Oooo, I forgot about that. I was running a game a couple years ago and we lost our Paladin that way. The white dragon was flying and he actually made the jump to stab it. He killed the dragon , but t landed on him when it crashed.
Yes, I’ve said things off-hand that were meant inoffensively but, on reexamination, were open to offensive interpretations. Don’t know what to do except to say “Sorry, that’s not what I meant” and move on. Which you’ve done, good for you.
Please do! I’m actually curious about it! … of course, finding it in the comments or something is beyond my capacity. So hopefully, once you come up with the name, it’ll work its way into the comic itself.
I might be concerned about going to a dinner party at Sephni’s now! And I’m wondering what Bree and Chasta are discussing.
… the first thing which comes into mind on “first time” and “not conscious” isn’t exactly funny …
To be a bit clearer, Bree is referring to the events of episode 70
but I’m also glad that you caught the disturbing undertone to the dialogue.
Oooo, I forgot about that. I was running a game a couple years ago and we lost our Paladin that way. The white dragon was flying and he actually made the jump to stab it. He killed the dragon , but t landed on him when it crashed.
Yeah I’ll say. I thought she was referring to the tampons! (One of those topics that never gets discussed in a fantasy comic strip.)
Haha! I had a fighter that did the same thing!
Yes, I’ve said things off-hand that were meant inoffensively but, on reexamination, were open to offensive interpretations. Don’t know what to do except to say “Sorry, that’s not what I meant” and move on. Which you’ve done, good for you.
I really like Sephni as the token psycho teammate, but I really hope she doesn’t get worst than that.
This dialogue is hilarious.
“… provided I know the recipe and have the ingredients, thank the Goddess!” XD
“Sure, you can also feed them before I eat them, that’s fine, whatever”. XD
Also, very poor table manners for a princess, I must say. Even in my lower moments I have finer style.
There is only one spoon (shut up Tick!) and one set of chopsticks, what else is she supposed to use?
Technically, she didn’t say anything about having the ingredients, Miko is basically the Star Trek replicator of the Delve-world
50 Ways to serve your friends for dinner.
Given that Bree has been batter dipped before she is quite used to being used as an entrée.
So, is Miko a Cleric of the cooking goddess or something?
Domain-exclusive variant of “Create Food and Water”?
I’ll have to come up with a name for the cooking goddess now, I suppose. 8)
The Goddess Julia Child???
Please do! I’m actually curious about it! … of course, finding it in the comments or something is beyond my capacity. So hopefully, once you come up with the name, it’ll work its way into the comic itself.
I think there was a wise sword that once said, ‘Every broken blade deserves another.’
Everyone enjoying a casual moment in casual clothes… Except Chasta who is enjoying some casual nudity!
Good catch there Miko
And enjoying the Oliver Twist reference