Bard lizard-man, go for it! So what does that glow around the raptor in the last panel mean? Is it unintentionally intercepting a magic missile or something similar? Time for a dragon to roar, possibly accompanied by exhaled combusting gases.
Given something similar happens just before Miko is attacked, I’d just assumed it’s some sort of rapid attack magic, like a warp from point a to point b quickly.
To me it looks like a short range teleport ability similar to the ones that phase spiders or blink dogs posses. Usually used for surprise attacks and of too short of a range to be useful for travelling.
And the trouble begins !
Anyone else thinking of Jurassic Park music?
They attacked Miko…
To paraphrase a meme: “Some birds gonna fry tonight!”
And it looks like Warmheart will be the chef tonight
Heh heh 8)
Lucky backpack. Else she’d be dead by now.
Also I did not expect Tuul to pack a punch, he looks the feeble whimpy type.
A tail-whip’s no joke!
Bard lizard-man, go for it! So what does that glow around the raptor in the last panel mean? Is it unintentionally intercepting a magic missile or something similar? Time for a dragon to roar, possibly accompanied by exhaled combusting gases.
Given something similar happens just before Miko is attacked, I’d just assumed it’s some sort of rapid attack magic, like a warp from point a to point b quickly.
Yeah, the “FWISH” kinda gives the impression these raptors cheat and use teleport magic
My guess, they were both targeted with an invisibility spell and are just coming out of it, because D&D rules.
Though could be teleportation as the other posters suggest.
To me it looks like a short range teleport ability similar to the ones that phase spiders or blink dogs posses. Usually used for surprise attacks and of too short of a range to be useful for travelling.
Don’t really mind what happens, just please, don’t go full (or even half) GoT
But the theme music is so good!
I must say, I never expected I’d hear Bree say “Oww! My ass!” in such innocent context…
I’m just hoping Tuul loses the loincloth before this fight’s over.
Hoping he will get to sing, and not a funeral dirge
I’ll see what I can do.
I’m curious about the relationship between Sephni and Tuul. Are they just friends? Or friends with benefits (sex)?