And hey, looks like there were quite a few survivors. Fortunately, we’re probably dealing with something like a 60-70 foot cone for her breath weapon, so they just had to run for one round the opposite direction and they were fine…assuming a movement rate of 30.
Yeah, and baby dwagon is as pleased about it as your neighbourhood feral cat about to pay a visit to the local vet
The next person who opens it is going to need a new face
PC or Disney-ish happy ending traditions. What happened to the original Red Riding Hood version in which the wolf succeeded in eating her? Orc-kind is doomed!
Looking at the crowd I see an orc in a suit, hat, and glasses…
Don’t think you were trying to remind people of Eustess from Courage the Cowardly Dog though!
IDK, but I think he’s the intellectual goblin in charge of KaBoom(TM) technological research.
I had fun drawing those guys!
Woo, Bree found a fire-proof baby dragon carrier!
And hey, looks like there were quite a few survivors. Fortunately, we’re probably dealing with something like a 60-70 foot cone for her breath weapon, so they just had to run for one round the opposite direction and they were fine…assuming a movement rate of 30.
Yeah, and baby dwagon is as pleased about it as your neighbourhood feral cat about to pay a visit to the local vet

The next person who opens it is going to need a new face
Everybody happy now? Happy politically correct ending for Mr. Douchenozzle and his tribe. Sigh!
No. I wanted the dragon to have half-orc babies.
Those would be super-duper, right? If orcs are dragon “tainted” goblins, those babies would be…?
OK, no idea but surely overpowered.
Damn PC involvement! XD
PC or Disney-ish happy ending traditions. What happened to the original Red Riding Hood version in which the wolf succeeded in eating her? Orc-kind is doomed!
Hopefully there wont be another trouble on Mountain like how they had now, would it ?
Wait, his mannerisms changed pretty quickly, and using language that isn’t native to orc… did a player take control of him!?
probably since he appeared he was a PC
i mean, he prefers “El Santo”
Wait, is that a female owl-bear? Just how desperate was he to replenish his tribe he was willing to fuck an owl-bear? o_O
More of a “buzz-bear” but Sark had a broad range of criteria for chooses slaves, ranging from, “Damn, she’s hot!” to “Check out this guy!”
Yeah, does look more like a buzzard-head
Thought Snark’s only criteria would be: are they female?
Wait, he does know what a warlord is, and does, doesn’t he? o_O
Who is he planning on waging war against?
The orcs have a list.
Is it like Sydney Scoville Jnr’s List? With a Front and a Back (front is bad, back is good, middle is marriage fantasy)?
Let’s hope it isn’t anyone in Draenor.