How does green blood work?, I wonder. Some elven wiseperson should explain that: is it copper oxyde based or is it chloroplasts for photosytnthesis. Oh, never mind, I guess a wizard did it…
Maybe the fang-root or whatever it was worked after all, just not as quick? I’m puzzled by the cute ‘Orc’ archer, she wasn’t part of the group. Surely it couldn’t be….?
Anyway, let the thug-guys snuff it. If Finch keeps ALL his herbs down the front of his pants, no wonder they are a bit ‘off’.
Sexy orcess in the background! Me likes!
How does green blood work?, I wonder. Some elven wiseperson should explain that: is it copper oxyde based or is it chloroplasts for photosytnthesis. Oh, never mind, I guess a wizard did it…
Is it blood? I thought that was vomit.
Whatever it is, it ain’t good.
Panel four: orc blood looks to be a dark red (possibly influenced by being set against green skin).
Can’t lie. Getting strong Nazgúl chasing the Hobbits vibes here… not to say that was the inspiration.
Let the cute archeress live, kill the rest
Maybe the fang-root or whatever it was worked after all, just not as quick? I’m puzzled by the cute ‘Orc’ archer, she wasn’t part of the group. Surely it couldn’t be….?
Anyway, let the thug-guys snuff it. If Finch keeps ALL his herbs down the front of his pants, no wonder they are a bit ‘off’.
He…… he’s got mushrooms growing in his crotch??
No, his dick shrivelled and fell off
Always a risk to try for a monologue before going for your suicide shroom.