She can’t help it if she’s made that way
She’s not to blame if they look her way
She ain’t really tryin’ to cause a scene
It just comes naturally, Lord, the girl can’t help it
Down on the corner by the traffic light
Everybody’s lookin’ as she goes by
They turn their heads and they watch her till she’s gone
Lord have mercy, Jen/Bree’s got her blue jeans on
I’ve been thinking more of the Jen/Bree hybrid now for a couple reasons:
1) Bree was Jen’s character (depending on your view on the game world/real world connections) and thus had an extra connection and Bree could be seen as an extension of Jen’s personality in the game world (Roleplaying aside).
2) The unnamed figure (only Moonblade and Lassa appear in the ‘characters’ list at the bottom of the) with the fabulous bottom, steps calmly out of the wrecked sedan holding the sword and walking calmly towards the main baddie appearing to be ready to do some more non-car-related damage to it. If it’s Jen (alone), I’d expect that she’d probably be trying to figure out just what the hell was going on, and where the hell she was and not be walking calmly into combat. Jen + Bree, certainly possible.
3) It has a nice parallel to the same sort of merger taking place with Moonblade and Lassa, perhaps one is a foreshadowing of the other?
I dunno, maybe I’m over-thinking it too much in anticipation of the next page
I also noticed that Blade!Lassa is the top and Blade!Moonblade is the bottom. Seems that Moonblade’s formal release of her condition of Lassa’s “master” (a formal declaration in the battlefield, no less, for those versed in old Roman laws about manumission) has efectively exchanged their respective positions in their relationship.
TL;DR: Moonblade is now slave… OF LOVE
Looks like the Mindripper’s soulgem on the hilt. I hope that doesn’t cause issues in their relationship.. Well. More then would be caused by everything else already going ass over tits.
Sengo Muramasa was a famous swordsmith who founded the Muramasa school and lived during the Muromachi period (14th to 16th centuries) in Japan. Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook said that Muramasa “was a most skillful smith but a violent and ill-balanced mind verging on madness, that was supposed to have passed into his blades. They were popularly believed to hunger for blood and to impel their warrior to commit murder.
As a swordsman I have to mention:
Moonblade is what in English is known as the “true edge”.
Lassa is what in Spanish Destreza is known as the “Contra-edge” (notice how deliberately I choose NOT to call it the despective English name instead).
How… fitting.
(Also, haeads-up that most of Lassa’s pages aren’t properly tagged)
So now we know of their fate… But I also can’t leave without mentioning the view in the bottom panel!
You mean all the blood? yeah, me either.
She can’t help it if she’s made that way
She’s not to blame if they look her way
She ain’t really tryin’ to cause a scene
It just comes naturally, Lord, the girl can’t help it
Down on the corner by the traffic light
Everybody’s lookin’ as she goes by
They turn their heads and they watch her till she’s gone
Lord have mercy, Jen/Bree’s got her blue jeans on
Heh heh, Haven’t heard that one in a while. 8)
Yes, that’s such a nice bottom…
Sorry, I sort of zoned out there for a minute.
Did the moonblade just find a worthy person to wield her in one Jennifer?
Or do we have a new hybrid Jen/Bree?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Also, it’s sweet that the Moonblade and Lassa are together. Hopefully they can still go to physical forms somehow, like when not being wielded.
Bree did promise. 8)
I’ve been thinking more of the Jen/Bree hybrid now for a couple reasons:
1) Bree was Jen’s character (depending on your view on the game world/real world connections) and thus had an extra connection and Bree could be seen as an extension of Jen’s personality in the game world (Roleplaying aside).
2) The unnamed figure (only Moonblade and Lassa appear in the ‘characters’ list at the bottom of the) with the fabulous bottom, steps calmly out of the wrecked sedan holding the sword and walking calmly towards the main baddie appearing to be ready to do some more non-car-related damage to it. If it’s Jen (alone), I’d expect that she’d probably be trying to figure out just what the hell was going on, and where the hell she was and not be walking calmly into combat. Jen + Bree, certainly possible.
3) It has a nice parallel to the same sort of merger taking place with Moonblade and Lassa, perhaps one is a foreshadowing of the other?
I dunno, maybe I’m over-thinking it too much in anticipation of the next page
Did you notice that the two halves of the blade form a heart?
I also noticed that Blade!Lassa is the top and Blade!Moonblade is the bottom. Seems that Moonblade’s formal release of her condition of Lassa’s “master” (a formal declaration in the battlefield, no less, for those versed in old Roman laws about manumission) has efectively exchanged their respective positions in their relationship.
TL;DR: Moonblade is now slave… OF LOVE
Oh this just keeps getting better and better!
Looks like the Mindripper’s soulgem on the hilt. I hope that doesn’t cause issues in their relationship.. Well. More then would be caused by everything else already going ass over tits.
Heh heh 8)
There’s one thing is for certain now;
That. is. one. kick@$$. blade.
That’s a MoonLass hybrid? What happened to the other dagger? The one that caused all this? o_O
Looks like it is at the bottom of the Kimmel. That gem is a slightly different shade than the main blade.
That was pommel not kimmel. Auto correct is sometimes too auto and not enough correct.?
A shame MoonLass wasn’t a katana…
Sengo Muramasa was a famous swordsmith who founded the Muramasa school and lived during the Muromachi period (14th to 16th centuries) in Japan. Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook said that Muramasa “was a most skillful smith but a violent and ill-balanced mind verging on madness, that was supposed to have passed into his blades. They were popularly believed to hunger for blood and to impel their warrior to commit murder.
Oh, so it’s now a three-in-one blade? Neat
Interesting, Teal is no longer credited as co-author.
What’s this? Clothes? In THIS comic? What’s the world coming to?
I cannot imagine the write up for her Geico claim.
what in the fuck is happening? 0.o
You know…Panel #3, I heard the opening guitar riff to ‘Bad to the Bone’.
As a swordsman I have to mention:
Moonblade is what in English is known as the “true edge”.
Lassa is what in Spanish Destreza is known as the “Contra-edge” (notice how deliberately I choose NOT to call it the despective English name instead).
How… fitting.
(Also, haeads-up that most of Lassa’s pages aren’t properly tagged)
That is bloody hilarious.
Feels like we are due a flash-back
Teal is not helping out with the comic anymore?