Point is that he is already as fucked as he’s gonna be, while the orc’s situation worsens with time. In fact, he may be even be trying to get the orcs to ragekill him quickly instead of torturing him (which would actually make him be LESS fucked). But never mind, because I fucked the joke by writting it backwards (chalk it to being high as a kite in muscle relaxers as I write. Age is a bitch)
Yeah, I agonized a bit over going that route with the dialogue, but I decided he’s probably not thinking as clearly as he should be, and he’s on a bit of a selfless martyr high at the moment. His father would be very disappointed.
Don’t understand why they bothered bandaging his leg: if they were concerned about him bleeding out too quickly, they coulda just used a burning branch or heated blade to cauterize the wound…
It’s easier, faster, and actually more painful, to put a tourniquet above the wound. Also the “cauterize with fire” doesn’t quite work as advertised for large puncture wounds. Ask me how I know. Or better, don’t.
(Just first aid training, but makes for a good joke when talking about spear wounds)
Not talking about cauterizing the surface: shove the branch or blade into the wound, there will still be a hole, just not a bloody one (at least, not in his leg… )
really,and again, and just for the record: DO NOT try doing that in real life. It does NOT work like in fiction. You can cauterize small superfitial bleeding; you can NOT cauterize a major vessel.
Elven anathomy MIGHT be made of tiny, cauterizable (read: small enough that when the meat around them contracts because being roasted, they get clossed due to presure) blood vessels, so that might or mightn’t work (based upon author’s whim), but IRL humans most certainly include quite a lot of veins and arteries that are too big for that.
Nice effect on his leg
Thanks for noticing!
“…No less fucked than a minute ago. Unlike you.”
uh. should be NO MORE. Brain. Short-circuit.
No, he’s about to be fucked literally
Point is that he is already as fucked as he’s gonna be, while the orc’s situation worsens with time. In fact, he may be even be trying to get the orcs to ragekill him quickly instead of torturing him (which would actually make him be LESS fucked). But never mind, because I fucked the joke by writting it backwards (chalk it to being high as a kite in muscle relaxers as I write. Age is a bitch)
Hope you feel better. I do like a good muscle-relaxer-induced nap myself when the old back is acting up.
“Heated”? That’s still quite civil, compared to some lunch discussions I participated in.
Well, he is hanging over a fire, so I would say that the discussion is heated.
…Just noticed what part is closest to the coals on the campfire…
You used the chestnuts roasting on an open fire line for inspiration didn’t you? XD
Nah, sausage roast
I actually *refrained* from cracking that joke
Rewrote that about three times to get it sounding at least less stupid than it started out as
Well, it did seem appropriate. 8)
uggg you give them a fake cure that dose nothing so if they test things on your. Its like you never poised someone before.
Yeah, I agonized a bit over going that route with the dialogue, but I decided he’s probably not thinking as clearly as he should be, and he’s on a bit of a selfless martyr high at the moment. His father would be very disappointed.
Don’t understand why they bothered bandaging his leg: if they were concerned about him bleeding out too quickly, they coulda just used a burning branch or heated blade to cauterize the wound…
It’s easier, faster, and actually more painful, to put a tourniquet above the wound. Also the “cauterize with fire” doesn’t quite work as advertised for large puncture wounds. Ask me how I know. Or better, don’t.
(Just first aid training, but makes for a good joke when talking about spear wounds)
Not talking about cauterizing the surface: shove the branch or blade into the wound, there will still be a hole, just not a bloody one (at least, not in his leg… )
really,and again, and just for the record: DO NOT try doing that in real life. It does NOT work like in fiction. You can cauterize small superfitial bleeding; you can NOT cauterize a major vessel.
Elven anathomy MIGHT be made of tiny, cauterizable (read: small enough that when the meat around them contracts because being roasted, they get clossed due to presure) blood vessels, so that might or mightn’t work (based upon author’s whim), but IRL humans most certainly include quite a lot of veins and arteries that are too big for that.
Wait, are you talking about keeping someone alive? Or simply stopping the bleeding?