Sorry about the late updates, everyone. I’m fighting a serious case of art burnout at the moment. I think I’m gonna take a short break from Delve to try to recalibrate the old synapses or whatever, and I’ll be back with a fresh post in time for Valentine’s Day.
See you all then!
I don’t think that kind of therapy is covered by her insurance.
Is it just me or did this comic suddenly take a turn for the macabre? Though I have to say I’m really enjoying all the naked Sephni drawings, despite the context
vore has been a on going plot in the comic for a while.
Some thing tells me Bree won’t be leaving the delve till she kills the last member of this race.
Kill all the Drakons? Probably not. Bree isn’t like that. Wipeing out the entire cult of Draxorel on the other hand, is somewhat more likely.
It’s not who you are, it’s what you do, with Bree. I think that’s why DM is so enamored of her.
I think she would make a exception in this case. She’s pissed and they deserve it.
How do we know the cult isn’t the entire race?
Truth be told, I’d stab him too. Nonfataly, but stabbed none-the-less.
Does that dagger look like it has a “nonfatal” mode to you?
That’s why you need to keep a maiming knife. For special occations.
i think it could be used non fatally, little nics and the flame cauterises the wound, allows for lots of little stabbies and a shit ton of pain
I’m guessing that once Bree frees Sephni, Kindall is going to find his life getting rather … unpleasant.
Actually, I’d be guessing that for Vrek. If someone did that your friend, what would you do about that? Hunt them to the ends and serve them up for scaphism? That might seem like MILD retribution.
Sephni has already got her revenge on Vrek
See episode 199. And by that count i should also correct myself as Bree won’t need to free Sephni as she did that herself (and obviously by blowing up the SoulBowl) So it’ll just be a case of getting her out of the Delve in one piece, and hoping to recover from whatever damage has been done to her mind.
This is gonna sound stupid, but how do I look up strips by number?
Good question, not sure, but i use the Story Chapters drop down on the right to get to the general page number then scroll back and forward as needed.
This is the last page of chapter 7.
I still have never found a WordPress archive plugin that I liked. Does anyone have experience with that sort of thing that can point me to a good one?
One death for how many did he give her? One death is closure nothing more.
I’m gonna need therapy from hearing about her therapy…!
I assume this is all to get her used to being eaten (potentially eternally)?
No this was to make her want to be devoured permanently. They needed her soul to bring back their god. So her perfect soul would power the rebirth and cease to exist.
I know (or think I know) that the script of the comic was finished before the comic began to be drawn but I can’t but wonder how much have the few but active vore-phyle fans have induced changes into it. This page seems like a twisted macabre almost psycopathic gift to them, really.
Personally I’m rather in the ranks of those who find vore extremely disturbing, so I’m all with Bree’s rage, ungrammatical pause dots included.
I’m with you Maju. Vore does nothing but get my blood up.
We have to concede it makes for a good psycho-terror evil scenification. But as for sexiness: negative.
As a side note: maybe it’s the shoulder pads but don’t Bree’s arms in the last panel look a bit weak for the hardy rogue she is? I hope you’re not making her a barbie doll, really.
It’s also in Sephni. It’s like they did not have biceps at all, what looks unnatural.
I hope that this little bit of critical opinion did not cause your burnout. You know I’m Delve’s No. 1 fan. I just have too many planets in the sign of Virgo, so I can’t help to be always nit-picky, for good or bad.
Hey, no worries. You called it right on Bree’s arms. Sephni is supposed to be a bit lithe and willowy, but I guess I was still in that mindset when I drew Bree in the last panel and went a little too thin without thinking about it. If my mind had been in a good place, I’d have caught it myself. Thanks for the catch!
I can’t help feeling I’ve seen Panel 1 somewhere before.
I’m seeing a broken link for the image…
Is it working for you now?
For my part I thought this page was unbridled awesome, absolutely beautiful artwork on each panel and incredible work on the colors and digital painting. Great work again, really appreciate the stuff you do.
I wonder what Moonblade thinks of this.
Yup, when armor starts doing the glowy thing, and werapons both do that and make noises…
Something’s gotta give.
I’ve found that it’s hard to work that intersection of ‘kink’ and ‘actual story telling.’ I don’t know exactly why, but I’ve found that it can be exhausting, and attempting it have shut down my creativity in the past. You’ve got these characters who we actually care about as characters, and now the vore stuff (which is kind of awesome). But I … I don’t know. It’s like there’s a culture wide problem with it.
Ah! Notice how we can treat a woman as a person or as a sex object … but it can be hard to do both. … I was reading an article on Cracked about how legal prostitutes are treated. Maybe it’s part of our cultural unconscious?
Yeah, this part of the story is a hard road for me to tread. I always knew we were going here, but I pushed it back to the “I’ll deal with it when I get there” part of my brain. Now we’re here, and I have to navigate these waters. There are some dark places in the Delve, where, if you linger too long, you’ll have a very difficult time ever finding your way back out again.
Dang…. that’s like 3 pin-ups in one comic for a voraphile.