Song. Cosmology time.
If the cosmology on the Delve works like it used to be taught…
The souls of the dead go to the deity they prayed to.
The prayer towards a different deity* gives the soul the choice of going to that other deity or sticking to their original one…
they are strong enough to resist the pull of either deity.
Was Tuul strong enough? Who knows.
*yes, that’s how sacrifying someone to an evil deity functions. Same mechanics.
Can’t watch videos at the moment, something wrong with the drivers (maybe?)
Personally don’t believe it matters who does the praying, it matters who answers
If it is the one being prayed for, then Tuul would still go towards the Devourer because he never, at least shown in comic, to renounce even after all he went through (remember, he still wanted Seph to eat him)
I am liking the story so far, and will definitely purchase any of it that goes to print.
I feel that the story would be better served if one or more orcs threw themselves at Bree’s mercy and begged her forgiveness. She might not accept, but that just drives the story too.
Isn’t that what Sark’s tribe did?
Butt yeah, would be nice if some of these were able to switch allegiance, at least join Sark (seeing how they are currently leaderless)
So whatever happened to the Delver’s Laws that were included way back at the beginning? Couldn’t continue to come up with enough new ones? I liked those.
Heh heh, I remember back in the day realizing that coming up with new Delver’s Laws was causing me more stress that I really didn’t need at the time. I’ve kinda called back to them in my Delve-related books like “Carry This!” which deals with a very novice party of delvers and their idealistic notions of what constitutes a proper delve.
I can’t help but notice that the orcs get weedier and less menacing when they’re shown running for their lives. I guess the big, athletically fit, impressive looking ones just say, “Screw that. Not running.” and sit down and slit their bellies. (Or maybe they just calmly walk away and we haven’t seen them go by yet.”
Chubby orc running = funny.
This is high art, man! 8)
Thought she was pregnant
She is cute, so happy she is still able to run
This page showing some nice melons and cake.
Soooo … how big are “her woods” and how much time did those orcs have?
Song. Cosmology time.
If the cosmology on the Delve works like it used to be taught…
The souls of the dead go to the deity they prayed to.
The prayer towards a different deity* gives the soul the choice of going to that other deity or sticking to their original one…
they are strong enough to resist the pull of either deity.
Was Tuul strong enough? Who knows.
*yes, that’s how sacrifying someone to an evil deity functions. Same mechanics.
Good theory!
When did Tuul change who he prayed to?
HE didn’t. SHE prayed for him. On her song. Listen to it, is good.
Can’t watch videos at the moment, something wrong with the drivers (maybe?)
Personally don’t believe it matters who does the praying, it matters who answers
If it is the one being prayed for, then Tuul would still go towards the Devourer because he never, at least shown in comic, to renounce even after all he went through (remember, he still wanted Seph to eat him)
There the “choice” part
Guesticules, just for you, YT transcript of the lyrics
Oh, goddess of the hearth and home I pray that you will hear And guide the lost and wayward soul Of one that I hold dear
He wanders now between the veils Through darkness he must roam I send him on his way to you Please welcome him back home
A servant of another god A master cold and hard I pray that you will take him in And heal his many scars
Though stranger he may be to you I swear his heart is true No sweeter gift can any give Than the one I send to you
Oh, goddess of the stone and knife Who maketh loaf to rise She who will not turn away The hungry and despised
Keeper of the sacred flame Oh, goddess hear my prayer Give shelter to the one I love Until I join him there
I am liking the story so far, and will definitely purchase any of it that goes to print.
I feel that the story would be better served if one or more orcs threw themselves at Bree’s mercy and begged her forgiveness. She might not accept, but that just drives the story too.
An interesting possibility, thanks!
Isn’t that what Sark’s tribe did?
Butt yeah, would be nice if some of these were able to switch allegiance, at least join Sark (seeing how they are currently leaderless)
So whatever happened to the Delver’s Laws that were included way back at the beginning? Couldn’t continue to come up with enough new ones? I liked those.
Heh heh, I remember back in the day realizing that coming up with new Delver’s Laws was causing me more stress that I really didn’t need at the time. I’ve kinda called back to them in my Delve-related books like “Carry This!” which deals with a very novice party of delvers and their idealistic notions of what constitutes a proper delve.
Heheh, anyone remember “The Weasel Patrol” and their motto? “Run away…Run away.
Miko’s Lament is very sweet and soothing. Great piece of work there.
Thought that that was the motto of Brave Sir Robin
I like that they can watch a horde of orcs in panicked flight and not ask “why are then running” but “what did Bree do this time?”
I can’t help but notice that the orcs get weedier and less menacing when they’re shown running for their lives. I guess the big, athletically fit, impressive looking ones just say, “Screw that. Not running.” and sit down and slit their bellies. (Or maybe they just calmly walk away and we haven’t seen them go by yet.”
Athletically fit orcs run faster. This are the last and slowest ones