I’m a big fan of King’s approach to writing which is to let the story go wherever it wants to… of course stories never actually want to be finished, so endings tend to be a bit… messy…
I think it’s more that they’re a blank form that’s been imbued with the echo of someone. They’re not really that person, not in any meaningful way. Kind of like a doll with a recording of someone’s voice in it.
Totally fucking called it (sort of)!
Those slime things are either former victims of the Devourer themselves, or echoes of former victims (like those people in the library in that episode of “Doctor Who”)
Now that poor slime girl’s unconscious body is free for the taking, by any random passerby.
Stranger: Whoa. Do you guys mind if I…?
Thess: Do what you will to her, she was just a dumb monster.
Stranger: Sweet. [starts fucking the D-girl’s big purple butt]
Paige: Please stop, she was my friend…
Stranger: [continuing] Sorry about this kid, your friend had a nice caboose.
Hopefully the other purple girl manages to eat Lyca’s juicy pussy and booty out.
It would also be nice to see Damina take a dick for her weak submissiveness, if the guy riding her muscular backside is still feeling up to it.
Soul eating monsters that prey on sympathy are the worst!
This is beginning to look like that story of Stephen King, “It” was it, right?
I’m a big fan of King’s approach to writing which is to let the story go wherever it wants to… of course stories never actually want to be finished, so endings tend to be a bit… messy…
So basically … they are kinda like undead people in slime form ?
I think it’s more that they’re a blank form that’s been imbued with the echo of someone. They’re not really that person, not in any meaningful way. Kind of like a doll with a recording of someone’s voice in it.
Only this doll will try and murder you.
I’m with Thess on this one.
Ah , right , ?
Seems weird and cool though
Is there mentioned that on some previous old pages or some lore page about it ?
Not yet, which makes everything I say an educated guess at best until we know more. So, you know, caveat emptor.
Totally fucking called it (sort of)!
Those slime things are either former victims of the Devourer themselves, or echoes of former victims (like those people in the library in that episode of “Doctor Who”)
Hey who turned out the lights?
Yes, those ones (sooo glad someone knew the vaguely described episode in question
Thess, sweetie, never leave yourself weaponless while still in combat like that!!
Guessing those slime do have teeth, poor Dam
Now any further naked springs episodes are going to be ruined for Paige… Thank fake friend slime!
i MAY…. have been cause I was several in when I read this BUT I could not stop laugh for a good minute after reading that last apnel
Heh heh, thanks!