She’s a statue now. The whole magic throne thing means that her story is over, just like the stories of everyone else who got the “happily ever after” petrification.
It’s a view of Sephni’s. Lock them all in a stasis of a happily ever after state. Not saying that is what others would want, but it is her view.
That said did feel Miko had a story developing before that happened (not saying one easy to write), but I could see Sephni being eventually overthrown and a chance for that story to be continued.
Weird as it seems, I agree with the Goblin.
If it was impossible to escape death (and trust me, I’d have tried until my last breath), knowing that at least my death wasn’t for nothing and that it wasn’t wasted would be a kind of boon.
I’d still beat the fucker to death given the first opportunity, but rather that than just rotting in a field, or just boiled (probably alive) by mere goblins savages.
Not like he’s going to do anything now, but die in the next few seconds…
But no, when roasting an animal it’s better to kill it first (an animal that is struggling will have a harder meat), also eviscerate and skin it, since you’d need to remove the entrails to not soil the meat nor do you want the fur to ruin the roast. Probably remove the head also, since not much of it is edible when roasted, so she’d not feel pain for really long.
He’s not a savage, no need to waste good meat with subpar techniques.
And anyways IF he was such a slob to not kill her beforehand (which he shouldn’t be, according to his talk), since he’s making a spit-roast from the look of it, she’d be dead by impalement WAY before being roasted alive.
This guy is obviously a highly skilled cook. You don’t find those lying around on the ground everywhere. He’s just being true to his nature as a goblin. Perhaps just a sharp rap on the noggin. (Unless your goal is to exterminate the species and you kill every one you come across. Don’t see Bree doing that.)
While it is not impossible to do it this way, wood is usually chipped the other way round. The reason is that wood has fibers, which run roughly in line of direction a branch grows. chipping in this direction starts to split wood and getting a clean point is hard. Cutting from the other end cuts the fibers. So the goblin should work towards the point, not away from it.
The best laid schemes of goblin and men…
Oops! A barely clothed elf rogue… armed and dangerous!
Now the question is does Bree just clobber the goblin with the hilt, remove his head, or is the stake used.
And if so *where* is said stake going to be used?
She’s gonna do to him what he was gonna do to Lumpkin: while he can still ‘enjoy’ the sensation
To be honest, I mostly expect a blood splash in the background while she moves to something else. This gob is only for comedic effect.
Well trading one fluffy companion for another. Except this one is about to be cooked rather than cook!
…Hope to see Miko again…
She’s a statue now. The whole magic throne thing means that her story is over, just like the stories of everyone else who got the “happily ever after” petrification.
We have no idea what that meant
How is getting petrified letting them have a ‘happily ever after’? What is so happy about getting statued?
It’s a view of Sephni’s. Lock them all in a stasis of a happily ever after state. Not saying that is what others would want, but it is her view.
That said did feel Miko had a story developing before that happened (not saying one easy to write), but I could see Sephni being eventually overthrown and a chance for that story to be continued.
The one on the throne controls this state.
No, you are reading too much into what happened
Just what a Victim wants to hear. A debate over the best way to be cooked.
Weird as it seems, I agree with the Goblin.
If it was impossible to escape death (and trust me, I’d have tried until my last breath), knowing that at least my death wasn’t for nothing and that it wasn’t wasted would be a kind of boon.
I’d still beat the fucker to death given the first opportunity, but rather that than just rotting in a field, or just boiled (probably alive) by mere goblins savages.
I sorta suspect this goblin will ALSO roast her alive, and that it likely be quite painful and LONGER than being boiled.
Not like he’s going to do anything now, but die in the next few seconds…
But no, when roasting an animal it’s better to kill it first (an animal that is struggling will have a harder meat), also eviscerate and skin it, since you’d need to remove the entrails to not soil the meat nor do you want the fur to ruin the roast. Probably remove the head also, since not much of it is edible when roasted, so she’d not feel pain for really long.
He’s not a savage, no need to waste good meat with subpar techniques.
And anyways IF he was such a slob to not kill her beforehand (which he shouldn’t be, according to his talk), since he’s making a spit-roast from the look of it, she’d be dead by impalement WAY before being roasted alive.
This guy is obviously a highly skilled cook. You don’t find those lying around on the ground everywhere. He’s just being true to his nature as a goblin. Perhaps just a sharp rap on the noggin. (Unless your goal is to exterminate the species and you kill every one you come across. Don’t see Bree doing that.)
He was monologuing, a sure sign of something bad coming.
Save the bunny girl! A bunny girl is a terrible thing to waste! (Although some people might argue rabbit stew isn’t a waste?)
That rabbit brambling does look good enough to eat
Let’s hope Breen doesn’t have any lingering resentment towards bramblings…
Lumpkin may still end up on the menu
She certainly has some impressive ear control
Oh yeah, brambling bunny girl definitely looks tasty, but not in the fatal way that little orc asshat means.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Death. Pleased to meet you.”
I think it’s always the proper takeaway in any setting to note this is the longest that any of Bree’s clothing has lasted.
Also, I think this guy is the one who is “toast”…
I’ll see myself out now.
If this was a hobbit, it’d be arguing with him about the best way to cook the creature until the sun came up.
But this is a bad ass rogue elf. She just comes in and straddles the spit roast skewer, lookin’ down on the would be chef.
While it is not impossible to do it this way, wood is usually chipped the other way round. The reason is that wood has fibers, which run roughly in line of direction a branch grows. chipping in this direction starts to split wood and getting a clean point is hard. Cutting from the other end cuts the fibers. So the goblin should work towards the point, not away from it.
He may be a great chef, but a terrible whittler
Oops, good point. I guess it’s been a really long time since I’ve been outside with free time, a stick, and a knife.
Kinda depressing, now that I think about it…
DM whittle sticks, DM make fire, DM toast marshmallows, DM make s’mores. Sticky fingers DM
Don’t worry too bad about it, some people do whittle that way, and it does seem to be working…
I would eat her.
. . .What?
Looks and sounds like he’s prepping for a tailgate at LSU.