Yes, Bree went through a black leather phase.
Sorry about the long delays everyone, but this is turning into a remarkably awful summer. The whole family is still recovering from some nameless respiratory crud that gave the 4 year old occasional rocket-propelled nosebleeds. We’ve all lost a few shirts, and his bunkbed looked like a crime scene for a while.
My shop where I do most of my work has been rendered almost uninhabitable by the steady 100 degree temperatures lately. I have a portable AC unit, but since there is no insulation out there, it can’t do much good. The shop is really just a plywood box with a tin roof, so basically the kind of place the commandant always puts Steve McQueen’s character whenever he bucks authority.
I can work out there a little while every day, but eventually, I start feeling light-headed and nauseous, and I have to quit.
I’m working on setting something up in the bedroom closet where I’ve found enough shelf space to maybe use a laptop. We’ll see how it goes. If I can squeeze the Wacom tablet in there too, we might be in business. It’s sort of poetic really. Since I began my digital art career working in a closet, I should feel right at home.
So, yeah, if you’re lookin’ to make the big bucks, kids, us Webcomics artists are just rollin’ in the green. 8)
I also just noticed that I haven’t been receiving my usual email notifications, and now there is a huge stack of comments from new users awaiting moderation. As far as moderators go, there is only me and the Dracomage, and he’s kind of a dick, so I’ll do my best to go through and flag them for approval now.
Pretty cool the anarco-leather Bree, yeah!
I wouldn’t have thought I’d ever say this but the stupid talking machete girl doesn’t sound that stupid at all anymore. Moonblade is full moon now, will Bree get over the pain and win? I bet she will.
Hmmm … did she used makeup to appear more pale, or is she naturally so pale and is using makeup now? Or is it tan? Or lighting?
Everybody’s paler in goth garb.
Armour of distraction only goes so far.
At least in her flashbacks, Bree was wearing something between her & incoming damage.
Not that I’m complaining about now, even though Bree might…
Did Bree hurt herself today, to see if she still feels?
I bet she focused on the pain, the only thing thats real.
She focus’s on the pain, The only thing that’s real. The blast tears a hole, The old familiar sting , They try to kill it all away but she remembers everything.
Love the nod to Sheila the Thief
Thanks for noticing!
a rogue that fails a reflex save??… thats just shamefull
You still take half damage with a successful reflex save on some higher level spells.
And it’s pretty hard to side-step an area-of-effect result.
This section… Looks frightfully autobiographical
Almost goes from Don Bluth type art, to Goth with an 80s into 90s feel to this…
And moonblade is looking hotter than ever!
(…not moo blade stupid phone!)
Yeah, that first panel looks like something out of the old Dragon’s Lair game.
The first panel reminds me of gummy bears.
Yay, my favourite artist is back! Hope you are feeling much better. I absolutely love how far the series has come.
Just remember to go your own pace, ok? The fans will always be here, so take as much time as you need and focus on YOU and doing the stuff YOU need to do.
Have a good one mate, hope to see more of this excellent work in the future.
Thank you! I appreciate your support.
Bree does have that ‘Mad Max’ feel…mixed with Bowie from Labyrinth!
That was the era she was going for. 8)
That first picture was particularly funny. I’m old enough to remember what arcade game that was from. LOL.
Telling us Bree had a black leather phase is just making us beg for a voting incentive.
Speaking of which, you did some really nice vote incentives in the past that didn’t make it yet into the corresponding section of your website. Do you plan on updating this in the near future? (Or ever?) That would really be nice.
Awesome comic. I check almost daily for updates.
Thank you!
As for the old incentive art, somebody was saying that the way of finding the old incentives wasn’t working now, and I don’t really have time to track that issue down at the moment. Likewise, while I intend to update the old incentives page at some point, now is not a good time for me. If you really want to see the old pieces, you could always throw a buck or two my way on Patreon. 8)
Seems fair enough.
Thanks for the reply!
Meta association:
“It’s strange that drawing naked elves seems like more of a chore than a pleasure these days”
I can relate (partially).
The burden of responsibility does the motivational trick for me.
Feel free to explore your options.
Depending on circumstances, giving up may even be the best one available.
Just evaluate the less revolutionary ones first.
Good luck!
P.S.: By the way: The majority of webcomics I read provide some kind of internal/personal insight to the artist’s soul. It is a kind of a support (additional) work, so do your marketing analysis (guesstimate) before you decide.
Thank you. Delve has a bit of a therapeutic effect on me, so I imagine I will see it through eventually. Still just trying to deal with the situation at the moment, but I appreciate everyone’s support.
“I remember… what it was like to wear clothing for longer than two hours at a time.”
Hah! 8)
Could always do some work in the mornings and evenings.
Yeah, the off hours seem to work pretty well, as long as the kids go to bed on time. 8)
Personally I’d LOVE to see a bonus art of Bree in her leather phase drawn full body.
Couple of things.
A: Digging the new header. Very nice, but no Phawkes and Beddigan?
B: Thanks to you I now have to see about hunting down my copy of Dragon’s Lair.
C: (To Bree) The hurt may suck, but It’s how you know you’re still alive and in the fight. If you win, then you can see about recapturing the lost innocence of your past. If you lose, well….. at least the hurt will go away. Probably.
Addendum re: updates. You have my sympathy with regards to Summer Sick. I’ve got a few people up here that seem to have come down with summer colds. So far I seem to be immune. So far.
The closet comment got a chuckle out of me. I tip my hat to you sir.
And do see about flipping that slacker DM out of his hammock. He’s spent far too long relying solely on you to take care of everything, with no regards to the stress and strain it places on you. I mean, he can’t even be bothered to take care of his own delve, and sends poor Bree to clean up the mess rather then go to the trouble of martialing his hosts and doing something about it himself. It is a very good thing that he does not have to roll for initiative, for I doubt he would enjoy the outcome.
I actually tried to put Phawkes in the new header, but he wound up looking too smarky, and I pulled him.
I do finally feel not entirely sick for the first time in like a month, and I’m getting stuff done again, so that’s good. I don’t expect the DM to ever really pull his weight around here. It’s not really his thing, you know. 8)
Suggest you re-prioritize and devote half the time you can spend in the garage to making it cooler! First, put two big vents up near the peak* of the roof, and some kind of fan. Even a box fan will help, and you can get thermostats for attic fans from electric supply places which will turn it off when it isn’t needed. Inexpensive, if I recall correctly. Then possibly put up something like Tyvek to seal off the upper part from the work area. Then put in insulation, even if it’s only one piece at a time. First some insulation somewhere between the roof and you. When that’s done, the walls. I think this will enable your air conditioner to make a big difference. They now have fire resistant pour in (or blow in) cellulose which ISN’T ITCHY, unlike fiberglass. Also, there is some kind of fire resistant cotton (I think) insulation that holds together so you can stuff it between joists or studs. My own garage is insulated, and even without powered ventilation I don’t think it gets hotter than outside. Unfortunately, it’s done with styrofoam. Great insulator, but I understand that it can burn and create flashovers. Must cover it up sometime.
Tthey’re a little clammy, but if your humidity is low, there are vests which absorb lots of water and let it evaporate to cool you. When it’s really humid they don’t help much, but I’m almost sure that when it’s dry they’d be great. Worker safety supply places have them. If you have a big freezer, there are even ice pack vests!
*assuming it’s peaked
Good advice, thank you! I tried putting some leftover foam insulation around the door frames and windows of the shop last summer, but it really didn’t help much, and then I got more depressed. 8)
I guess the truth of it is that I really don’t want to be here, and every time I start trying to make the situation more habitable, I just wind up getting angrier and try that much harder to get out of here. I know it’s silly, but I don’t WANT this place to be comfortable. I don’t want to feel at home here. I miss my old home so much, and I hate being in the position I’m in now so much, that I don’t really behave rationally about it.
Nice nod to the old Dungeons and Dragons cartoon in the first panel. Fun stuff!
Ouch that is just to hot.
Aww. She went through a Goth phase! So adorable.