Sorry about the delay, folks. I had to shiv a few demons with a grimy shard of an old AOL installation disc to escape my own personal hell long enough to finish the episode. Everything’s going much better now. Let’s hope things are looking up for Beddigan too.
Thanks to everyone who suggested that Ghaarna needed a tattoo. I hope you like it.
Oooh a mysterious spirit lady with a spirit beverage. Could it regrow Beddigan’s arm? Or is it just a normal spirit beverage maybe even alcoholic.
I’m hopeful it makes him tangible, so he can enjoy the…food. yes, lets go with that.
Because we all know that the bar us just filled with lits if toothsome snakes
I had assumed that it was a glass of the essence of “nothing”. Though, void essence tends to look less… glowy.
I’m wondering if the goblet, as a spirit container, may happen to be a spirit entity. An ancestor or cousin many times removed of the lady who will hopefully soon be made of what is as-yet-unserved-to-hersparklecaps?
I wonder what that drink’s gonna do…
Anyways, a T-Shirt slogan… Meh, I can only come up with bad puns. “Pick Pocket ‘Di” or “Bar minus bra” perhaps?
Hah 8)
A mysterious transparent woman offers you a glass of the flippin’ sun.
I’d do it.
Well, what I’d do would be to react very different than the depressed ghost of Beddigan to Ghaarna’s offer. Oh, man, what a delicious green ass!
Even though I find odd an orc saying “sugar” and “sweety”, I reckon. Do orcs even have sweet taste at all? Aren’t they rather like cats or dogs in that aspect?
Maybe she should say “steak” and “meaty” respectively, what also sounds a lot more carnal… :S
‘MMmmm, Beefy.’ – Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Considering her place of employment, I think that Ghaarna has received a level of coaching to which we can attribute ‘sugar’ and ‘sweety.’
Hell, he’s already dead. Not like he has much left to lose at this point.
Try our milkshakes!
They’re Di’licious!
*picture of Syn’Di*
the more raunchy version involves the same slogan, but with arrows pointing to boobs, crotch, and butt.
the extremely raunchy involving arrows one pointing out the same, with holes cut out so said boobs are hanging free for samples.
Heh heh 8)
Phawks uses a Webley?
As for a t-shirt slogan, how about:
“Pocket Di,
Say Hello to Syn.”
What else would he use, fellow gun nerd? Also I think that slogan wins. Also that tattoo is pretty awesome.
I always wanted a Webley. Until I’m making a bit more disposable income, however, I suppose I’ll just have to settle for writing about people that own them. Although, I suppose, Phawkes’s gun isn’t exactly a true Webley, but more Webley-esque in nature.
“Welcome to Pocket ´Di – No, thats not a gun in your pocket”
The drink looks close to the same color he was before his arm was nommed off.
Arm – and memories of his family.
Ah, she DOES have tattoos.
That makes her just about perfect.
Thorrsman now desperately wants to learn that door spell (as opposed to the rest of us, who merely REALLY want to learn that spell)
8) Thanks!
Not only does she have tattoos, she’s also coming on hard and strong, and she ‘s laying it on thick!
A slogan? All I can think after that poll is about L7’s song “Monsters”, what fits well with what Beddigan told Bree when they met but not sure if it works for this kind of local.
What about: “Where Hell and Heaven meet”?
On a side note: the 125 lbs. of sparklecaps are to restore Teal’s body, right? It sounds like the exact right weight she could have, after all, jelly or flesh, we are all 70% water. Ok, probably does not apply to ghosts…
Well, excluding the head, it sounds right for her weight.
Head~ 1/7 of a human shaped body’s height
~ 1/2 the width
~ 1/1 the depth
13/14 = (7*2*1)-1 / (7*2*1) ≈ teal’s body weight sans the head’s weight.
125 *14/13 ≈ 135 ≈ teal’s total weight, head body and all!
Does 135 sound about right for her normally voluptuous body?
Thanks for the correction but I’d think that 57 kg is not that light for a woman: she’s a slime girl, not a Swedish amazon! Avg. height for women in England is ~162cm. (British women are short, yes), what according the first “ideal weight” chart I found online should weight around that (50-65 kg). And she doesn’t even have bones!
Hmm… It didn’t occur to me to account for the lack of bone in my weight approximations.
I was however assuming adventurers would have more muscle mass and be on the higher edge of average healthy weights.
Due to my failed assumption I cede to your weight approximation, 57 kg instead of 61.
Some of that food will be providing the energy to digest the rest.
Alternatively, she’ll end up ‘bigger’ than before. You know, a lot more bounces for the ounces.
Dis is ‘Di Place!
hey look a glass of sunny D i’ll have some of that
heys its pretty good .
is it just me or is the orc chick really super cute and hot?
It’s just you.
I lie. :p
Picture of 2 voluptuous but technically worksafe fiendish ladies, caption “Contrary to popular opinion, we have all the sins of the alphabet. Syn’Di’s bar.”
“We bring the Syn, you bring the D”!
Hah hah! I like this one a lot.
that orc is such a cutie pie
I really agree. I’d love to see more of her. (take that as you will)
“The Delve dive.” For all your dungeoneering needs.
I just read the full archive over the last few hours, fun stuff! Thanks for producing this web comic.
Thanks, and welcome to the Delve!
“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”
Looks more like a crocodile (or alligator)
This bar seems to have EVERYTHING.
Even mango chutney.
“Five hundred rounds of Merriweather and Pike’s point-four-five-five calibre hollowpoints!”
>doffs helmet<
Good show, old chap!