Seriously, though, one key component of those myths is that you can’t really pin them down. You have all of those different interpretations of a character that come together and form some sort of composite picture. Some interpretations of Herne that I’ve heard suggest that he’s a spirit of a poacher or a forest keeper, others suggest that he’s an aspect of Odin or, obviously, the pagan god Cernunnos (the name basically means “the horned one”).
Is it just me who, when hearing of Herne the Hunter, is thrust back in time to Robin of Sherwood?
To this day, still get choked up just thinking about the final of the first series (season two?)
Praed for the first two seasons, then Connery (no, not Sir Sean, the other one) for the final
Interestingly, only Will Scarlet seems to still be in the acting business (can still remember that scene where he was climbing over the wall, and we saw he was wearing modern boots )
Yeah, and it kinda dealt with both versions of the legend: one that he was just a poor poacher (Robin of Loxley) and the other that he was the son of an earl (Robert of Huntington)
I think, at least. That’s not a very happy Aaaah.
Let us hope that it’s like when your leg falls asleep and you finally start trying to move it around. Only 1000x worse.
Paige’s response is the right one … let this work in full.
Nothing loss trying.
And then Paige accidentally heals Devourer to full power
Then Teal shows up to give it a big ole huggie wuggie
Nah, he’s too necro to even heal at all: he embodies death.
Healing the dead tends to hurt them
Good grief, I finally recognized the spell from Wizardry. Her earlier Manifo got me thinking. Lovely callback.
Heh heh, thanks for noticing!
Go Paige! Don’t take no for an answer.
As long as nobody says Tiltowait, we’re fine.
Heh heh 8)
This is sad, and the only way to fight is to fight something well beyond their power. And yet they seek out honor their own way.
Ah , she lives ?
You sound disappointed… o_O
Can’t see what smiley you added (or the actual comic right now)
Huh? What you mean ?
She’s not getting healed or saved ?
Like said, can’t see the comic at all, so no idea what is or isn’t happening
We already saw Dam alive in the last comic (which was able to see)
Try this, it’s a direct link to the comic image.
Thank you Balthazar, that seemed to have slapped this page into showing the comic
If this is a reference to Herne the Hunter, it would be the perfect fit for the Valryn.
Which version of Herne?
All of them!
Seriously, though, one key component of those myths is that you can’t really pin them down. You have all of those different interpretations of a character that come together and form some sort of composite picture. Some interpretations of Herne that I’ve heard suggest that he’s a spirit of a poacher or a forest keeper, others suggest that he’s an aspect of Odin or, obviously, the pagan god Cernunnos (the name basically means “the horned one”).
Is it just me who, when hearing of Herne the Hunter, is thrust back in time to Robin of Sherwood?
To this day, still get choked up just thinking about the final of the first series (season two?)
That the one with Michael Praed? Wow, been _years_ since i watched that.
Praed for the first two seasons, then Connery (no, not Sir Sean, the other one) for the final
Interestingly, only Will Scarlet seems to still be in the acting business (can still remember that scene where he was climbing over the wall, and we saw he was wearing modern boots
I liked that show quite a lot.
Yeah, and it kinda dealt with both versions of the legend: one that he was just a poor poacher (Robin of Loxley) and the other that he was the son of an earl (Robert of Huntington)
Never underestimate the stubbornness of a cleric when it comes to saving someone’s life
“Magic healing doesn’t work for your kind? That’s not going to stop me!”
Sort of a random thought, but I wonder if she may be healed of other things than the immediate problem. Like being a Valryn?
That would imply that race is a disease that can be cured…
And don’t mean ‘that race’ (implying Valryn), butt race in general (Valryn, Elf, human {if they exist in Delveworld}, dorf, lamia, etc…)