Lassa is no stranger to the apathetic attitudes of Upper Management.
In other news, I’ve implemented your suggestion for a new rewards tier over at Patreon, so, if you’re curious, please take a look at my page and see if it might be something you’re interested in.
Whisper Whisper???
Gotta keep that secret plan on the downlow.
To quote one O. Kenobi: “Who is more foolish; the fool, or the fool who follows him?”
Gotta say, the art on this one is working for me. The dejetion of the captives, the cultists, both in focus and out, and the way the background suggests smothering volcanic heat…. Art is supposed to make you feel, and this art is doing it’s job.
Heh, Moonblade is not used to people having feelings towards her, huh ?
What are these “feelings” you speak of? 8)
It’s one of those things that Moonblade need to figure out .. and soon!
On the upside, at least that guy is capable of planning. Bree still has that Ominous Dagger, but they have literally nothing else beyond their own bare-hands skills. Being the gamer that I am, I’d try to leverage the situation with a time tested ploy that I have come to call, “A Ruse.”
I continue to be impressed not merely by your awesome are, but the thought you’ve put into the story.
Moonblade even unenchanted is falling into that only Lawful Good does anything trap mindset…
On a side note that Drow seems just on the edge to where she almost doesn’t care a pervy lizard is feeling her up. She might have a few thoughts on how he could die, but of course how long could she enjoy it?
Oh the Naga is so sweat
I love Moonie’s ‘bitch’ face