Life isn’t fair. Never was, never will be. But that doesn’t mean that we, as rational sophonts, can’t do our best to be fair in an unfair world, and make life just a little bit easier for everyone.
Been reading this comic since very early panels and…….Ok well this comic had a nice run untill the beginning of the year. but for the last 5 months, there’s has been no direction in any plot line. It just jumps around trying to make something outta nothing in hopes of making… well i have no idea what its trying to make anymore. I’m sorry but this comic used to be about Bree’s Voyage ( and no I’m not taking about T&A ) although that seems to be what most commentors want. I think the author has lost he’s way. If it is in fact the same author.( I have said before a long time ago its doesnt seem to be) Before the new year there was a vote to see what happens… nothing. then when it is brought up. we get a crappy page that was obviously done in a few hours. and then giving ANOTHER vote. Really?. i have watched this comic for a long time and have waited to see if it get any better. i thank you for you time and a good comic ( up until last year ) and hope you someday return to it. Take care all and i hope it all works up. Let the flaming begin because we all know that since i made a negative comment there will be. because off coarse we aren’t allowed to have negative thoughts here. the commentators don’t like it. i hope the author can.
Not going to start a flamewar, cos you know, free speech and all that. I’d always assumed (rightly or wrongly, i dunno) this was an RPG style story. Rescue the princess. I’ve played a few IRL rpg games over the years. They _never_ go according to plan (and a couple just went so far off course I’m not even sure we remembered what the initial gameplan was). But it’s fun, it’s a fluid story. It’s not the first webcomic i’ve read where there have been two major sets of characters that run concurrently (eg twokinds) and yeah, it can be a bit confusing to keep up, i just go back and re-read to catch up with how things were when we left.
Real life changes, things happen, priorities change. Something you do for a hobby may have to take back seat for a while, while other more important things need to be dealt with.
For what Wormius has said previously: Delve is already written from beginning to end, save maybe last minute changes, I guess. So the story is clearly going somewhere and, anyhow, it does not seem to me that it does not: there are two main parallel stories right now: (1) Bree and her “minions” in a quest (not) to be devoured by the Devourer and save Princess Sephni, (2) Teal “the vegan slime goddess” and her army of “undead” furries and love-rainbows, which seems like they will converge at some point with Bree (but not yet). Additionally: (3) background story of intrigue and conflict in the Elven realms (i.e. mostly outside the Delve), (4) flashes and rumors about what happens to Sephni as she was chosen to become main dish or something for the Devourer. And little more (the occasional flashback scene of the two cats, in this case a LGTBI Pride Day extra).
So no idea why you are confused. Probably you must read it all over again.
No problem with negative comments. I make loads of ’em.
Just crap comments. Especially lengthy crap comments.
I mean seriously… “Waa where did the plot go?” … This is what you’re leaving for?
Funnily enough, this webcomic sorta reminds me of another… another that is not so much higher up the TopWebcomics list… BUT this one does right what that one does wrong.
Which is to say this one has an inordinate amount of fanservice… but does it in a rather tongue-in-cheek manner, and it doesn’t actually hold back the progression of the plot…
… whereas the other webcomic I’m thinking of tends to deliberately cripple its own plot-progression to constantly satisfy the creator’s obsession with drawing butts. Also to make matters worse, the other guy can’t draw for shit. So they’re badly drawn butts at that.
Fuck knows how that one remains popular. Probably because its fans are also butt-fanatics and have basically no standards.
I love the comic and I would become a Patreon patron, but the “per art” is confusing and non-specific. I don’ know if that is per panel, update, or whatnot. I would prefer a flat monthly option so that I know what I am contributing every month.
So far it’s been per comic page and bonus piece. Last month was 5 pieces. When you make a pledge, there is an option to limit it to a certain amount per month. From reading the patreon faq on it, the per piece pledge is for artists who aren’t producing a regular number of pieces per month, so if there’s a month with no updates, they’re not receiving any money that month.
Here’s a strong post in favor of the author! I think his work is amazing, and I have followed this comic eagerly for some time now. I look forward to each new piece every week – and while sometimes there is a little less direction and action than I hope for, I recognize that I have very high hopes, which is unfair to make of a regular human being. Andrew, whatever you’re going through, I fully support what you’re doing with Delve – however you choose to do it, and however you can manage. Long live Delve comic!
Thank you all for your support. It means a great deal to me at times like this. I hope I can have my current technical difficulties worked out at least by early next week. Until then, thank you all for bearing with me.
Been following this comic for a long time – I can think of maybe one other that I’ve followed for so long. I for one am not about to put it down for lack of a regular update Keep up the good work!
Life isn’t fair. Never was, never will be. But that doesn’t mean that we, as rational sophonts, can’t do our best to be fair in an unfair world, and make life just a little bit easier for everyone.
Nicely said, seconded.
i wish we could give a thumb up to comments. you sir are cool
What about us sophists? I just spent three days writing about… something I would not write about sober.
Been reading this comic since very early panels and…….Ok well this comic had a nice run untill the beginning of the year. but for the last 5 months, there’s has been no direction in any plot line. It just jumps around trying to make something outta nothing in hopes of making… well i have no idea what its trying to make anymore. I’m sorry but this comic used to be about Bree’s Voyage ( and no I’m not taking about T&A ) although that seems to be what most commentors want. I think the author has lost he’s way. If it is in fact the same author.( I have said before a long time ago its doesnt seem to be) Before the new year there was a vote to see what happens… nothing. then when it is brought up. we get a crappy page that was obviously done in a few hours. and then giving ANOTHER vote. Really?. i have watched this comic for a long time and have waited to see if it get any better. i thank you for you time and a good comic ( up until last year ) and hope you someday return to it. Take care all and i hope it all works up. Let the flaming begin because we all know that since i made a negative comment there will be. because off coarse we aren’t allowed to have negative thoughts here. the commentators don’t like it. i hope the author can.
Not going to start a flamewar, cos you know, free speech and all that. I’d always assumed (rightly or wrongly, i dunno) this was an RPG style story. Rescue the princess. I’ve played a few IRL rpg games over the years. They _never_ go according to plan (and a couple just went so far off course I’m not even sure we remembered what the initial gameplan was). But it’s fun, it’s a fluid story. It’s not the first webcomic i’ve read where there have been two major sets of characters that run concurrently (eg twokinds) and yeah, it can be a bit confusing to keep up, i just go back and re-read to catch up with how things were when we left.
Real life changes, things happen, priorities change. Something you do for a hobby may have to take back seat for a while, while other more important things need to be dealt with.
For what Wormius has said previously: Delve is already written from beginning to end, save maybe last minute changes, I guess. So the story is clearly going somewhere and, anyhow, it does not seem to me that it does not: there are two main parallel stories right now: (1) Bree and her “minions” in a quest (not) to be devoured by the Devourer and save Princess Sephni, (2) Teal “the vegan slime goddess” and her army of “undead” furries and love-rainbows, which seems like they will converge at some point with Bree (but not yet). Additionally: (3) background story of intrigue and conflict in the Elven realms (i.e. mostly outside the Delve), (4) flashes and rumors about what happens to Sephni as she was chosen to become main dish or something for the Devourer. And little more (the occasional flashback scene of the two cats, in this case a LGTBI Pride Day extra).
So no idea why you are confused. Probably you must read it all over again.
PS- Also (5) whatever happened to the Nogrog goddess and the two nagas, who are in the reserve and guess will surprise us any day with a comeback.
Good summary
No problem with negative comments. I make loads of ’em.
Just crap comments. Especially lengthy crap comments.
I mean seriously… “Waa where did the plot go?” … This is what you’re leaving for?
Funnily enough, this webcomic sorta reminds me of another… another that is not so much higher up the TopWebcomics list… BUT this one does right what that one does wrong.
Which is to say this one has an inordinate amount of fanservice… but does it in a rather tongue-in-cheek manner, and it doesn’t actually hold back the progression of the plot…
… whereas the other webcomic I’m thinking of tends to deliberately cripple its own plot-progression to constantly satisfy the creator’s obsession with drawing butts. Also to make matters worse, the other guy can’t draw for shit. So they’re badly drawn butts at that.
Fuck knows how that one remains popular. Probably because its fans are also butt-fanatics and have basically no standards.
I love the comic and I would become a Patreon patron, but the “per art” is confusing and non-specific. I don’ know if that is per panel, update, or whatnot. I would prefer a flat monthly option so that I know what I am contributing every month.
So far it’s been per comic page and bonus piece. Last month was 5 pieces. When you make a pledge, there is an option to limit it to a certain amount per month. From reading the patreon faq on it, the per piece pledge is for artists who aren’t producing a regular number of pieces per month, so if there’s a month with no updates, they’re not receiving any money that month.
Belated happy 28-J!
Here’s a strong post in favor of the author! I think his work is amazing, and I have followed this comic eagerly for some time now. I look forward to each new piece every week – and while sometimes there is a little less direction and action than I hope for, I recognize that I have very high hopes, which is unfair to make of a regular human being. Andrew, whatever you’re going through, I fully support what you’re doing with Delve – however you choose to do it, and however you can manage. Long live Delve comic!
Thank you all for your support. It means a great deal to me at times like this. I hope I can have my current technical difficulties worked out at least by early next week. Until then, thank you all for bearing with me.
Been following this comic for a long time – I can think of maybe one other that I’ve followed for so long. I for one am not about to put it down for lack of a regular update
Keep up the good work!
Seconded. I think the only thing I’ve followed longer is Oglaf and ill take Delve any day over them. Keep up the good work man.