goo crew at the brothel…
As for this page…”I’m tired. My feet hurt. My best friend took a face first into a lava pool, my best back-up wants me dead, we are all going to be lunch for an elder god…Fuck it, I’m mad as hell, And I AIn’t GOnna TAKE IT ANY MORE! KILL’EM ALL!”
Stabs to the face. For when you want to see the fear in their eyes.
The Moonblade in the second panel is so well done. Like, in the terms of art, the detail of her face and the way her hands are so perfectly positioned– it is probably my favorite scene to date that you have drawn.
The last image is really… impressive.
Damn, that’s a good knife. Cut through them lizard-folks like butter….
…Where was she keeping that knife?
It phases in and out on command.
Of course you know, “Rogues do it from behind.”
Unless they have an OP’d artifact weapon that the DM gave them. Then they do it every which way. 8)
I once had a rogue character that passed as a fighter-type. “Yeah, I’m a fighter. I just happen to do my best fighting from behind.” Considering that pretty much everybody gets some kind of bonus from behind, saying that still makes sense.

That last panel is amazing. I would love to die like that… But only if i’m in my 90s and already dying from a terminal disease!
Heh heh 8)
At that age, a view like that might give you a fatal heart attack anyway…

Ah, gotta love a good Sharpness blade!
And a good vag shot. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this side of Bree
I’m fairly certain we have seen that side of Breee many times !
Still .. it’s worth seeing repeatedly.
As random monsters go, I wouldn’t mind seeing a spider-like creature and see someone get webbed again. Doesn’t even have to be an Arachnodemon. Endercaps, Chitins, or a swarm would work good too.
That lizard bitch deserved to be cut down for trying to slice the sexy snake girl.
Screw subtlety.
In all seriousness though, I can’t wait for the next strip.
Hah hah, I love that scene. “What are we doing?” “Oh, shooting everything? Cool.”
You have to admit, it’d be hard for a spirit who had been bound to a sword to turn away from a fight
I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit more of the Goo crew at the brothel…
As for this page…”I’m tired. My feet hurt. My best friend took a face first into a lava pool, my best back-up wants me dead, we are all going to be lunch for an elder god…Fuck it, I’m mad as hell, And I AIn’t GOnna TAKE IT ANY MORE! KILL’EM ALL!”
Stabs to the face. For when you want to see the fear in their eyes.
Yeah, I like that sentiment: “Kill them all & let the Devourer god sort them out. Juicy & succulent here, tough & stringy over there.”

The Moonblade in the second panel is so well done. Like, in the terms of art, the detail of her face and the way her hands are so perfectly positioned– it is probably my favorite scene to date that you have drawn.
Thank you!
Too much sax and violins!
Actually, this is a great page from a great webcomic and those young women sure are…um…energetic. And stabby. Ow. OW.
An evil female cultist? Or was she just pissed not to become Vored? o_O
That POV is beautiful. Wish that was me.