Indeed. If we’re going with full-frontal nudity, boobs are a good means of topping off the complete package. You don’t even have to deal with unwrapping it either.
Hey, he’s been alone in some horror-verse for who knows how long, and suddenly a beautiful naked elf lady pops in. Can you blame him for being excited?
Sometimes, male anatomy just decides to stretch for no easily apparent reason.
That said, I’m going with “sudden naked beautiful elf” as the source of it.
Why would someone living in a fantasy world with:
1. Magic
2. Gods
3. Spirits of the dead (which mean there is an ‘after life’)
4. Different planes (such as the one the devoured is from)
Say the idea of an afterlife is nonsense? They literally know it to exist. He’s experienced it.
While that’s true, it’s usually played for laughs. This one sounds more like in a serious tone. And when the evidence is overwhelming, one is like, “what?”
Maybe kinda, but again there is visible daily evidence which means it isn’t a matter of faith like atheism/religion.
In fact, when we last saw him he was faithful, wishing the angels above and below look after Bree. So it isn’t a question of his belief.
Plus he thinks they are dead, and in some strange place, do he literally believes it is an afterlife in some fashion. Just seems like a bad player’s turn of phrase that is out of place.
I’m glad you finally got the guts to NSWF all the way including the male bits since you already did nipples and bush. I’m not into dudes, but it’s excellent that you’re doing fair gender exposure.
…It also just occurred to me that one type of computer storage (like most pre-recorded CDs and DVDs) are called "Write Once Read Many", or WORM storage. I just realized that's like our hero Wormius here… they write once, we read many.
> I’m not into dudes, but it’s excellent that you’re doing fair gender exposure.
Right on, Znayx. I considerably prefer naked women to men, but do think that the genres should have a bit more balance. Beddigan, Homo Rattus Norvegicus, is quite excellent, as is Bree. Hopefully the idea will catch on.
Agreed. More to the point, given all the lady exposure, it would be pretty glaring in situations like this to some how avoid doing it for the fellas as well. Trusting your story is definitely the right call right here.
He started drawing willies some time ago: when Beddi, Phawkes and Teal got to ‘Di’s place, Beddi’s tackles was visible; Tuul had his lizard out after going through the vortal
Oh, NOW I get it!
That’s not the rat-man we know and love! That’s the manifestation of his family memories, which the devourer, well,devoured back in their first confrontation!
Speaking of which…… it wierd I am following this comic for the story and not for the nudes?
Hey Wormius. yalls reply field is still holding e mail addies I can see on my end. yall still working on the page code to eliminate that? Im not (edit name removed) and here i am posting using her e mail. Just want to give ya a heads up about the error/bug.
Why does he have a boner?
Indeed. If we’re going with full-frontal nudity, boobs are a good means of topping off the complete package. You don’t even have to deal with unwrapping it either.
Hey, he’s been alone in some horror-verse for who knows how long, and suddenly a beautiful naked elf lady pops in. Can you blame him for being excited?
Sometimes, male anatomy just decides to stretch for no easily apparent reason.
That said, I’m going with “sudden naked beautiful elf” as the source of it.
Truth. Sometimes it just rises on it’s own accord, though decidedly less often in later years.
Because it’s hot as hell =)
Paired with the naked elf? Oof the ideas…
I’m taking bets on who’s behind the door. It could be the Princess, Kindal, The Dracomage, Jen, even the Artist, or a combination thereof.
But personally, I say its Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, and D. B. Cooper playing Texas holdem with a deck of many things.
Or something naughtier – with a dick of many things…
Why would someone living in a fantasy world with:
1. Magic
2. Gods
3. Spirits of the dead (which mean there is an ‘after life’)
4. Different planes (such as the one the devoured is from)
Say the idea of an afterlife is nonsense? They literally know it to exist. He’s experienced it.
Everyone (in a hight-fantasy setting) can be a Flat-Earth Atheist. (If that setting has freedom of belief, that is.)
While that’s true, it’s usually played for laughs. This one sounds more like in a serious tone. And when the evidence is overwhelming, one is like, “what?”
Sometimes NEDM (Not Even Draco Mage) can convince people that the afterlife exists.
Maybe kinda, but again there is visible daily evidence which means it isn’t a matter of faith like atheism/religion.
In fact, when we last saw him he was faithful, wishing the angels above and below look after Bree. So it isn’t a question of his belief.
Plus he thinks they are dead, and in some strange place, do he literally believes it is an afterlife in some fashion. Just seems like a bad player’s turn of phrase that is out of place.
So the Devourer is the Oogey-Boogey Man? I can buy that.
…I’ll just distract myself with elf boobs as Beddigan maybe trying to do…
I’m glad you finally got the guts to NSWF all the way including the male bits since you already did nipples and bush. I’m not into dudes, but it’s excellent that you’re doing fair gender exposure.
Heartily agreed, Znayx. Thank you Wormius. <3
…It also just occurred to me that one type of computer storage (like most pre-recorded CDs and DVDs) are called "Write Once Read Many", or WORM storage. I just realized that's like our hero Wormius here… they write once, we read many.
> I’m not into dudes, but it’s excellent that you’re doing fair gender exposure.
Right on, Znayx. I considerably prefer naked women to men, but do think that the genres should have a bit more balance. Beddigan, Homo Rattus Norvegicus, is quite excellent, as is Bree. Hopefully the idea will catch on.
Agreed. More to the point, given all the lady exposure, it would be pretty glaring in situations like this to some how avoid doing it for the fellas as well. Trusting your story is definitely the right call right here.
He started drawing willies some time ago: when Beddi, Phawkes and Teal got to ‘Di’s place, Beddi’s tackles was visible; Tuul had his lizard out after going through the vortal
Oh, NOW I get it!
That’s not the rat-man we know and love! That’s the manifestation of his family memories, which the devourer, well,devoured back in their first confrontation!
Speaking of which…… it wierd I am following this comic for the story and not for the nudes?
Well done!
If it is weird, then you aren’t alone. I’m in the same boat.
Hey Wormius. yalls reply field is still holding e mail addies I can see on my end. yall still working on the page code to eliminate that? Im not (edit name removed) and here i am posting using her e mail. Just want to give ya a heads up about the error/bug.
And Lol..”knobs” nice title *wink*
Ugh, I’m not sure what’s going on there. I’ll see about updating WordPress again. Thanks for the heads up…
Yes, the double-entendre has not been lost.

Doesn’t believe in an afterlife… has died how many times?