`A character who has no air to breathe can hold her breath for 2 rounds per point of Constitution. After this period of time, the character must make a DC 10 Constitution check in order to continue holding her breath. The save must be repeated each round, with the DC increasing by +1 for each previous success.
When the character fails one of these Constitution checks, she begins to suffocate. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, she drops to -1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she suffocates.`
That doesn’t seem that harsh. A round is usually… what, 6 seconds? She wasn’t in there for more than a dozen panels, and there’s a decent amount of air that goes down with the victim when swallowed. Given the size of our beasty, I’d say there’s probably at least a couple cubic feet of air to breathe in there, even accounting for it being slightly toxic. These girls are all warriors so their constitution is pretty damn good as it is, so with these two factors combined I’d say that they could probably survive a good 5 minutes at LEAST without passing out, let alone suffocating. Although from my experience it takes more than two rounds for a person to suffocate to death after passing out.
It’s broken due to simplification. What happens after passing out depends a lot about why are you suffocating and how will they try to rescue you. Like, there are cases when someone was rescued after hour underwater, but that was very cold water … still, should be at least several minutes.
(On second panel) Lol , Paige thought she was going to kill her ?!
(Third panel) Yay Lyca survived! But why the way , what she saying to her ? Paige is sister of Bree?
Yes, it was revealed that Paige was Bree’s sister some time ago, just didn’t realise that Lyca knew that, don’t recall Paige ever mentioning Bree by name…
I’m also very relieved that Lyca made it out of the belly of the beast, and somehow looks adorable doing so (subtle artistic style change on her face/hair compared to previous of which I approve).
Secret – yeah, Paige is Bree’s sister, but she seems to share her sisters penchant for having wardrobe malfunctions/ending up mostly naked. This may be due to genetics or a family curse, but I suspect their family reunions are pretty fun to watch! Due to elven longevity, even blue-haired old auntie Mil’dred is probably still a hot and easy on the eyes. I’m sure auntie Mil’dred ends up wearing only an apron due to some horrible cooking accident at every family reunion…trust me, it’s a thing.
Everyone ends up naked at some point in this webic, just look at Lyca, Thess and Dam: when they first met Paige, they all had underwear and hooded cloaks
That observation would rule out my genetics theory and move the needle to ‘family curse’, which I approve of greatly in my headcanon. Female family members have lots of wardrobe malfunctions in Bree’s family due to some ancient curse, but it’s an area effect and gets any bystanders too.
I’m continually impressed by the artist’s skills at showing figures, faces and scenes. And the ability to carry nudity along (realistically and tastefully, IMO) is very good too.
They are not naked simply for the sake of being naked (or titillation), there is always a reason for the nakedness (just like there was always a reason ‘in-world’ for when the actress’ who played the main character in “Merceneiress” were replaced)
Do the worm : Do it!
How long has it been since that comic she learned this from?
Real time not Delve time.
More than eight years.
Suffocation rules in D&D are harsh compared to this … https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Environment#Suffocation
`A character who has no air to breathe can hold her breath for 2 rounds per point of Constitution. After this period of time, the character must make a DC 10 Constitution check in order to continue holding her breath. The save must be repeated each round, with the DC increasing by +1 for each previous success.
When the character fails one of these Constitution checks, she begins to suffocate. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, she drops to -1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she suffocates.`
That doesn’t seem that harsh. A round is usually… what, 6 seconds? She wasn’t in there for more than a dozen panels, and there’s a decent amount of air that goes down with the victim when swallowed. Given the size of our beasty, I’d say there’s probably at least a couple cubic feet of air to breathe in there, even accounting for it being slightly toxic. These girls are all warriors so their constitution is pretty damn good as it is, so with these two factors combined I’d say that they could probably survive a good 5 minutes at LEAST without passing out, let alone suffocating. Although from my experience it takes more than two rounds for a person to suffocate to death after passing out.
It’s broken due to simplification. What happens after passing out depends a lot about why are you suffocating and how will they try to rescue you. Like, there are cases when someone was rescued after hour underwater, but that was very cold water … still, should be at least several minutes.
… on the other hand, might not be that long if you breathe in digestive juices.
(On second panel) Lol , Paige thought she was going to kill her ?!
(Third panel) Yay Lyca survived! But why the way , what she saying to her ? Paige is sister of Bree?
And by the way, it’s me SBO1
Yes, it was revealed that Paige was Bree’s sister some time ago, just didn’t realise that Lyca knew that, don’t recall Paige ever mentioning Bree by name…
Ah , right
I’m also very relieved that Lyca made it out of the belly of the beast, and somehow looks adorable doing so (subtle artistic style change on her face/hair compared to previous of which I approve).
Secret – yeah, Paige is Bree’s sister, but she seems to share her sisters penchant for having wardrobe malfunctions/ending up mostly naked. This may be due to genetics or a family curse, but I suspect their family reunions are pretty fun to watch! Due to elven longevity, even blue-haired old auntie Mil’dred is probably still a hot and easy on the eyes. I’m sure auntie Mil’dred ends up wearing only an apron due to some horrible cooking accident at every family reunion…trust me, it’s a thing.
Everyone ends up naked at some point in this webic, just look at Lyca, Thess and Dam: when they first met Paige, they all had underwear and hooded cloaks
That observation would rule out my genetics theory and move the needle to ‘family curse’, which I approve of greatly in my headcanon. Female family members have lots of wardrobe malfunctions in Bree’s family due to some ancient curse, but it’s an area effect and gets any bystanders too.
Heh heh, it does seem a common affliction!
I’m continually impressed by the artist’s skills at showing figures, faces and scenes. And the ability to carry nudity along (realistically and tastefully, IMO) is very good too.
They are not naked simply for the sake of being naked (or titillation), there is always a reason for the nakedness (just like there was always a reason ‘in-world’ for when the actress’ who played the main character in “Merceneiress” were replaced)
Thank you very much!
The best kind of chest-burster.
The horned chesty-burster