The Dracomage Specifically has 7 dragons sealed away as his source of power. Ya know Dragon Mage, Dracomage. These 7 dragons were the last of their kind and are now free and becoming movers and shakers in their own right. One’s already dead(the blue one Bree killed), another is our red terror, and a third is the black one who kidnapped said red terror. This is the fourth so there are at least 3 more.
The hand stroking the ear and the other slipping down her pants… Betrys’s reaction reminds me so very much of a wonderful woman I used to know.
Paige in the first panel is like “I can’t take her anywhere without causing a scene”

Her sister face-palming is just the cherry on top of all this! xD
tfw it WAS interrogation
well played, well ******* played
Certainly better than waterboarding.
Told ya
Nice field interrogation skills here, Bree.
Waiting for the two others to go: “Who’s Kel?”
One of the three female sword-spirits in Bree’s magical sword. Go back to episode 518 and work backwards from there. Kel is the clever, learned one.
he knows, it’s Paige and Brety who don’t. Well, Brety – I’m pretty sure Paige knows about Bree’s sword by now
And now we’re getting back to that dragon
Different dragon
For a species that’s supposed to have extinct, there sure seems to be a lot of them showing up…
The Dracomage Specifically has 7 dragons sealed away as his source of power. Ya know Dragon Mage, Dracomage. These 7 dragons were the last of their kind and are now free and becoming movers and shakers in their own right. One’s already dead(the blue one Bree killed), another is our red terror, and a third is the black one who kidnapped said red terror. This is the fourth so there are at least 3 more.
You forgetting the one Bree killed with a rock?
As long as there are delves, elves and what-not, there will always be dragons.
Much better than a knife to the hand. =p
Oo-mox works every time.
So, bunny is still on the menu then.
I’m sure she will lay the dragon.
Pleeeeease continue this scene a little bit longer ♥_♥