Wuh-oh. From the looks of it, Imugi may be one of “the ones who makes those things” refered to back on https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/messy-ending/ – a failed merger between twin souls, like Bree and Jen almost became.
This is probably going to bode poorly for the world in general.
Agree. From the narrative it feels like the “grey worlder” took dominance. Although I’d be interested to know how she came to this location and why the Red Fang insisted Bree not get mind ripped if they hired him.
I keep wondering if we should read into the failing electronics, but I think we’d simply conclude there’s insufficient data to conclude anything?
No, Dorian simply said he was glad Mindfuckerer failed because it gave him the chance to talk to Sephni one last time, and see if she really wanted this
Yes, but they spoke as if they at least knew about him being hired for the task. The conclusion that it was their organization behind it is logical, though not the only one possible.
well, well, well! good to know there reaaaaally many more players than previously thought, so she’s some asian girl, who have fallen but seems to keep her insanity at bay with musics (calming/yoga musics ?) so there will be two team ? one with bree and co and the other one with sephni and others outcasts who seems to be “bad guys” but all will try to kill/detroy/banish Draxxorel ? intersting.
not for sephni(sounds of water) so it probably is just because it dosn’t work like before for imugi,after all we don’t know how much time she’s been travelling worlds ^^
The “sound of water” IS a white noise: sibilants, hissing sounds, audio static, & similar noises. White noise is often used to cancel other sounds (such as with noise-cancellation ear-protection).
there is also that indiana guy met at the “bar of the end” ? cthulu vibe with him, so maybe they are from the world of grey but have found their way into thoses worlds by many ways and end up seiing each other , archdaemon like Draxxorell feeding on their “powers” ? after all it seems there is many others devourers like with ichor that can be found into other realms, he seemed to be quite knowledgable about it, i soooo want him again !^^please explain ! such a genius , Andrew Hunter !^^
maybe to not “fall” you need to fuse/merge with someone of the world you come into, so if Imugi never foud her host, she have sunk little by little but lived/experienced enough to know how to stay “sane” or conscious at least. i’m hyped !!
not like before her “release” by the mind reaper ^^ she seems more freed of it,still it talk to her but doesn’t have the same effect on her mind until know. she was a “bad girl like” before, like a madder harley queen…
Well now. Isn’t that interesting. Now you have to wonder just who it is sitting behind the screen. Brian perhaps? Or is there another, even higher up, calling the rolls? Was Einstein wrong about deities and dice?
In any case, here’s some audio to go with the comic. Headphones recommended.
good questions, probably someone who have been able to understand that some souls of the world of grey are still somewhere else living and fullfiling roles into others realms and binding them to your whim can make yourself powerfull enough to have an effect on your own world ?or maybe you can exploit ressources of other realms ? many possibilities ^^ and by making more RPG games, to make access easier for thoses souls ?
Weird that that you say that, as just yesterday I had occasion to visit Paul’s Rapture verse (1 Thessalonians 4:17), look into that a bit and find out that the Rapture, judging by the Greek original, is very raptorial. The very word that came to mind was non-consensual and that’s not a word I use every day.
New characters introduced and then quickly removed! I’m not sure I understand what I’m supposed to be feeling here. The only characters I got attached to were Tuul and Miko.
Wuh-oh. From the looks of it, Imugi may be one of “the ones who makes those things” refered to back on https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/messy-ending/ – a failed merger between twin souls, like Bree and Jen almost became.
This is probably going to bode poorly for the world in general.
Sounds like right to me, maybe. I really got lost in the narrative logic long ago. This blending of realities beats me.
Wait… this story got an internal logic? I thought it was all happening at random…
Agree. From the narrative it feels like the “grey worlder” took dominance. Although I’d be interested to know how she came to this location and why the Red Fang insisted Bree not get mind ripped if they hired him.
I keep wondering if we should read into the failing electronics, but I think we’d simply conclude there’s insufficient data to conclude anything?
No, Dorian simply said he was glad Mindfuckerer failed because it gave him the chance to talk to Sephni one last time, and see if she really wanted this
Yes, but they spoke as if they at least knew about him being hired for the task. The conclusion that it was their organization behind it is logical, though not the only one possible.
Sephni deserved that break today, and the new friend was an added fillip.
And my guess was way off =(
However, plot definitely thickens. Who are the ones running this game? Dracomage comes to mind, but at this point he seems more like another player.
well, well, well! good to know there reaaaaally many more players than previously thought, so she’s some asian girl, who have fallen but seems to keep her insanity at bay with musics (calming/yoga musics ?) so there will be two team ? one with bree and co and the other one with sephni and others outcasts who seems to be “bad guys” but all will try to kill/detroy/banish Draxxorel ? intersting.
Who says Seph is a ‘bad guy’?
i said “seems” and with many “””””” ^^
Not music. White noise. Sound which is (relatively) loud but has no structure so your brain ignores it.
not for sephni(sounds of water) so it probably is just because it dosn’t work like before for imugi,after all we don’t know how much time she’s been travelling worlds ^^
The “sound of water” IS a white noise: sibilants, hissing sounds, audio static, & similar noises. White noise is often used to cancel other sounds (such as with noise-cancellation ear-protection).
oh. thank you, i didn’t knew that ^^
there is also that indiana guy met at the “bar of the end” ? cthulu vibe with him, so maybe they are from the world of grey but have found their way into thoses worlds by many ways and end up seiing each other , archdaemon like Draxxorell feeding on their “powers” ? after all it seems there is many others devourers like with ichor that can be found into other realms, he seemed to be quite knowledgable about it, i soooo want him again !^^please explain ! such a genius , Andrew Hunter !^^
maybe to not “fall” you need to fuse/merge with someone of the world you come into, so if Imugi never foud her host, she have sunk little by little but lived/experienced enough to know how to stay “sane” or conscious at least. i’m hyped !!
And poor Seph doesn’t have many friends
Is Seph’s necklace permanently disabled?
Why do you think so? I think it’s active …
not like before her “release” by the mind reaper ^^ she seems more freed of it,still it talk to her but doesn’t have the same effect on her mind until know. she was a “bad girl like” before, like a madder harley queen…
Considering her back is healed from where Thess stabbed her with a spear, gonna go with… no, not disabled
Well now. Isn’t that interesting. Now you have to wonder just who it is sitting behind the screen. Brian perhaps? Or is there another, even higher up, calling the rolls? Was Einstein wrong about deities and dice?
In any case, here’s some audio to go with the comic. Headphones recommended.
good questions, probably someone who have been able to understand that some souls of the world of grey are still somewhere else living and fullfiling roles into others realms and binding them to your whim can make yourself powerfull enough to have an effect on your own world ?or maybe you can exploit ressources of other realms ? many possibilities ^^ and by making more RPG games, to make access easier for thoses souls ?
> Non-consensual.
Weird that that you say that, as just yesterday I had occasion to visit Paul’s Rapture verse (1 Thessalonians 4:17), look into that a bit and find out that the Rapture, judging by the Greek original, is very raptorial. The very word that came to mind was non-consensual and that’s not a word I use every day.
oh look, another person who’s mind’s been kidnapped into Brian’s fantasy. And this one’s out for blood.
Curious, does no one know what SIMP means?
“S.uckas I.dolizing M.ediocre P.ussy.”
Ain’t nothing mediocre about …
Most normally it just means “simpleton”.
Check again: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Simp
New characters introduced and then quickly removed! I’m not sure I understand what I’m supposed to be feeling here. The only characters I got attached to were Tuul and Miko.