I’d be pissed at being only in green too. Almost as if there are more colours in a forest than just green. In fact, every damn colour is in a forest. Bout the only colour that is vanishingly rare in nature is blue.
Yeah, cause a reflection is indicative of what’s present IN THE FOREST. Never mind that blue is so fucking rare in nature it’s one of the LAST colour words that were invented. And has sweet fuck all to do with GREEN, and shades of more green, being the only possible colour that can represent forests. Cause, clearly, there is nothing but trees with green leaves in a forest. No flowers, no vines, which also flower, no animals, no insects, no moss, lichen, mould, mushrooms, ANYTHING but the leaves of trees.
Don’t know what woods look like where you live, but as I look out on the bit of woodland outside my window, the predominate colour is GREEN. Might be shades of GREEN, but still GREEN. Mala is right. Woods are GREEN. I’ve never seen blue leaves outside of a sci-fi movie or comic book. A few brief flowers on the ground.
No brown trees? or black shadows?
It’s not about what is the predominant colour, but admitting there is more to woods than only green (guessing you’ve never looked in winter or autumn)
Personally I love bare trees in winter, great for photography, but what about evergreens, they are still green. The point is, if you want one colour that symbolises woods it is green. Going on about tree trunks, some of which are also green with ivy, or flowers or ponds or sky is BS. Most woods still have grass, which is also green. All in all, a silly argument. A wood is about trees, otherwise its a flower meadow. And, depending on the tree, they are green all year or from April to November. How long was Mala Queen of the WOOD-Elves? I think she would know what is best colour.
Have a hard time grasping the difference between predominant and ‘only’ eh. And those flowers are all over the fucking place. Then we have lichen, moss, mushrooms, and all the other flora that live in a forest that are NOT trees. Kinda goes with the butterflies, insects and everything else that doesn’t live off trees. Of course, the trunks of all the trees are also green. Let’s ignore the white of poplars, the various browns, the yellows in willows. Yup, there is ONLY green in a forest.
And going on about blue, which I said is VANISHINGLY RARE, clearly means I think it’s a predominant colour.
Go bck to school, and enroll yourself in reading comprehension classes. And buy a dictionary.
Did it have trees? They do here. What colour were the leaves? What colour is the sea? What are the predominant colours of Earth landmass from space? Purple? Black? Or blue and green excluding the deserts.
Oh, but some days the sea looks grey….Um. Just keep working on Wood = trees = leaves = leaves are green. Autumn and winter are only passing phases for certain trees, not all.
That… doesn’t really answer the question about what’s the Morgana’s deal, not really, does it?
Not really, does hint at what maybe going on, but so much is left a mystery that you’d have to get an explanation from Morgana herself…
Just reread the text there… it maybe implying she remembers all of the moments of her own death. Vividly.
…Depending on the context of that it maybe a reason she isn’t a warm to other people.
I’d be pissed at being only in green too. Almost as if there are more colours in a forest than just green. In fact, every damn colour is in a forest. Bout the only colour that is vanishingly rare in nature is blue.
Right. Because sky is not part of nature, not even reflected in lakes.
Granted, you don’t find much blue specifically in forest.
Yeah, cause a reflection is indicative of what’s present IN THE FOREST. Never mind that blue is so fucking rare in nature it’s one of the LAST colour words that were invented. And has sweet fuck all to do with GREEN, and shades of more green, being the only possible colour that can represent forests. Cause, clearly, there is nothing but trees with green leaves in a forest. No flowers, no vines, which also flower, no animals, no insects, no moss, lichen, mould, mushrooms, ANYTHING but the leaves of trees.
And the reflection of the sky in ponds.
Don’t know what woods look like where you live, but as I look out on the bit of woodland outside my window, the predominate colour is GREEN. Might be shades of GREEN, but still GREEN. Mala is right. Woods are GREEN. I’ve never seen blue leaves outside of a sci-fi movie or comic book. A few brief flowers on the ground.
No brown trees? or black shadows?
It’s not about what is the predominant colour, but admitting there is more to woods than only green (guessing you’ve never looked in winter or autumn)
Personally I love bare trees in winter, great for photography, but what about evergreens, they are still green. The point is, if you want one colour that symbolises woods it is green. Going on about tree trunks, some of which are also green with ivy, or flowers or ponds or sky is BS. Most woods still have grass, which is also green. All in all, a silly argument. A wood is about trees, otherwise its a flower meadow. And, depending on the tree, they are green all year or from April to November. How long was Mala Queen of the WOOD-Elves? I think she would know what is best colour.
Have a hard time grasping the difference between predominant and ‘only’ eh. And those flowers are all over the fucking place. Then we have lichen, moss, mushrooms, and all the other flora that live in a forest that are NOT trees. Kinda goes with the butterflies, insects and everything else that doesn’t live off trees. Of course, the trunks of all the trees are also green. Let’s ignore the white of poplars, the various browns, the yellows in willows. Yup, there is ONLY green in a forest.
And going on about blue, which I said is VANISHINGLY RARE, clearly means I think it’s a predominant colour.
Go bck to school, and enroll yourself in reading comprehension classes. And buy a dictionary.
Camo queen?
Ok. I don’t think she will have that much fabric on her for long.
Yup, my immediate reaction was: “wanna bet on the number of comics it will take her to be back in her undies or less?”
“You’re the queen of the wood elves.”
“Then why am I dressed like one of Santa’s elves?”
So did Jen really die after all?
I think this is the most dressed we’ve see Bree in a very… VERY long time. Like, years.
Give her time (like a couple hours) and she will be nekid again
Last time was in a woods, it also contained purples and blacks…
Did it have trees? They do here. What colour were the leaves? What colour is the sea? What are the predominant colours of Earth landmass from space? Purple? Black? Or blue and green excluding the deserts.
Oh, but some days the sea looks grey….Um. Just keep working on Wood = trees = leaves = leaves are green. Autumn and winter are only passing phases for certain trees, not all.