Lol in the fantasy world I created there are all sorts of rituals, spells and magic item to improve a ‘girls’ quality of life. Like high heels that feel like your wearing flats, or a ritual that allows your hair to go back to it ‘just from the beauty parlor’ look with a flick of the head.
To me, I think it makes more sense that the “cycle” for Elves would be closer to once per year rather than once per month. In my campaigns, female Elves were “fertile” only once per year & the chance of conception was smaller than that for humans…Elves were also more likely to use minor magics to reduce some of their problems with “discomfort,” more precisely to predict the likelyhood of conception & to also help with the odds of “gender selection” among their young in order to keep their populations better balanced with the environment.
Also Elves only had single births, never twins or more at a time unless they used more powerful magics, but this was very rare as they consciously/deliberately form society in conjunction with the Natural Order in the first place.
It also takes Elf children longer than humans to grow up to the “age of majority” but they are also far more intellectually knowledgable & emotionally mature than humans by that time. This was all due to the comparative length of average lifespans between the two races.
Elven society, being more chaotic in general, were more loosley-organized with smaller populations that were geographically spread out over the land surface, even among a single “community.” Living a more natural lifestyle, it took greater expanses of land to accomodate smaller populations, but children would normally be raised more communally with fosterage being common & living/learning among a few different “nuclear family” groups while growing up. Children, being more rare than among humans, were a more precious commodity among Elves & were treated well. This also helped reduce child-mortality rates overall so Elves had little need to breed excessively.
These were some of the reasons why humanity dominated over time, compared to other species, who would breed excessively as a way to compensate for higher mortality rates due to living in more populous, more organinzed & densely-populated communites. Simply put, humans eventually came to dominate other races by sheer numbers over time.
TL;DR – Somehow I think it may take Bree a few months before she might need to use a tampon, & even then might not be ovulating heavily enough to actually *need* it.
Wouldn’t your reproductive logic lead to a goblin-dominated world, as supposedly goblins are the most fertile “humanoids”? Or is that a Hentai legend with no D&D orthodox grounds?
P. sure the whole “goblin super-fertility” business is just a hentai thing. Same goes for all the Orc stuff.
If anything, humanity dominates due to its ability to learn quickly and adapt to almost any environment extremely rapidly. Elves are too tied down to the land to spread quickly. Dwarves are primarily a subterranean culture. Goblins, despite their numbers, are none too bright and don’t cope well in bright sunlight…
Humans can survive, and indeed thrive, in any environment with enough breathable air to support them. They emulate and assimilate any pertinent knowledge or techniques they run into in less than a generation. They can work together, yet think for themselves.
That’s the key to their success in most stories. The usual downfall is infighting or a big bad evil god/demon destroying them all.
They could have the period once every several years for all I care but, in mammals, and anything with boobs is a mammal, there are two options: (1) reabsorption or (2) menstruation. AFAIK, the first one is quite more common than the latter, but if elves don’t menstruate, they are probably not very “humanoid”.
Whelp, I’m caught up to present. Binged your comic over the last two days from start to finish and I must say, bravo. Thanks for sharing your creation with us.
I once read a story where a thief from a medieval fantasy universe went to New York, lifted a purse, and thought the tampons were the most valuable thing she found in it.
Does so strong changes in style of drawing mean something? Looks like it happens when Bree forgets/remembers about who she is. Or it’s just an accident?
Lol in the fantasy world I created there are all sorts of rituals, spells and magic item to improve a ‘girls’ quality of life. Like high heels that feel like your wearing flats, or a ritual that allows your hair to go back to it ‘just from the beauty parlor’ look with a flick of the head.
A friend of mine always insisted on developing the spell “depilation” (body hair removal) whenever he played a female character…
*Bodyblocks Chasta’s bush.*
So much to like about these pages with the second to last panel summing it up perfectly
Er, correction, Bree/Jen in the last panel.
Thank you!
I’m guessing elves don’t have the period…
When you live for thousands of years, bleeding once a month is going to get *really*really* tiresome.
Also, every bleeding is basically wasted egg. Makes sense elves wouldn’t have THAT many eggs to waste.
To me, I think it makes more sense that the “cycle” for Elves would be closer to once per year rather than once per month. In my campaigns, female Elves were “fertile” only once per year & the chance of conception was smaller than that for humans…Elves were also more likely to use minor magics to reduce some of their problems with “discomfort,” more precisely to predict the likelyhood of conception & to also help with the odds of “gender selection” among their young in order to keep their populations better balanced with the environment.
Also Elves only had single births, never twins or more at a time unless they used more powerful magics, but this was very rare as they consciously/deliberately form society in conjunction with the Natural Order in the first place.
It also takes Elf children longer than humans to grow up to the “age of majority” but they are also far more intellectually knowledgable & emotionally mature than humans by that time. This was all due to the comparative length of average lifespans between the two races.
Elven society, being more chaotic in general, were more loosley-organized with smaller populations that were geographically spread out over the land surface, even among a single “community.” Living a more natural lifestyle, it took greater expanses of land to accomodate smaller populations, but children would normally be raised more communally with fosterage being common & living/learning among a few different “nuclear family” groups while growing up. Children, being more rare than among humans, were a more precious commodity among Elves & were treated well. This also helped reduce child-mortality rates overall so Elves had little need to breed excessively.
These were some of the reasons why humanity dominated over time, compared to other species, who would breed excessively as a way to compensate for higher mortality rates due to living in more populous, more organinzed & densely-populated communites. Simply put, humans eventually came to dominate other races by sheer numbers over time.
TL;DR – Somehow I think it may take Bree a few months before she might need to use a tampon, & even then might not be ovulating heavily enough to actually *need* it.
Wouldn’t your reproductive logic lead to a goblin-dominated world, as supposedly goblins are the most fertile “humanoids”? Or is that a Hentai legend with no D&D orthodox grounds?
P. sure the whole “goblin super-fertility” business is just a hentai thing. Same goes for all the Orc stuff.
If anything, humanity dominates due to its ability to learn quickly and adapt to almost any environment extremely rapidly. Elves are too tied down to the land to spread quickly. Dwarves are primarily a subterranean culture. Goblins, despite their numbers, are none too bright and don’t cope well in bright sunlight…
Humans can survive, and indeed thrive, in any environment with enough breathable air to support them. They emulate and assimilate any pertinent knowledge or techniques they run into in less than a generation. They can work together, yet think for themselves.
That’s the key to their success in most stories. The usual downfall is infighting or a big bad evil god/demon destroying them all.
They could have the period once every several years for all I care but, in mammals, and anything with boobs is a mammal, there are two options: (1) reabsorption or (2) menstruation. AFAIK, the first one is quite more common than the latter, but if elves don’t menstruate, they are probably not very “humanoid”.
Also, I really appreciate Chasta’s appearance! She’s awesome.
The Player/Character split personality is still there; I thought it was left behind with the watch?
I was also afraid of that, but seems she still remember at least something …
Chasta is hitting all the right looks for me!
Strong, tanned, and not afraid of hair down there!
Also, she’s human while the other girls are elves, which could account for some more differences than just ears.
I thought the live hair got digested away in the belly of the dragon?
Meant pubic hair
Well, she’d be Mr. Clean bald as well!
Yep, no periods, no births, no nothing a teenaged boy doesn’t want to think about.
That’s a better explanation than “a wizard did it”.
The correct term is “Freaking the Mundanes.” There’s even a song!
Here we go:
Also, if Bree/Jen goes for the Ripley look, I’mma get all kinds of warm fuzzies.
Hah! I hadn’t heard that one before!
Whelp, I’m caught up to present. Binged your comic over the last two days from start to finish and I must say, bravo. Thanks for sharing your creation with us.
Thank you! Glad you’re enjoying it!
Okay, things might get a little too ‘fresh’ if Sephni tries to use the tampon on Chasta
I once read a story where a thief from a medieval fantasy universe went to New York, lifted a purse, and thought the tampons were the most valuable thing she found in it.
Heh heh 8)
Does so strong changes in style of drawing mean something? Looks like it happens when Bree forgets/remembers about who she is. Or it’s just an accident?
I’d chalk it up to either an evolution of style or rampant inconsistency. 8)